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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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 111243Locked[View All]

Good evening teens, I am DOLL, the owner of the party and the booru. You may use this thread to ask me questions about the site, status of the various teams, and improvements we may make to the community. I work long hours during the week but I will do my best to check in here to respond to questions.
334 posts and 71 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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and the other is your cord buddies and proxies




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it may surprise you to find out that not everyone likes red's mgmt style and it doesnt take samefags to communicate the point


>self inserting
>vantablack dust jak
Meds now


All he’d have to do is ban NAS from /soy/ and actually enforce it.


Nigger there is no rival it's just red favoring and keeping up nas but then banning other nas he doesn't like which makes the log shit


It would be nice if we’d ban all NAS like the good old days, but kuz and soot didn’t even need to ban NAS to keep the log gemmy. A rouge zellig thread here and another rouge frog thread there was fine. It’s literally just the person deciding which NAS stays and which gets you insta banned is an under developed man who self inserts as a soylita drawn by a troon.



okay the janny deleted the file showing a bunch of IPs but kept thread up. didn't even move it to qa. Doll, you actually need to do something about this.


Peer-approved truthbomb



the ""soyteens"" in this thread are worse than actual jannies. watch them squirm for hours over a single thread they don't like like a little baby instead of gemming it up


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all you had to do was follow the rules and move the threads


every time I gem up threads the jannies remove it doe


I personally like red and don't think the way rules are enforced is much different now than it was under you but I don't really care if you fire him just as long as you're still able to handle the mod team yourself without adding unnecessary stress


mods turn of tor posting ==NOW==


retard you get banned for doing that now


You get banned for hemming shit up doeever


Hello people who do nothing but whine all day in this thread, it is extremely easy to add your own word filter!


thank you doll


thanks dolly. also ban tor users. they add nothing to the site other than a risk of 'p


Doll, please do fire him. I've been on the site since the last ten days of Kuz's rule, so I've seen pretty much solely your moderation and I believe that the gemmiest and most fun parts of your reign thus far were from the area between Kuz's full resignation to some days after July 7, when Red was first publicly employed. You're a very busy person, and I hate to desire for you to take further management than what you already do since you seem like someone who doesn't get enough breaks to just sit down and relax, but firing Red and taking control of the whole mod team would massively improve the function of the 'party entirely. You are far bolder and "to-the-point" than Red has ever been and it would be far better for the sharty as a whole if you re-enabled an enforcement of the rules just as you had originally intended.


doll please let us upload images

Made through Tor


also shoot anyone that complains about banning shit, i fucking hate this, i come here to shitpost not read through rule after nuanced rule on what flavor of shit on the log is allowed
thank you, god bless

Made through Tor


are there unironically faggots trying to ban soydueling?
don't give in to these no fun allowed cucks who complain about whatever they personally dislike in hopes that the rules will be changed to please them, because these kinds of people will never be satisfied.


Tsmt. Welcome newnog


also red did nothing wrong, the only two groups complaing about him are either poltroons who cant take a joke and want to ban everything funny or newgods who think senselessly changing everything around every few weeks is good and productive for the sharty

Made through Tor


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>also red did nothing wrong, the only two groups complaing about him are either poltroons who cant take a joke and want to ban everything funny or newgods who think senselessly changing everything around every few weeks is good and productive for the sharty
>Made through Tor


>also red did nothing wrong, the only two groups complaing about him are either poltroons who cant take a joke and want to ban everything funny or newgods who think senselessly changing everything around every few weeks is good and productive for the sharty
>Made through Tor

Made through Tor



Made through Tor


wtf dont fire him he is just joking probably


>gemming it up
jannies will ban you instantly if you do that retard


he's not fucking joking this faggot is supposed to be taking everything seriously since he's the head moderator
he's not joking or fucking with us


If his moderation is all just a big joke then he isn't a good head moderator.


if (You) are giving an admission then then this is why an insecure shitposter shouldnt be manager and head moderator


Allowing tor posting is already disaster since people are spamming cp onion links with it and spam bots using it


but i dont want to use (((vpns)))

Made through Tor


You come here to be a newGod Twitter migrant. /soy/ was always supposed to be IAS only and doll doesn’t have the ability to maintain /soy/ with NAS.



Do a poll, then follow through with the results. If people want him fired, then do it


I will be taking back the position of manager for the moderation team until a new manager is found.


Glad to hear it, DOLL.



Made through Tor


holy science he actually did it
also doll please just mass unban all tor exits it would be nice

Made through Tor




>I put a faggot in charge of the jannies and now I'm getting rid of him! fucking worship me!
Nobody is falling for your Sejanus-and-Tiberius bullshit



interesting move dolly doo, just make sure it doesn't cause you any more stress than you currently have


Unban TND


you're a squid now?????

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