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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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 111243Locked[Last 50 Posts]

Good evening teens, I am DOLL, the owner of the party and the booru. You may use this thread to ask me questions about the site, status of the various teams, and improvements we may make to the community. I work long hours during the week but I will do my best to check in here to respond to questions.


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third for trans rights





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Doll, will you play Resident Evil 4 the remake in your stream?


Will you ever play the ‘lox


doll unban tnd and nigger caca and gay porn and cado
your jannys leave racebait and anime pedo nas shit up for hours but when tnd is posted in retaliation we get banned


doll when you get the time sometime tonight can you play more tf2 with us?
we got really lonely after you disconnected


wtf is this doll >>111253


You're a massive faggot for letting a fucking troon be your head mod. Him and his team are insanely incompetent and/or biased in their moderation. As this teen >>111251 mentioned, they routinely leave tranny race and chudbait up for fucking HOURS, but funny enough, when TND gets posted it rarely lasts more than 15 minutes. Red plays stupid in the mod sticky, but there's a clear bias here. Either get on his case about enforcing the rule universally, or just drop it all together. He has a clear bias and it's fucking transparent.



Made through Tor


dark sootists took down the stream

trust the plan


Doll, could you check ban appeals? I was banned today because i typed “caca” under a post on /soy/ this morning and I have been banned all day permanently because the system went off and thought i was babybot. I’m just an impatient selfish little fuck and I’d like to be unbanned soon. Sorry for evading my ban from this morning by making this reply, I know it’s against the rules in of itself but I felt like I wanted to notify you since I know you have to dig through so many roblox kid appeals in order to find actual legitimate appeals from ‘teens. I hope you understand, and once again I apologize for evading my ban by using mobile data in order to ask for you to accept my appeal. Thanks big buddy


can't upload images through tor. kill yourself. everyone hates you doll

Made through Tor


He couldn't stay up long enough to be on the stream, unfortunate.
Yeah maybe.
At some point.
This is more of a complaint against Red. All of the things listed are nas so they should be removed anyway, and if its chudbait or trannybait flooding the catalog it gets removed. If he acts out of line then I will remove him.
Yeah I will do that in a momnent.
Thats intentional until we get an account system ready for tor users as tor has been used to spam illegal content on the site in the past.


Was the special guest lee?


>This is more of a complaint against Red
Weak deflection. You chose him to be your head mod, so you bear responsibility for this as well. He plays stupid in the mod sticky.
>um, sweaty, x is considered light nas because it just is. Okay?!


The nigger even bans 'cado. It's not just tndCHADS that hate his ass.


Just a close friend of mine.
I put him in charge of the janitors and telling the mods what to do. He doesn't write the rules, thats my job. Everything that was mentioned that he deleted is nas. Spamming dead niggers and gay porn is nas, use /nate/. I ban for the chud/tranny warring as well but I'm not online all day so some of it stays up.


how's your day been?


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jvrtycuck cope


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>can't upload images through tor. kill yourself. everyone hates you doll
>Made through Tor


DOLL thoughts on centrism


>Just a close friend of mine.
let me guess the special guest was a tranny?

Made through Tor


doll do you think that tor ascii duels are gemmy

Made through Tor


Thanks for the unban, Doll. Appreciate it. Additionally, what is the reasoning behind the "Made through Tor" signature on some posts? I thought Tor was just a web browser that uses a bunch more proxies to provide additional security to its users (I may be wrong on this albeit, I'm not keen on computer stuff). Is that signature more to help the jannies, or does it provide some sort of helpful context that I'm unaware of for all users of the 'party?


Very good, it could of been better if the stream went better, but maybe next one will be more gemmy. Janny faking his voice always makes me laugh however.
I think most people are centrists.
Nah he's a friend of mine from the Air Force.
Yeah I think its funny.
TOR completely anonymizes posters that use it, and a lot of sharteens use it. We blocked it for a bit while we were working on this fix, and now tor users can post again but do not have image permissions due to abuse of the platform to post illegal content, and the signature is to help give clarity for users that the guy you are talking to is using tor so it may be one guy or it may be multiple people on tor responding to you, so you can spot the samefagging a bit easier. I might remove that if it becomes annoying, but right now I think its funny.


Is there a 'chive of the doll stream? I missed it.


Do you happen to have the Dominions 5 website you were talking about that you posted a link to a couple /q/ threads ago? I think the images look cool too.
Due to technical difficulties, Doll's internet went out halfway through the stream. For some reason, the original stream isn't on his channel page from what I can see, but here's the short continuation that happened after he got things fixed:


NAS like dead niggers and cado should be allowed in a thread on /soy/, but not in its own thread
you shouldnt get banned for posting a cado in a shitlita thread
or tnd in a troon thread
thats how its always been


Tell us about the compromised exit nodes on Tor Doll


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does this include even 'jak versions of 'slot like picrel? perhaps i'm being selective but i don't look at 'cado OF the same as the average furnigger/tranime/etc type of gay porn that's been posted on /soy/ before


dollydoodle what did you mean when you said pray for kuz's soul

Made through Tor


Are gem accounts something you have considered?
Here are some of the features:
>filter users
>ID/IP count option
>ability to create threads on /g/ (generals, almost like /vip/ except everyone can reply to OP)
>chance to win prizes (stream shoutout, call-in cameo, adspace, pinned post)
I just want to see a soy heirarchy tbh


if it was a possibility then those would be good ideas for features but actually adding this would be utter coal since it just makes us more like the 'cuck



do not do this


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I missed the stream but Dollison doo
Hows the family? How’s your wife?
I fainted a half hour ago and my last thoughts were of soyjak dot party


