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i watched the first 2 minutes of 'zellig this is the most coal shit ive ever seen is this supposed to be funny? the funniest shit i saw is when i tabbed out to a Swedish chef video because thats how these faggots sound




to fucking who? who thinks this? because this shit is tranny the only thing keeping me watching is the fucking Swedish chef video i keep playing in the background


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>i watched the first 2 minutes of 'zellig this is the most coal shit ive ever seen is this supposed to be funny? the funniest shit i saw is when i tabbed out to a Swedish chef video because thats how these faggots sound


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'kaki test


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>can't even 'kaki
it's over


what these niggas tryna say


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>Ja, da cheeseheads are not very good bork?


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Your front door is unlocked


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ok i've come to the conclusion this can only be enjoyable to the most terminally online group of people imaginable its incredibly obvious "xer just like me" bait that falls flat if you are not a litterally tranny. since i am not a tranny i do not enjoy it. simple as that

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