Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 03:58:53 № 4409158
it's the anti-teen
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 03:59:28 № 4409161
i want to know who is "we" doe
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 04:00:08 № 4409169
>>4409161 probably a joint buyout or some shit
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 04:03:09 № 4409189
Hotdog penis is like clay hotdog penis is like god hotdog penis is here to fix us all
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 04:03:33 № 4409192
he is a villain doe
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 04:04:22 № 4409198
>villain even doe saint that saved the sharty
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 04:05:11 № 4409203
>>4409151 >>This site and its previous administrators is riddled with incompetency and failures. That's true but what are they planning to do to combat these "failures"? Is this becoming 4cuck 2?
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 04:06:40 № 4409213
>>4409151 because he is a vilain.
>>4409203 basically. expect no fun allowed
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 04:20:42 № 4409297
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 04:25:15 № 4409316
>>4409297 soycuck i ain't the antiteen
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 05:01:17 № 4409487
>>4409203 probably have some way of auto detecting and deleting/reporting 'p to feds because otherwise its not possible to stay up. assuming he can back up the shit he's talking on previous admins. He's not wrong because both kuz and doll were retards who ignored 'p and max is a jew who doesn't care.
Chud 08/20/23 (Sun) 05:04:20 № 4409501
He should do what Max suggested and make it so that you can only post images/gifs/vids from the 'ru. Also, you could have jannies verify non-'ru posts/replies.