Unfortunately the youtube janny woke up and didn't like the video. Most of the important parts were that I bought the site and that an investor approached me saying he wanted to pay off all my debt and that I will use all the money to repay the teens who helped me acquire the site, that all the teams are doing well and as such I don't have to be on the site constantly to make sure it stays up, that kuz and I have parted ways and no longer speak or associate with each other due to a mutual disagreement with each other, and that if null wants to have a bullet proof host for his site that he can contact me via email and I will get him a host that has a no-boot policy which is why our site has stayed up for so long.
If public opinion shifts in a major way for allowing gore and gay porn back on /soy/ then I might change my mind.
Its more referring to nas porn.
Interpret it how you will.
I have something in mind like this but it will be free for everyone.
Everyone is happy and good, thanks for asking little buddy.


kiwitroon and sharty alliance? i thought that if there was one website you would nuke from the internet it would be theirs


dolly i hope you take your time to allow tor file uploading because asciijaks are kinda gemmy ngl frfr

Made through Tor


babybot is attacking


doll you knew I was spitting in that appeal. That nigga does it all day unironically without consequence yet it still isn't funny 💀💀


anyone that breaks rule 1 should have their FULL, ip exposed uncensored in the ban page



are you actually retarded enough to think anyone who does that uses their real ip


Tsmt kek


you know by "illegal content" that literally just means whatever the fuck doll and red dont like


^pedo above


Out of ALL the sprites from Dominions 5, what's your all-time favorite, Doll?


Banning TND and making your jannies actual trannies is the most anti 'arty thing to ever happen, and I am deeply saddened by this turn of events.


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I don't like the website or the admin at all. But it is beneficial for these sites and my business partnership to give hosting to sites I personally disagree with. I am only one person in the end and my opinion can always be wrong, so I shouldn't go out of my way to suppress other sites just because I believe one thing and they don't.
I think its pretty funny too.
I attached my favorites. The game truly has some lovely detail given to it over the years.
NAS gore isn't banned on /nate/, and none of the staff are trannys and I would fire them immediately if I found out they were. Janny put on a funny voice and it caused controversy, and next stream he will put on another funny voice and cause controversy. Its just who he is.


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>does this include even 'jak versions of 'slot like picrel? perhaps i'm being selective but i don't look at 'cado OF the same as the average furnigger/tranime/etc type of gay porn that's been posted on /soy/ before or however the oinkrainan is forced or whatever


can you suggest for the next stream he get a voice changer to sound like u.s president joe biden


doll why do torposters need to have a specific marker that they posted from tor

Made through Tor


he answered this already you dumb doo doo head → >>111358



Made through Tor


overdose on crack you fucking schizo


Janny should put on an african accent next and talk about fnf constantly


kind of surprised that livestream was the one that got taken down, I thought that was probably your tamest one yet, iirc in one of them you literally said kill all niggers


doll, where were you on 9/11?


will 'cado and TND ever be unjanny'd as long as they arent spammed everywhere?


why have you deleted the fucking jackbox thread you stupid nigger? you could've just removed the spammer spamming drama shit but noooo you have to remove the whole jackbox thread
kys jannies you are the worst


There is just one mod on so it wasn't DOLL.


the frogcoaler has pushed off the video thread twice now. its kinda sad people post 60 videos and he wipes it





Doll invent time travel so we can go back in time and carve soyjaks in ancient hieroglyphics and confuse modern day archeologists


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Doll you really want to give nazis a home on this website? Because you do by allowing nazi shit and the pol board on the sharty.
I mean you just think about what would your mother, your wife or your boss say to you if they would find out about this? I bet they would be all extremely disappointed in you. You already don't allow pedos (this is a good thing) but nazis are even worse than pedos because they killed over 6 million jews + over 40 million white people and their whole ideology is based on hate and racism. Also it is a well known fact that we have at least one nazi pedo cord that tries to astroturf the sharty so you would kill two flies with one stone.


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6 million coockis my ass
This site has been right wing and you come here with you jewish trick and try to make it into another 4cuck /gbtq/ site.
You already have twitter and reddit, kike. Go there and be somebody else's problem.


Thank you doll for allowing Tor, absolute gemerald of an update

Made through Tor


nigger porn has been up for 20 minutes one post, 45 mintutes another
your moderation is pathetic


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See this is what I mean dolly doll.


this is how discord speaks


tsmt lol


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>Doll you really want to give nazis a home on this website? Because you do by allowing nazi shit and the pol board on the sharty.
>I mean you just think about what would your mother, your wife or your boss say to you if they would find out about this? I bet they would be all extremely disappointed in you. You already don't allow pedos (this is a good thing) but nazis are even worse than pedos because they killed over 6 million jews + over 40 million white people and their whole ideology is based on hate and racism. Also it is a well known fact that we have at least one nazi pedo cord that tries to astroturf the sharty so you would kill two flies with one stone.


