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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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I just made a HTB accoun gem or coal?
I already know some C programming and bash scripting so don't call me a script kiddy (ev&o I'm less of a threat than a skid)
Once I'm done with all the free machines should I try to go and pay the fee to get VIP?


HTB is gemmy


I started recently too, but with thm, I think it's better for beginners, some boxes have handholding, some don't and there are no retired boxes (altough some of them are paywalled, but most are not). My plan is to graduate from thm to htb, get vip and grind it fucking day and night.
Also same, I learned (and still learning) C, bash etc, but I think it's essential to learn some python too because I often find myself looking at python code and you can make some shit pretty fast with it, like sending http requests is literally 2 lines.

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