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/a/ - Anime

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File: 1686025110299.mp4 (2.69 MB, 1280x720, ハルヒの告白 .mp4)ImgOps

 35172[View All]

216 posts and 188 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Blasphemy albeit


File: 1689876857946.jpg (422.65 KB, 651x1000, Yuki shield.jpg)ImgOps

What the fuck this kike did to 'party?


File: 1689877163377.png (281.92 KB, 753x800, 1686445885805475.png)ImgOps

It's over



File: 1689973945093.webm (30.12 MB, 848x480, [HQ] Skittles AMV! ~by Ko….webm)ImgOps

You probably already saw this


File: 1690017545609.jpg (228.3 KB, 510x800, 75912285_p6.jpg)ImgOps

I want to start making edits too, will start with something simpler like OP vid


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Here's your Haruhi, bro


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Why is her hair green?


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She dyed it


kinsoku jikou desu


fucking feminists


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Don't open it


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Kyonko best girl though


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found this ancient gem on netflower


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More Kyonko




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I really liked this anime back then, even read the novels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8NFjixgQvU&list=RDr8NFjixgQvU&start_radio=1


you should give color to your drawings, but still cute


File: 1691068509993.gif (1.47 MB, 1002x903, d79v11c-66f73452-3cb8-45ca….gif)ImgOps

kumikyoku nnd haruhi ver


I'll get to it one day, right now I want to focus on drawing face and also how to draw from different angles


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`cuck died again


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File: 1691399911481.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 991.26 KB, 768x768, thai-amulet.jpeg)ImgOps

dunno where i fiound this image, but it was not the spam i saw on www.thailandfoundation.org which is full of porn


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Thanks for letting me know you didn't watch the anime or you're 60iq nigger


File: 1691422399276.png (21.8 KB, 1068x790, IMG_2368.png)ImgOps

>if you don’t watch this one anime I obsess over like a faggot then you’re a nigger or however the troonslop media is pumped out


If you unironically like this shit - it's over, just end yourself.


Trvth bomb




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1 week too early




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Haruhi Soyzumiya


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all saved


Hi cuban


"besides me"
therefore you're a fag too


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