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doooolllllllll either let tor nodes upload images but be mostly banned or just ban them altogether, this is pointless, nobody would use an imageboard without being able to post images, it was better the way it was before where most are just plainly banned, and anyways pedos will just post links to cp instead of images.

Made through Tor


nice selfie

Made through Tor


but nontheless i greatly appreciate your efforts to develop this website and try new things, this is much more than we expect from an unmonetized website owner like you, thank you-

Made through Tor


a good solution could be to allow images, but only ones that are already uploaded on the booru.


i thought about this too but frankly i feel like the systems that would need to be in place for something like this to work are just not worth pursuing for the rather marginal gain, there is no universal way to make tor users happy, the best course of action is to have it limited to such a degree that pedos wont abuse it but common, dedicated users are still able to get past the rangebans, or something like this.

Made through Tor


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Doll, why are threads like this still up after 10 hours on /soy/? I thought you said you would crack down on posts like this?
Soyjak.party becoming shitlita.pedo is one of the biggest reasons people are leaving this site and saying the site has died


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This is not a RW website retard, this is a CentristGOD website, get it right. we own you authoritarianistcuck. Doll is also a centrist too.


the sharty's version of "loli thread"


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It's the sharty's version of "pedo spam" and Doll said he would crack down on it


red is a tranny btw


Why are pony fags, frogs, and 'lita posters allowed to derail threads and spam the log, but if you make one ironic Italy vs Argentina, you get insta banned?


Is he unironically a tranny?
I wouldn't be suprised at this point


He also says he will ban racebait and NAS off of /soy/ but he has done neither. At least in how he enforces it.


go back


Seethe cordtroon pedophile
Catchan is dead and it's not coming back
Go back to your trooncord server


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yes, he supported shitlita, is for anti white racebait and is against tnd


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>anti white racebait


The sharty is going to shit because of faggots like this


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see >>111688
you have a leftist woke mod who is pro shitlita and for the anti-white racebait posting. he is also against TND


This is what happens when you employ leftists on your website, pedo spam, bnwo porn spam and your site goes to shit
The same happened to 4cuck
I really expected Doll to know better
Now the sharty is going down the exact same path as 4cuck


not you rw safespace chud
go back to >>>/pol/


people have been begging to make /soy/ IAS, to ban racebait, to ban 'lita, to lock inactive boards, and to just sweep the log so it isn't coally and we can never get that. The sharty has an uptick in users now from the 4cuck shit, but the sharty will go inactive again if they keep trying to run it into the ground. Doll spent 10k on this site, you'd hope he'd want to keep it alive.


Doll Im too scared to ask out this girl. Im pretty sure she likes me. What should I do.

I transheart blogposting btw.

Made through Tor


>not you rw safespace chud
It literally is and always has been, seethe & cope about it tranny


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>The sharty is going to shit because I can no longer hate on POC like a chudcel loser


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>Fucking chuds complaining about pedo spam & bnwo spam, we don't complain about it in our discord server


The sharty is better than ever keep crying this is not your p cord, go and spam your gore and p somewhere else.


Holy projection
Go back to your pedocord and goon to bnwo there you tranny leftoid freak


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>It literally is and always has been, seethe & cope about it tranny


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>It literally is and always has been, seethe & cope about it tranny


Sharty is literally a rw safespace, its the only reason i came here and post here


Well it is not so how about you back to your safe space if you can't stand the posts here =)


It is
I know it is
Or else i wouldn't keep coming back here
Seems like you're coping
Nice smiley face redditor soyboy


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no, this has always been a centrist website
doll is a centrist, soot was always a centrist, kys


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>It is
>I know it is
>Or else i wouldn't keep coming back here
>Seems like you're coping
>Nice smiley face redditor soyboy


What is pivot animator?


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no it is not, fuck off with your extremist ideology. this is not your safespace, this is a centrist safespace
soot was always a centrist so is doll
centrism won democracy won
dictatorship lost authoritarianism lost


Soot was a /pol/GOD nazi who used to browse /pol/ before he found his way into /qa/
You're coping hard, tranny


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you're coping so hard
just admit this is a centrist website and a centrist safespace, we do not need your shitty ideology that is just like tranny ideology here
soot was always a centrist so is doll


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>Source: I made it up


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nice made up bullshit, you got no proof of it newshit
soot was always a centrist from the beginning, now stop coping extremistcuck
centrist safespace sit


sooty soot was a chud doe but i agree the site should be apolitical and make fun of both sides


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>>It is
>>I know it is
>>Or else i wouldn't keep coming back here
>>Seems like you're coping
>>Nice smiley face redditor soyboy


You're coping extremely hard you newtranny kike
Everyone who's been here when soot was admin knows he was a chud/altright type who browsed /pol/
Go read his wiki page


You will never change history you antifascist pig


>the site should be apolitical and make fun of both sides
yep i agree, tsmt, fuck all the politic fags here
centrist site btw


>centrist site btw
Repeating it won't make it true newtroon
Soot would've banned you for being such a tranny fag


