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/a/ - Anime

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 35172[Last 50 Posts]



haruhi suzumiya


Beat anime


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I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
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I will not rewatch it
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I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it
I will not rewatch it


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Kyon is the most underated anime guy thoughever I love him and he is literally me


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Same, I instantly liked him. Also Sugita is a perfect va for him


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Season 3? New novel?


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>2 seasons and a movie is enough to me they tell a perfect story and another one would just be a cashgrab like the Yuki Nagato spin of.


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Yuki spin-off had a shit source material though, but the rest of the original novels are as good and Surprise is giga kino. I don`t see a single reason why Kyoanus shouldn`t adapt the rest (But I know Kadokawa are just reverse jews)


I don't think any of the directors and storyboard artists are working in the industry, it would be a souless boring to look at. Haruhi wasn't just source material, there is a reason why ring order was not chronological and that was the directors decision.
Endless 8 is such a good pleb filter couse ADHD retards cant slow down and appreciate the shot composition in different episodes.




What are those spamming niggers doing


Up again


Stay up


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I agree. But I still hope Tanigawa properly finishes the novel without rushing anything. I want to know what's inside that box Kyon gifted to Haruhi on SOS brigade's 1 year anniversary


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Aryan breeders


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>Aryan breeders even though 2 of them are asian and one is an alien robot


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>>Aryan breeders even though 2 of them are asian and one is an alien robot


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Proof Mikuru is Asian? She's genetically modified human from future. And probably a descendant from Haruhi and Kyon, that's why she was told not to try to fuck her great great great great great grandfather


>Proof Mikuru is Asian?
>a descendant from Haruhi and Kyon
Retard you just said it yourself


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Interesting theory but also this >>36512


I liked the one where she changes her hairstyle each day
Always found that OMGSISA


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Not that chud, but it's in the second episode in broadcast order


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Yeah I just remembered that literally 10 seconds after I posted that, I need to rewatch the show.
I remembered that Kyon told her to cut her hair, but I forgot why.


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>I remembered that Kyon told her to cut her hair, but I forgot why.
She did it herself though, and in the novel he even mentions he got a little bit depressed because of that. She's so much prettier with long hair


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Also, when Kyon accidently jumps into future, novel says she has grown out her hair but mangaka still depicted her with short hair.


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He said she looks better with short hair in a movie though


That's the good stuff


even doe she doesn't


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Short hair fits her personality doe




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this made me feel weirdly /calm/ even though i havnt watched the anime, i will watch it now. thank you.


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Make sure to watch it in broadcast order. First episode should start with this https://youtu.be/O7nk1dLGMtk


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>17 years ago


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Gem MANime I watched about 3 years ago


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This image is from Reddit and a pleb that made it doesn't understand why you should actually watch it in a broadcast order


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Is there any reason to watch it in broadcast order besides it being better and more interesting?


there’s a translation for the DS haruhi game: https://haroohie.club/ still waiting on them to finish it but yeah they’re planning on doing the rest someday


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One of the main reasons I like Haruhi is because she didn't give in to normalcuck npc lifestyle and saved Kyon from it too. Very inspiring character https://soyjak.party/soy/thread/3653641.html%233653772


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Fucking link doesn't work, anyway


>Better and more interesting
Isn't that enough? And the main reason is that the story is just better, if you watch in the Reddit order they pay of comes to soon and the last couple of episodes with are less plot heavy feel like a fealer. Just trust me its better in the broadcast order.
Also the first episode is much more enjoyable if you don't know what the hell is going on with it, and its fun to see how it came to it later in the series.


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I'm not him >>36533, I've already watched Haruhi in both orders.
I was just wondering if there was something more to broadcast order . I agree, especially with this
>they pay of comes to soon and the last couple of episodes with are less plot heavy feel like a fealer
And mixing 2006 and 2009 art styles feels weird too.


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I go OMGSISA every time I see her


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>Digitoon deboonked haruhi season 3 5 years ago
haruhi bros...


