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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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As a stopgap against CP, image uploading is effectively disabled, and all boards except /soy/ are locked. We are actively working on a more permanent solution to stop CP.

File: 1692507060557.png (7.13 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)ImgOps






bn m,ekfdv

File: 1692506922583.gif (4.71 MB, 326x498, really really hard.gif)ImgOps


im very confused but glad we have a hope again

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Hopefully this new owner is clean

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>frogtroons lost keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek





same image retard


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>same image retard

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New admin you NEED to be open with us, without communication and transparency trannies take over and internal drama festers
Even doll who was the best about this failed since he kept stuff with red and his own finances secret




sooooooooooooot add pinktext NOW



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Doll explain yourself right now.

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Hoi 'teens!
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Coco got me like


me when i ask what someone's fetishes are


go UP




what did she post doe


>how do I youtubeqoute waaah waahh


Should i feed chicks or baby rats to my pet monitor?


Am i evil for just liking to hear them chirp even if they're getting their bones crushed dissolved and digested


12 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I want to suffocate in those bloxooners, I want all of those roblox girls to fuck and suck my BLOX CLOX off. Ms. Bloxxes'alot is doing it to me. truly beautiful. life is roblox. I AM BLOXXING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


never been so turned on in my life.. goonblox era.


'blox truthnvke






Frogniggers lost


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>Frogniggers lost


transpepecoin will eclipse pepecoin soon. SELL PEPE BUY TRANSPEPE


better buy meds

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Can I get an S? (S!)
And if you hit me with the H-A-R-T-Y
Then you would see why
The 'rty's here for y'all
The catalog is calling us all in
So chuds start up your 'puters
Set off the queers
Open the 'ru and post 'jaks with the mega ears
Close the bunker right now, make the troons ack
Because the Sharty is now finally back
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


so heckin true


Link to image since images uploading is disabled.


holy high effort emerald


Nah bruh shut this shit down the internet was a better place while this was down


>soicvcks took down the original


death to soypedokikes

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