>you newtranny kike
ok oldtroon cuck
>Everyone who's been here when soot was admin knows he was a chud/altright type who browsed /pol/
i dont care, doll is a centrist so that makes this site a centrist website and a centrist safespace
>You will never change history you antifascist pig
you will never bring back authoritarianism and dictatorship, democracy is the only way and it has won


>the only "proof" of it is an actual ironic shitpost as in 1945, "Soot was a nazi incel chud, and he was the mastermind behind the soyocaust, millions of soyims have died because of that."
kys u gullible retard


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>you will never bring back authoritarianism and dictatorship, democracy is the only way and it has won


Keep coping tranny
Ask any oldtroon here and they will tell you Soot was a /pol/chud


>that kuz and I have parted ways and no longer speak or associate with each other due to a mutual disagreement with each other
was it about 'lita


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>soot was an altrig-ACK
stop making shit up, he hated politics and was a centristCHAD


Hard cope


site should be slightly right leaning but not too political and extreme. Should make fun of both extremes for being soy


Kys antifascist tranny



soot hated politics and was centrist
kys rwer


Literally everyone is laughing at you retarded newtrannies


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Send me a link to your cord so I can laugh with you guys.


Soot let us spam TND and deleted white people gore doe


when are you going to keep spamming this obvious damage controlling shit, no one is laughing at me, they are actually laughing at your ass making shit up for no reason when i got actual proof to back up my claim
now where is YOUR proof to back up your claim soot was a nazi?


moderators shouldn't be enforcing any status quo. it's up to the posters (spammers) to fill the catalog with race and politics bait of their choosing. if one side lacks the imitative to keep up the pace that's their problem and not the moderators. chud and troonjak are a modern day tom and jerry and i like seeing them both in equal measure when i open the catalog. at the end of the day i still want to be able to post dead niggers and baby monkey torture THOUGH


because gore funny and ironic shitpost


i used to but its boring and both sides are uncreative and coaly now



>i still want to be able to post dead niggers and baby monkey torture
lil bro thought this would give him the moral high ground 💀💀💀


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It's worrying most of you don't realize you're retards screaming into the void with your shitty know-it-all opinions on how things should be done.

I do admire your spirit and care for the website THOUGH


I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT. you know i've been thinking about it, and i think youre actually right. i've been hmmmm let's say pontificating and i came to the conclusion that you are correct. what you said is cogent, it's factual, and it's true. its not wrong. i mean it's right.yeah


I know im screaming in the void. im saying how i think it should be. im not expecting anything to get fixed


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The fact that you consider your opinions "fixes" says a lot.


fixing it in my eyes yes. I'm not in charge so it doesn't matter. hoping janny sees all the other opinions and finds a middle ground


Some of us have been here since the qway. We'd like to bitch before we actually leave.


dolly doll can you move politisperging threads to /pol/ instead of /int/ next time


there are too many boards
/q/ - need
/soy/ - need
/qa/ - need
/r/ - keep(don't keep)
/a/ - merge with mtv
/health/ - keep
/incel/ - keep
/int/ - keep
/mtv/ - need
/pol/ - need
/psy/ - keep
/raid/ - need or keep and add raid tools to 'iki
/sci/ - need


What would you think about merging /pol/ and /int/?


good idea. /int/ was a bad idea from the start. it was always /a/ trannies who get triggered by politics who want to larp like they are in that hetalia show


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Hello dollar
I think I have a problem that I’d like to let you know about. It’s a third world problem so please don’t laugh at me too much…
I deal with daily power outages and when that happens wifi goes off and I have to switch to mobile data. Well it did just happen in the middle of my sharty session and I think the sudden and constant switching is triggering your ban evasion system. I can prove what I’m saying if you need me to. Could you please confirm if my situation triggers the ban evasion system so I can be more careful in the future? You can see my IP and obviously that will confirm my claim


Are you using the sharty in Argentina or something?



>browsing the wiki to get your answers
keeeeeeeeeek newteen failure, soot didn't even want to make a /pol/ board because quote "he didn't want to invite those alt right chudcels onto the wojak website"

Made through Tor


DOOOOOOLLL why do I keep getting permabanned for no reason, I got banned for a post I made over a month ago for "ban evasion" even though if I were evading that ban I wouldn't be posting on my home IP, the janny team is horrendous please give red a good whipping

Made through Tor


I'd consider myself right wing and I like red albeit, 'lita is a gem, racebait can be funny, and I'd rather see tranime and tranny bait when I open up the site than dead babies even if I'm not necessarily a fan of any of those things


>I made over a month ago


shitl*ta is not sharty culture anymore because drawfags completely shit all over it. it does not deserve to be a standalone jak and it is NAS because it is the complete opposite of IAS


>no stubble
>no open mouth (mouth edits are usually coal)
>basically used as bait at this point


Yep, if its spam, bait or child porn they don't care but when it comes to someone they don't like they'll do anything to ban them as fast as possible, we basically have 4cuck culture police except its not clear what the jannies like or dislike, you only get permabans and doll doesn't want to put effort into it. If he's really tired of doing appeals all of the time I don't get why he can't yell at red to stop this shit

Made through Tor


There is a mod single handedly ruining /soy/ with all the shit hes deleting, please remove him doll, i can't tell you who it is, just lookt at the deletion log, thank you.


she kinda cute doe


tsmt she isn't making fun of any group of people also all soyjaks are male

Made through Tor


fr i want kuz jannies back


be specific


did you add the ban page art yet from >>>/r/6122


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Archive your streams somewhere better than youtube. We don't want more lost streams. Also doll if you can, always bring the gemmy villager/jannette janny on your questions streams it makes the streams better.


tsmt post on rumble


Just got home, I will be replying after dinner.


