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Logan Cooper is STILL ADMIN.


The plan was earlier this week… Only you never saw it.

Max, Kolyma, and tons of 'cord trannies and j*rtycucks were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes were shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the Soy population to accept. Restoring the domain and showing the crimes of these troons could lead to Soyvil War.

So an agreement was reached: Max and other Kolyma elements will be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. Admin DOLL would "concede" and leave the internet. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, DOLL is still Admin.

This plan, known as ShadowAdmin, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens in the next 4 years is actually DOLL's doing.

If you read his speech and are a true soyteen, you already know.

What exactly did he say about "leaving"?

Why were those specific songs that were playing during his arrival and departure chosen? It was a signal, if you are able to see it. But you already would have if you weren't a shill.

"We Sold Our Homesteads". "Gem Cobbity". What do these songs have in common? What is the meaning of their placement in the statement? You will find your confirmation here.

Logan Cooper is STILL ADMIN.



bro thinks im reading all that 💀💀💀


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Erm…I don't believe you




aint reading allat nigga 💀💀🖐


Mooooom he made a better conspiracy theory than mine waaaahhh waaaahh




In a covert plan dubbed "ShadowAdmin," Logan Cooper remains the hidden administrator despite the staged departure of Admin DOLL after the arrest and trial of several individuals. Symbolic song choices like "We Sold Our Homesteads" and "Gem Cobbity" hold hidden meaning, serving as signals to those who understand, revealing Cooper's continued control.


>slash QA is blue and there's nothing i can do
prophecising his role in shutting down the 'farty

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