Literally who? Don't care


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>I don't like the opinion of the most important tranime youtuber of 2010s so I'm gonna pretend I don't know who he is


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Meds, I don't watch any tranime youtubers because they are all annoying faggots. Also Haruhi s3 is happening


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>Haruhi season 3 is happening even though its not


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Haruhi s3 is happening. Trust the plan. H.


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Non-believers out


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>watashi tsuiteiku yo
>donna tsurai sekai no yami no naka de sae
>kitto anata wa kagayaite
>koeru mirai no hate
>yowasa yue ni tamashii kowasarenu you ni
>my way kasanaru yo
>ima futari ni God bless...


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I hate this pic. If I were recommending anime I like to someone, I wouldn't say "you can skip this episode, oh you can actually skip all episodes and watch only movie". All Haruhi episodes are good and necessary to watch to understand who these characters really are


Just posted it couse it shows the difference betweenn broadcast order and chronological order


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I wanted to post this. Anyway Kyon's.
Also there's Haruhi only version https://youtu.be/7zhgyAbsMko



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>Sneaker Bunko opened the website for their 35th anniversary
>Haruhi is right in the middle of the promotional image
>They also say that there will be news about one of their "legendary titles"


Digibro already deboonked that


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Maybe its dual audio


i'm trans btw


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8kun schizo is one of us


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I need that pic


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My favourite op




That's hyouka


ADHD zoomer loged in


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Selfish little fuck eating your lunch


My wife Nagato


Just realised this is the first real general on this board, the vn ones are just to trannies posting some pictures from Twitter every 2 days and DBZ one was also only bumped when the spics would get banned from 'cuck.


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I`m honestly surprised this thread managed to take off on soy/a/ out of all places. Most people on `cuck forgot about Haruhi and most `teens don`t watch anime, so I expected this thread to die quickly


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>Most people on `cuck forgot about Haruhi
Really? I never go there but it was one of the shows that /a/ was obsessed with.


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Well, on the novel's 20th anniversary there were 4 threads that reached bump limit, otherwise if you don't start thread with coomer shit like fat Haruhi pic (guaranteed 100 replies) , thread will die quickly


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>is only known for walking through the door



Stay up


Dude seriously I tried to watch it and dropped it half way first episode for 3 months then tried again got halfway past 3rd episode and dropped it again. It's all just BLAH BLAH BLAH whats even the point of the anime?


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>chuddy tries to watch his first sol anime
The point for Kyon is to stop trying to fit in with normalcuck NPCs just because it's the "right thing to do" and to do things he actually enjoys doing (Hanging out with Haruhi and solving all the mystery stuff with aliens, time travelers and Haruhi being a God...)

The point for Haruhi is to see that everyday normal life also can be good and to learn to have fun in a more normal way without isolating herself from everyone or trying to completely recreate this world from scratch

Why is plot going nowhere such a big issue for people? Aside from E8 = le bad, it's the only complaint I see about Haruhi. Just sit back and enjoy character interaction, their progress, etc


it's garbage
fandom is similar to Lain (trannies)

the only person I've ever heard express this
>Why is plot going nowhere such a big issue for people?
opinion, trooned out a few years later


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I respect your opinion, but I guess moe just isn't for me. Back to watching ShonenGOD anime.


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You probably don't event watch anime faggot


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>Fat haruhi
g/a/y is degenerate


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What does she need these muscles for? Does she intend to revenge-rape Kyon for his actions in that one doujinshi?


His known for other things also though


"he's" retard


It's moe.
I've watched

A blur of dozens of late 2000's/early 2010's moeshit like an indistinguishable sludge


Its not though


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Calling Haruhi moe is as retarded as calling Evangelion mecha. But even in Evangelion there's more mecha than there's moe in Haruhi


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I see my Goddess, I kneel


I see your satan I stand up


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Cope. I don't care if they praddle on and on. It. Is. Moe. Just look at it.


