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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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>i use punch cards to store my 'p so feds don't arrest me or however the terminal is scrolled


no one would ever say this because you would have enough punchcards to carpet the entire surface of the planet with though


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>kys glownigger CIA operative if you used libpoopOS you would be able to compress 1488 GB into one byte or however the insulin is administered


Kill yourself obsessed Windows XP faggot


kys obsessed Windows™ CE™ 2.11 compiled for the MIPS r3000 architecture faggot


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>do you guys want to buy my vacuum tube computer i've heard that glowniggers can't penetrate it's VPN with their BBCs or however the neovagina is dilated


>mips r3000
statistically inferior to any x86 KING


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>why are you using x86 that's CIA backdoored garbage you should be using 6800 instead


but only if its x86-S (amd64 is deprecated CHUD) with IME™, PSP™, MMX™, SSE™, AVX™, and TPM™


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>sse is spyware or however my cuck porn is displayed on my monitor


x86-s doesn't exist. What's your problem with MMX, SSE, and AVX?


doesnt know what it is and doesnt have it therefore da glowies da jooz da feds sour grapes


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monitor is proprietary hardware and a spying device, you should use punch cards or however the girldick is sucked


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>i forgot the meme arrow


x86S literally exists doe. also based 8080 get


It's still a proposal... it is a violation of my rights to remove segmentation from the CPU.


>it is a violation of my rights to remove 50 year old features no one actually uses


i use it.


how and why do you code in x86-16

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