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how do I youtubeqoute waaah waahh


click on embed
put a video link


Every link I try says something about being not recognizable and before I tried with the computer's embed feature and it also didn't work


>Couldn't make sense of the URL of the video you tried to embed.


>go to youtube on private browser
>look up some sharty shit
>click to the regular menu
>recommends me 'zellig


get rid of everything after the &


thank you


my yt url doesnt have a & in it


then just embed it


still not working waah waah


post the link your trying to embed grandpa



not the one I'm trying to embed doe but for example:
https://youtu.be/rjNUF-vKNAM (youtube app link)
Also the other guy is not me
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rjNUF-vKNAM&feature=youtu.be (Google page link)
https://youtu.be/rjNUF-vKNAM (link in desktop mode)
https://www.youtube.com/embed/rjNUF-vKNAM (link from "embed" option in desktop mode)


get rid of the m.
i think if you try to embed in mobile its fucked


did that and it still doesnt work



you gotta get rid of the & too

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