Doesn't look like moe to me


eva is clearly mecha tho


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Eva's main focus is on psychology and philosophy though


Its not a mecha, eva's are not machines, they're living kaiju's.


Its mostly about depresion.
All 3 main characters are different kind of depressed, and the moral is that you have to keep living no matter how hard it is.


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Like I said psychology


So is Gundam


Focus is on giant robot monsters, their pilots and the fate of civilisation, standard mecha




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Genderbend haruhi do be gemmy though


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It's Haruki now doe
There are tons of these gemmy vids,too bad jewtube will delete all channels that were inactive for 2 years


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>jewtube will delete all channels that were inactive for 2 years
What the fuck!
So many old undiscovered gems will be lost forever...


Try telling that to /a/ and /m/.
They are very autistic about this.



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>deboonked by engadget
Thank science, gems like this video are save


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>suggest friend to watch Haruhi
>he learns that Haruhi is a god
>doesn't want to watch anymore because "everything" has already been told in the 4th episode
>calls it a 4 episode anime with "payoff" too soon
>unironically goes to watch isekai vending machine anime
Is he retarded? I think he is and I doubt he knows what a "payoff" really means


Normies are not able to consume media like thinking people do. He really just dropped it couse its "old and weird" payoff is just a random buzzword for him to use as an excuse.


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Post Haruhi gems


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Haruhi if she real




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First this >>36704 and now this


you are retarded for not mentioning the watching order. kyoani did good about the pacing and stuff but little "muh canon" chudcels made them stick to the book order


I did mention him to watch in the broadcast order. >>37273 and it`s not the 4th, but 5th episode*


ceci n'est pas un pipe


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should I watch season 2? I hated endless eight and the island mystery arc


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But endless eight is part of s2?
>should I watch season 2
Yes, Tanabata episode and movie arc are gems


I feel that way too many people underappreciate Kyon


More eat ze bugs propaganda in tranime


Gay people are only 4% of the global population


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Season3isntrealbros... I don't feel good about this one



>On set together for the first time in forever...

>We're recording together
>As always,
>Sugita-san is still Sugita-san(*´꒳`*)
>What kind of scene is still a secret
>Please also look forward to the KyoAni festival!


>Haruhi hater exposes xemselves to be a tranny


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I'm glad it made you feel that way. Haruhi is a classic


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Now I want to see Haruhi in a clamp manga.


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/dbs/ derail


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One Piece Derail
We are brothers


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Sorry Guys, but due to the overwhelming amount of homosexuals in this thread, I will be derailing it and killing faggots as well


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Who are our heroes (and krillin) so afraid of?


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PSYCHOku revealed his true nature that was disguised by his "pure hearted being" farce


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Wow! A moedog wrote all that shit! And I didn't read a SINGULAR letter!



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notice how there hasn't been any discussion of the moeshitter's shit in over 25 posts geg


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>0 trannies in one piss community?
You trolling?


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Kill yourself already, niggerish retards


live yourselves already, aryanish geniuses.


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>we became aryan when Adolf Himmler raped us after Great Taco War or however head is beheaded


kys nishitjou moeblob troon don't bring kaijigeniuses into this


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>kys nishitjou moeblob troon don't bring kaijigeniuses into this


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Kaiji is moe, look how cute he is


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>>kys nishitjou moeblob troon don't bring kaijigeniuses into this


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I love kanon girls


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>irrelevant pathetic troonbait jobber added by demons who invaded CHADda’s head
Okay moeDOG remind me how many troons have one STRAIGHT pfps again? And how many have your shitty series’ pfps? And how many muscular high T men watch your series vs one piece and dragon ball? Dragon Ball and One Piece are BY FAR the most MASCULINE AND HIGH T MANGA/ANIME IN THE WORLD


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>moeDOGS trying to have a conversation


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>Chud 35 minutes ago №37927

File (show): 1689486452821.jpeg (682.31 KB, 828x1290, BD1AE7DD-8A58-42C1-AEEB-1….jpeg) ImgOps