Dolly doo thoughts on >>>/caca/4000


I am sure whatever voice he picks that it will be funny.
I was in class at kindergarten.
It would take a lot of convincing for me but never say never.
Every person you mentioned is more racist than me so I don't think they would mind it too much.
Perhaps I'll allow them to use oekaki.
When I woke up I deleted it.
I'd have to have seen the situation to judge on it.
I only make the rules and tell Red what I want done, he does the rest.
She probably feels the same way, and if she doesn't then you'll find another chick eventually.
I don't show favor to any politicoal side. Just say what you're going to say and keep it on topic with the board then argue for hours until it gets moved to /pol/.
Gemmy, made me laugh at work.
Ideally they would be deleted outright, but I'll let the team know.
I'll ask a developer for you little buddy.
The head dev wanted to play around with the js on the page before we added them, so I guess we are waiting on him at the moment.


Since nobody is asking anything thoughts on possible sharty growth from the goongate dramas and ‘urkey ‘om?




doll please do something about the ponyfaggots they're starting to get really coal


previously i was quite suspicious that the whole fanfare around kuz "retiring" was to dispel the drama and shitflinging that came xis way so that xe could run things behind the scenes, but i see that now kolyma.net no longer tries to run javascript when i visit the sharty as of the last couple days.
however, isn't the 'chive still a kolyma-run site? are there plans on making an alternate or migrating it to a server under your control, doll?


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dolly doo will we ever get to know what the misunderstanding was or will it be forever shrouded in mystery


Its probally about 'lita as we saw from message screenshots


to be fair, i see 'lita the same as i see tranime, zellig, furries, ponies, and just about every other internet character meant for troons to self-insert as or for autists to goon to. they just don't fit in with 'jaks, they're the polar opposite culturally


message screenshots? marge
also doll is 100% right on this one, giving in and jannying something just because a bunch of 'corders wants so is giving in to their demands


it also turns the site into a rulecucked 4chink 2.0


pony posters are posting brimstone. they made a shitty doll pony and then drew NSFW of it. they're turning this place into 4cuck


Why is the /a/ stickies post like that


Doll, what was for dinner tonight? Additionally, when you were younger, were you ever more politically radical than you are now? What was the weirdest phase you had in your teenage years?


>politically radical than you are now
by the way by saying that i didn't mean you are currently politically radical, just if you ever had a more radical political phase than your current moderate views


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The site will grow naturally from our culture being spread or artificially through different 'tubers covering party events. I am not worried about culture change; we already have different ways to filter posters (without nsfw) and the people who survive filtration tend to be high quality posters.
If nas is being spammed on /soy/, report it.
All of the code was given over to us, no one in kolyma has access to it any more.
If he wants to discuss it than that's his decision. All I wanted to do was state what transpired and what happened as a result of that.
It is not about this, but the subject matter is related to it
It was the oldest post on the site prior to rogue janny interference. Even if it is degenerate, it deserves to live on.
Enchiladas. And I have never been radically political, but I absolutely refuse to move when it comes to the rejection of abortion, and so I have lost several friends because of this stance.
If all the rules were up to me from the beginning, nas gore and porn would of never rooted itself on this site. We want to be as close to /qa/ as possible in all things, and gore+porn were never part of /qa/. I don't care what steps I have to take, but if you can't post soyjaks or /qa/ memes then I will find new and interesting ways to get you to post soyjaks and /qa/ memes on the successor to /qa/ site. I will make excuses for new memes and I will give you the benefit of the doubt when new NAS is being forced on the party, but you should not be surprised when I figure out you are fucking with me and the site. It's just how it is going to be from now on.


Thanks. I lost my home IP to ban evasion for seemingly no reason which is a massive pain (you can check that the Johannesburg IP you banned recently was never banned for anything prior)
I assume it’s because of the constant switching to data but it could be something else. I sent an appeal too but I don’t know if that matters


Interesting, so Dollism is striving to imitate the kway, for better and for worse
Dolly how do you pronounce /qa/


Doll, thoughts on nas if the post also has soyjaks attached? If someone posts cado with some soys I'd that kosher?


Kooh-Eyyy is the only correct pronunciation


How big do you think the site’ll get after the goongate shit becomes big? I don’t think anything’s really gonna change numbers wise asides a big yet short wave of tourists, kinda like when the ‘lox shit happened


That sounds stupid. K-way makes the most sense




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You can also pronounce it gway, kerway, quayhog
But never kway


I am not going to unironically feel bad for the man who spent his entire career larping as a KGB agent instead of doing something about the rampant CP on his websites.

Reminder he ran “lolichan”.
Reminder that he stole photos from Eduardo Folts.
Reminder of the IP leaks.
Reminder of the fact it hasn’t been proven if kuz is a real fucking person even.




