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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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File: 1689932193592.png (27.59 KB, 598x628, android amerimutt soyjak g….png)ImgOps


>we need to connect the phone to a real computer via the usb line to use a terminal, let alone get root access or something


even doe you can just install a terminal app


File: 1689932476086.png (27.59 KB, 598x628, android amerimutt soyjak g….png)ImgOps

>we need to install "apps" to use a terminal, and need to install more "apps" to get root access or something like that


how do you expect to use a terminal without installing a terminal


because android is 'lunix based', lunix literally has emulated TTYs builtin
aside from that, everything runs in a terminal anyway behind the scenes, so why not let the users access it


how do you expect to use a tty without a keyboard


File: 1689934899737.png (449.05 KB, 640x400, rms laughing.png)ImgOps

>phonetoddlers don't even have a keyboard


File: 1689979257403.mp4 (18.38 MB, 640x360, Pinephone Keyboard Review-….mp4)ImgOps

>how do you expect to use a tty without a keyboard
By getting a keyboard.



If you want a laptop then buy a laptop

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