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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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X11fags will never recover from this


Doesn't work.

This is just fact.


BSD won


Uhm sweaty, that's not the same athena


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>yeah goy our insecure-by-design datamining display server was totally NOT developed by the CIA
>keep using it, you dont want to be a tranny like those wayland users right?


I would use Wayland if it worked


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gayland is broken by design, and X11 is designed to give the user freedom and full control over his computer
if i want to do this i will do it, and i don't need hecking root to do it


werks on my machine
enjoy getting datamined


It only works on your shitpad because it's 20 year old hardware that only freetards use


i dont own a troonpad though


Are you guys trolling or what, wayland works on every my pc without a problem, you might be retards that can't even install a program.


yeah same
X11 troons are not ok in the head
they will use insecure datamining software and pretend a display server that is used by every major distro at this point is somehow an unstable mess


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you literally just described gayland trannies, you have no modelines, you have no fractional scaling, you have no hardware acceleration, you have no native programs, and you will never be a real display server.
you take up 2 gigs of ram in idle just because of kikewire dbus and other cancer being forced down your throat, you are bloated and insecure, you are riddled with bugs and vulnerabilities, you can be keylogged as easily as X11, but it just makes it more complicated for the user to keylog himself and do things like display keystrokes on his monitor
webrtc and god forbit, screen sharing will never work, kikewire is required by your utterly deranged "security" model to do even basic things, you will enjoy your audio underruns and crackled sounds despite having NICE -11, or randomly dying audio, and you vill enjoy 80% CPU usage when playing back a FLAC file.
>every major distro
i dunno but i have yet to see any distro using gayland as default display server, other than FEDora and maybe jewbuntu
arch doesn't even have all the shit required for a semi-functional WM in the repos, you have to rely on 20 AUR PKGBUILDs to even get a working key rem-
oh wait, you cant remap keys at all, i forgot about that, good fucking luck remapping \ (aka <), the ISO key between lshift and z, to a mod key, or doing anything to any key that isnt esc, caps, ctrl, shift, or alt, because gayland wont let you.
oh, and dont even get me started on being able to change your screen resolution
you don't even have custom modelines kek, you will be stuck with your crappy 80hz and will never be able to interlace
meanwhile X11 chads can do 420Hz without any issues, or 1488x1488@88Hz just to piss off flatscreen tards.


now try to screenshare in a web browser or run literally any program that isnt gtk or qt...
you will still run X11 under the hood for 99% of all programs that arent qt or gtk, that means literally every program other than firefucks people actually use.
and no, gimp and emacs DON'T support gayland.


thinkpad chads use X11 because gayland has too crappy performance, it literally eats up half of your ram in idle for no fucking reason and doesnt even allow you to set custom monitor modes, its utter trash.
oh yeah, you also need like 20 environment variables to even make programs use gayland natively instead of Xgayland, so have fun with that.


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>i dunno but i have yet to see any distro using gayland as default display server, other than FEDora and maybe jewbuntu
so 90% of the desktop linux market share? lmao


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This is copium. Many big distros use Wayland by default. KDE and Guhnome default to it afaik
And the distros that don't use Wayland by default are increasingly planning to switch to it in the near future.
It just werks. picrel


Wayland support is coming to emacs 29 with pure gtk cope


>you will still run X11 under the hood for 99% of all programs that arent qt or gtk
Not my problem, I don't use non-qt/gtk apps.


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>muh market share
what "market", what are you selling?
i tried using gayland and couldnt even remap keys, let alone change my monitor modelines
or screenshare without 20 environment variables and installing xdg-desktop-portal cancer, then running 5 things in the background as daemons to make it semi-work
...which crashed every 5 hours so i had to manually restart it
i said in a web browser, firefuck or chr*moium
natively, not with some fake webcam hackaround
what comes next, proprietary codebase and pride flags in your bars?




Wayland sucks


>i said in a web browser, firefuck or chr*moium
That was the dialog that opened when i tried to screenshare from chrome.


doesn't work properly on nvidia. There are a billion issues.


God I hate pipewire wayland shit. To just get the window texture you have to write 2000 lines of code for gayland. Meanwhile in x11 it's around 4 lines or so. AND the x11 version performs better, on amd, intel and nvidia.


because Xorg was meant as a full featured replacment for windows while wayland is just a base
you can just put "Xorg links -g" into ~/.xinitrc and run startx and you are using Xorg.


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X11 chuds cant stop winning
this is unironically what i do for videogames, i kill X11, XINITRC=/home/fed/muhgayme startx, problem solved


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