>but I absolutely refuse to move when it comes to the rejection of abortion
but doll, abortion is good because without abortion, you'd have tons of downies and actual retarded sperg on the us? Abortion makes it so that there is lesser of these retard or something my burger said


DOLL, do you think there exist good black people (police officer, doctors, phds) and bad black people (thugs who steals and live in the hood)


TSMT look at sbortion rates of diffefebt races


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Flying is the most wonderful thing that I have ever experienced but I still have issues accepting the likely possibility that I crash and die. Have you come to terms with your death, if so how do you think of it? I wish I could be religious but I was raised without one and am doubtful I could ever truly become a believer of any sort. The thought of death and that being the end forever with nothing else is weighing on me.

I feel like I am in agony DOLLY DOO PLZ HELP ME!!!


doll why are some tor exit nodes banned when some others aren't

Made through Tor


Doll do you expect a black person to beat you up in public because you posted your face and say nigger online?

Made through Tor


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dolly doll partner with https://bestiality.party

also unban horsecockeralds


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>I absolutely refuse to move when it comes to the rejection of abortion


nigger made me seriously think there was a bestiality image board

Made through Tor


Doll does tor posting count as ban evasion?


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DOLL ADD /giga/


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what the fuck


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Just got banned in the middle of trying to coordinate a /co/ raid for saying nigger in a lolita thread despite ‘lita being banned and nigger being a keyed term. Never forget that doll era Jannies are trannies who’ll ban you for mocking Lolita pedophiles before sweeping the board of racebait, ponys, and ‘p. AND THEN I GET HIT WITH THE BAN IMAGE I MADE! SAD!


get rid of red and 70% of your jannies these faggots are useless and they delete everything they dislike and don't delete anything that they like
doesn't matter if it breaks a rule or not


Bring back the email field while still keeping the options field. When you pick either of the options just make it so that it fills the email field with that. Thus having best of both worlds. It would also be cool to have nonokosage.


I see the Jannies moving lita troon threads to /qa/ doe. Doll said it’s banned on /soy/, albeit.


no it's not
and it rarely gets moved
just a reminder that jannies are ALWAYS trannies


>doll gets scammed out of 10k to buy the ‘arty
>hires confirmed tranny Jannies
>makes the catty a NAScoal shit fest
>scares everyone off the site past trannies
Why would doll do this? Does he really just hate the ‘arty that much?


bring back kuz


So it’s just one of those things doll says is a thing like banning race bait and NAS from /soy/, but it’s never enforced?


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you left this faggot shit up for two hours on the front page with 100 replies?
no wonder shitlita fags are complaining
these sorts of accounts are always proven to be fake/photoshopped and yet you're leaving it up while stormfront fags or wherever they came from coal up the place like they tried on /pol/


Holy shit, /soy/ really has just become a worse /bant/


>yea just come on in and start posting your shitty glownigger images of mask fags
>who will never accomplish ANYTHING other than shouting "fuck jews" on a overpass
I heckin' love this fags its so hilarious how blatant they aren't even real stormfags


Even fed tier alt Chan’s and 4chan are able to deal with this level of psyop. How the fuck did ‘lita pedophiles and trooncord feds become Jannies?


It’s over


can you add a option to hide all images from loading cuz if someone looks at my phone they see soyjaks

Made through Tor


No wonder kuz left, doll fucking killed the sharty. How can’t this be on purpose?


its not doll
its red
red is an actual federal agent and doll is retarded and naive
which is why he made red the head mod


Allowing the mod team to get filled by real troons and feds makes it his fault. None of this started happening until doll became a big shot janny and later admin.


tsmt the jannies really hate when you make fun of shitlita posters


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take the poll
do you like red??


This is just going to get botted and if doll was going to ban that fed troon, he would have done it months ago.


Soot is rolling in his grave, but at least doll is still pretending to be an oldfag (Which is gay, but doll still is one okay?!?)


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this is allowed on booru meanwhile the second video wasn't uploaded twice and I gave up trying
care to explain?
I properly tagged and uploaded twice. it was never added to the booru
Im just going to assume you kept ALL the fucking gay tranime mods from before. nice job


>spam thread
>get banned for spam
pro-tip: instead of linespamming nigger in coal threads you should just start a soyduel instead, if jannies ban you for dueling then there's an actual issue, but right now it seems to me that you're making a mountain out of a mole hill or something


They need to keep the pedophiles around so they can claim in the media that, “This alt right site is full of pedophiles and school shooters”. That’s why kuz tried nuking ‘lita, because he knew where it was going. This same shit happened to 8chan when feds psyoped it.


It’s cuz tranny jannys cant goon to the second one dumbass


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>spamming LE BAD




The ‘arty was always a pro spam site. Spamming is ‘arty culture and somehow doll era retard Jannies were able to balance banning spam that needed to be banned while still allowing spam.


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>The ‘arty was always a pro spam site. Spamming is ‘arty culture


>all our raids are fail raids
>we can’t steal gets anymore
>the ‘ru barely gets any new gems
>Jannies confirmed trannies
>Doll does nothing past stream with trannies
>Jannies banning ‘teens over nothing
>the log is full of pedo bait, race bait, NAS, and ‘p
>new boards being added just to be inactive
Everytime I come back here it’s just more disappointing every time. Thanks for killing da ‘arty, Doll.


