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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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>my gay porn viewing device has a cracked screen so now i need to give tim apple $1000 to replace it or something


androidcucks really think this when i really just pay a pakistani guy 300 dollars to change my screen with a nicer one. how much is it gonna cost you in hospital bills when your phone explodes in your hand


kek, fuck apple


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>300$ for a new shitty flatscreen
i pay 20$ for a CRT that outperforms every flatscreen under this sun, or 50$ for an entire thinkpad with a flatscreen thats still better than any TFT/OLED/non-IPS crapple garbage.
>phone explodes in your hand
you mean like iShit?


let alone that you can't even repair the thing yourself because you need a hecking microscope or however the DRM is encrypted


Crts are shit albeit


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Kill yourself obsessed android faggot


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CRTs are the best monitors ever made, and the only real monitors ever made
X11 is literally built around CRTs, using flatscreens is a hack.


iNigger's obviously never seen a samsung


I transheart radon too


The Sony GDM-F520 had an MSRP of $1,800 ($3,000 in 2023 dollars) and was infamously expensive. For comparison, the 27GR95QE can be had for $900. What CRT people fail to realize is that CRTs were and still are extremely expensive to produce, which is why we moved to LCD displays. They are cheaper. In 2005, the same time that the GDM-F520 was on the market, you could have gotten a high-end LCD monitor for $350.

What you are doing is pitting a $3,000 monitor nobody could afford against a $900 monitor and then gloating about how the $3,000 monitor "won." No shit it won. If you compare a shitty CRT like what most people had against a LCD, the LCD will likely win. And don't give me that shit about "muh 420Hz 4k on CRT." You could only get those timings on extremely expensive CRTs with fine dot pitches, not what most people had. If you tried to go too high res, lets say above 1024x768 on a shitty PIXIE CRT, the timing circuitry would fail and you would get a rolling broken picture, And none of my CRTs can deal with Mac DB-15 timings at 640x480 even though they are supposed to be 60Hz based timings. Said timings work fine on my IPS LCD.


I have a 13" retina display thoughie


you dont need a phone worth more than $150




yet you find them in good condition for 50-400$ nowdays, while new flatscreens cost up to 2000$
still, a 2000$ flatscreen can barely keep up with a good CRT priced for 300$ nowdays because its used and ""trash""


Because they are USED. GNUSchizo(TM) will boast about how good CRTs are and how we should all use them and how LCDs are bad. But he is experiencing the top of the line $3,000 models vs. the shitty $300 models that all failed years ago because of survivorship bias. I can find a quality LCD monitor used for around $5-$10 but a CRT will run $200-$300 used.


waychad is better


LCDs will start to degrade after 1-5 years doe
and i paid 50$ for my 2070sb
even my 10$ dumpster CRT with fixed VGA cable that cant do more than roughly 1024x768@80 is better than any flatscreen piece of shit, just because of motion blur, dead pixels, latency, native fixed resolutions, low refresh rates, etc etc…


cant use custom modelines
cant remap keys
literally useless garbage


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>nooo you have to spend your weekly salary on a phone even though its only useful for phone calls and texting and you can do everything else on your desktop computer or on a laptop and also you can take much better looking photos with a camera
phones worth $200 or more are a waste of money, dont call me poor because I make good financial decisions
let me guess, you have a spotify subscribtion too? maybe netflix? And the reason why I dont have them is because I'm poor? Not because I want to listen to my music or watch my shit in an actual good quality?
Consoomerniggers are the worst

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