>irrelevant pathetic troonbait jobber added by demons who invaded CHADda’s head
Okay moeDOG remind me how many troons have one STRAIGHT pfps again? And how many have your shitty series’ pfps? And how many muscular high T men watch your series vs one piece and dragon ball? Dragon Ball and One Piece are BY FAR the most MASCULINE AND HIGH T MANGA/ANIME IN THE WORLD

Chud 34 minutes ago №37928

File (show): 1689486539940.jpeg (78.58 KB, 1200x675, E90A86D2-A852-443D-9EDA-D….jpeg) ImgOps

>moeDOGS trying to have a conversation



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This is Thai Small Penis amulet i saw on some thailandfoundation.org website one is a small bent penis amulet and the other is a large monkey penis amulet. Thailand has a lot of these wooden and other penises. The penis brings good luck in Thailand and is very popular


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Cope troon.
Haruhi has zero tranny characters.
One piss Has 2 confirmed ones.


Shonennigger sissies... This can't be


I regret ignoring this song for so long


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Yamato is NOT a tranny. Idk about that other irrelevant jobber probably just a gag character western editors put in. Also why did you forgot our favorite representation of trannies in one piece! Maybe because you yourself are a tranny and can’t bare to face what GOATda really thinks of you.


funny, now you admit tranny piss has trannies


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Oda portrays them accurately albeit


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DOESNT every Chud edit have trannies in it? They are the equivalent of Bernd.
>oh, this film talking about behead trannies from ISIS has trannies in it? ISIS = tranny group!!
Actually bait tier


Oda said she's a troon, cope one piss troon also you're argument is that
>You say there are tranny character in piss but there is actually even more tranny characters in piss
Kys troon


coal. use pooner 'jak


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massive fail,kek


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Yuki is not how you spell One Piece and Dragon Ball


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>you say there are trannies in one p- ACK!! ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK


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tranny is off xer meds again


You can see estrogyne dripping from this gif




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I believe


Blasphemy albeit


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What the fuck this kike did to 'party?


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It's over



File: 1689973945093.webm (30.12 MB, 848x480, [HQ] Skittles AMV! ~by Ko….webm)ImgOps

You probably already saw this


File: 1690017545609.jpg (228.3 KB, 510x800, 75912285_p6.jpg)ImgOps

I want to start making edits too, will start with something simpler like OP vid


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Here's your Haruhi, bro


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Why is her hair green?


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She dyed it


kinsoku jikou desu


fucking feminists


File: 1690670344687.png (Spoiler Image, 2.71 MB, 2000x1656, 1690670023360511.png)ImgOps

Don't open it


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Kyonko best girl though


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File: 1690744595836.webm (24.45 MB, 720x410, squall(HQ).webm)ImgOps

found this ancient gem on netflower


File: 1690875128418-0.jpg (373.4 KB, 1114x1600, 1452495271492.jpg)ImgOps

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More Kyonko




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I really liked this anime back then, even read the novels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8NFjixgQvU&list=RDr8NFjixgQvU&start_radio=1


you should give color to your drawings, but still cute


File: 1691068509993.gif (1.47 MB, 1002x903, d79v11c-66f73452-3cb8-45ca….gif)ImgOps

kumikyoku nnd haruhi ver


I'll get to it one day, right now I want to focus on drawing face and also how to draw from different angles


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`cuck died again


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dunno where i fiound this image, but it was not the spam i saw on www.thailandfoundation.org which is full of porn


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Thanks for letting me know you didn't watch the anime or you're 60iq nigger


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>if you don’t watch this one anime I obsess over like a faggot then you’re a nigger or however the troonslop media is pumped out


If you unironically like this shit - it's over, just end yourself.


Trvth bomb




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1 week too early




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Haruhi Soyzumiya


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all saved


Hi cuban


"besides me"
therefore you're a fag too


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