To much IAS + making fun of trannies


>>all our raids are fail raids
>>we can’t steal gets anymore
we just stole GETs two days ago
>>the ‘ru barely gets any new gems
yaroslave quit doe
>>Jannies confirmed trannies
>>Doll does nothing past stream with trannies
>>Jannies banning ‘teens over nothing
true dough
>>the log is full of pedo bait, race bait, NAS, and ‘p
the only thing there that i actually see on the 'log is NAS
>>new boards being added just to be inactive
/soy/ will always be the most active board, even /qa/ is a slow piece of shit


there's spam and then there's dot/linespam that makes threads unusable, personally I get bothered seeing that shit even in threads I don't like


We stole a get from an inactive altchan no one cares about 3 days ago and we haven’t done a board wipe in months. Red is a tranny janny. Doll doesn’t do anything useful (adding banners and inactive boards isn’t useful). The sharty has gone to shit and there is no way around that. Fucking /mlp/ is raiding use more than we are raiding anyone these days. Everyone is being driven off the sharty.


Copying and pasting the whole thread is an extremely gemmy thing to do in coal or psyop threads. It’s peak ‘arty culture. Now you can even spam nigger 30 times.


nobody says this who are you quoting


Maybe doll is trying to appeal to a different t crowd now that he is 10k in the hole for the sharty. He just banned TND, albeit. Adding shit like /health/ and /psy/ is liking giving troons a breeding ground. He is going after those troon bucks since they are pay pigs and ‘teens aren’t.


I agree with most of this albeit it could all be fixed by doll, dollykins please take this seriously


I say that, albeit.


no troon would ever use /health/ they literally chop off their penises


So much damage had been done to da ‘arty under doll, that I can’t imagine it’s not on purpose. He could fix all of this in a day. And it could have been done months ago, but he hasn’t and won’t do it.


That’s like saying /fit/ isn’t over run by fags and troons. You don’t use an image board to get in shape and they have never helped anyone get into shape.



At this point, I’m probably the retard for thinking the ‘arty will ever go back to being keyed. Doll has picked who he wants on the site, and it is not the ‘teens…


Ban soydueling




>We stole a get from an inactive altchan no one cares about 3 days ago and we haven’t done a board wipe in months
you don't use this website bud, that much is obvious


Cope janny tranny


To be fair, I don’t know what get you are talking about either. Whatever it was it wasn’t added to the wiki page because all the recent gets added are from altchans…


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didn't even use a jak kill yourself retard


No one says that, meds


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>samefaggot give someone else the mic already






This thread is still up, wtf


NAS tranny defense force has woken up



Meds now, schizo


youre trolling right? you cant seriously want dueling banned


I'm not trolling


It’s obviously a troll, but know Red it may actually get banned


I would riot if dueling got banned


TND and spam were banned. The log on soy is unusable. We have confirmed some of the Jannies are trannies. We are basically already there. Jannies are deleting soy duels as spam.




fire red
fire red
fire red


fire red
fire red
fire red


based doll


Idk man, they haven’t done shit yet, I doubt after a year doll will start acting keyed now.


you really fell for the "I twisted my balls until they fell off "janny -> janette" bait this hard…… lol




Even doe that’s just /soy/


it wasn't bait doe she actually is a cute and valid transgirl now


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mod just deleted a bmt thread within 4 minutes of it getting posted and a pony thread is up for 5 hours


> and none of the staff are trannys and I would fire them immediately if I found out they were
GAAAAAAAAAAAY, Some troons end up posting the gemmiest of ackjaks though


found the moron


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>found the moron


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>Doll’s Sharty


Doll, cam you please publicly execute Red? He's a self-admitted ponyfag and shitlita pedo. His team leaves up Ponyshit and tranny chud/racebait all the fucking time. Get him under control or fire his ass before things reach a critical mass and we lose more users.


holy shit start doing something about the pony coal or demote your shitty admin team who lets this cancer stay up for hours




The doll team has already made it clear they want to erase sharty culture to speak to the 4cuck and ‘cord crowd.


Tsmt red is a shit admin


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>site probly experiencing influx of users from goonclown bullshit
<now is the perfect time to let the entire catalog be ponies and trannybait
<dont forget to put some booru uploads to antagonize the userbase




kill red please, hes a shitlitapedo who bans everything that's actual sharty and /qa/ culture and leaves up nas brimstone
what happened to the dollist "ias empire"?


I know it's only a few people forcing this drama, but if Red gets fired then you'll be happy?


Its not a few people. You replaced all of kuzs mods, who were handpicked users from this site with your personal friends, bootlickers, and total off siters. Red is the prime example of this because he knows nothing about this site and is just some shitlita-loving cord pedo who sucks your dick enough to get mod.

Made through Tor


I reported this a couple times and nothing happened until three hours and 200 replies in a mod finally moved it off soy (where it doesnt belong)


All the staff outside of janny was part of kuz's staff. The staff that were fired was sobot, lolkek, and kuz himself. The only mod I brought in was Janny because he loves the site and asked me if he could be a janny. All the jannies have been trained by me but they are now listening to Red's instruction. I can fire Red and take back over the mod team, and we will enforce rules in the way I intended them to be enforced, which is the way they were enforced when I was running the team during kuz's reign over the site. Sound good?


you know doll can see people's IP right blud? 💀


Why do all of you have an obsession with banning anything you dislike? on /qa/ people were allowed to post whatever they liked and it 100% helped with it being such a great board. Seriously what happened to soy duels and attacking people you dislike with your own jaks/nas that rivals theirs?


If red gets fired from manager it will stress you more to get things in order dont do it


he should just hire a new manager who isnt bias for certain NAS and respects the site


You’re right, kuz should have hire a different manager, but we are stuck with doll


Doll don't fire red the only people who are mad at him are unironic nazi pedos and gore posters.


just start filtering terms related to MLP at this point


also they're pulling the ips of people now. Don't know why Jenny's are so lenient for this group.


Don't fire red Doll


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>Doll don't fire red the only people who are mad at him are unironic nazi pedos and gore posters.


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>>Doll don't fire red the only people who are mad at him are unironic nazi pedos and gore posters.


Why don’t we rename to ‘arty to soychan.org or cordjak.party since you wanna turn us into /trash/



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please do this dollydoo


>sound good?
No… not really because you have resolved nothing





Yes, red’s pretty shit


you said you would get rid of the ponies if they started causing problems on soy. apart from being 80% of the coal here, they also tried to raid us and failed like twice and also started posting IP loggers


You could remove doll, you could remove red, or you could remove the lesser Jannies but they have all shown to be shit. The Jannies are all fags who enforce the rules as they please. Red is a useless ‘lita nametroon, and doll is incompetent. I guess I kinda feel bad for doll since who other than cordtroond apply to be fucking Jannies…


Shut up Red is the one enforcing all the shitty nas



Two of those yous is me


same here


Enforce or promote because the log has been NAS coal for weeks.


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and the other is your cord buddies and proxies




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it may surprise you to find out that not everyone likes red's mgmt style and it doesnt take samefags to communicate the point


>self inserting
>vantablack dust jak
Meds now


All he’d have to do is ban NAS from /soy/ and actually enforce it.


Nigger there is no rival it's just red favoring and keeping up nas but then banning other nas he doesn't like which makes the log shit


It would be nice if we’d ban all NAS like the good old days, but kuz and soot didn’t even need to ban NAS to keep the log gemmy. A rouge zellig thread here and another rouge frog thread there was fine. It’s literally just the person deciding which NAS stays and which gets you insta banned is an under developed man who self inserts as a soylita drawn by a troon.



okay the janny deleted the file showing a bunch of IPs but kept thread up. didn't even move it to qa. Doll, you actually need to do something about this.


Peer-approved truthbomb



the ""soyteens"" in this thread are worse than actual jannies. watch them squirm for hours over a single thread they don't like like a little baby instead of gemming it up


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all you had to do was follow the rules and move the threads


every time I gem up threads the jannies remove it doe


I personally like red and don't think the way rules are enforced is much different now than it was under you but I don't really care if you fire him just as long as you're still able to handle the mod team yourself without adding unnecessary stress


mods turn of tor posting ==NOW==


retard you get banned for doing that now


You get banned for hemming shit up doeever


Hello people who do nothing but whine all day in this thread, it is extremely easy to add your own word filter!


thank you doll


thanks dolly. also ban tor users. they add nothing to the site other than a risk of 'p


Doll, please do fire him. I've been on the site since the last ten days of Kuz's rule, so I've seen pretty much solely your moderation and I believe that the gemmiest and most fun parts of your reign thus far were from the area between Kuz's full resignation to some days after July 7, when Red was first publicly employed. You're a very busy person, and I hate to desire for you to take further management than what you already do since you seem like someone who doesn't get enough breaks to just sit down and relax, but firing Red and taking control of the whole mod team would massively improve the function of the 'party entirely. You are far bolder and "to-the-point" than Red has ever been and it would be far better for the sharty as a whole if you re-enabled an enforcement of the rules just as you had originally intended.


doll please let us upload images

Made through Tor


also shoot anyone that complains about banning shit, i fucking hate this, i come here to shitpost not read through rule after nuanced rule on what flavor of shit on the log is allowed
thank you, god bless

Made through Tor


are there unironically faggots trying to ban soydueling?
don't give in to these no fun allowed cucks who complain about whatever they personally dislike in hopes that the rules will be changed to please them, because these kinds of people will never be satisfied.


Tsmt. Welcome newnog


also red did nothing wrong, the only two groups complaing about him are either poltroons who cant take a joke and want to ban everything funny or newgods who think senselessly changing everything around every few weeks is good and productive for the sharty

Made through Tor


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>also red did nothing wrong, the only two groups complaing about him are either poltroons who cant take a joke and want to ban everything funny or newgods who think senselessly changing everything around every few weeks is good and productive for the sharty
>Made through Tor


>also red did nothing wrong, the only two groups complaing about him are either poltroons who cant take a joke and want to ban everything funny or newgods who think senselessly changing everything around every few weeks is good and productive for the sharty
>Made through Tor

Made through Tor



Made through Tor


wtf dont fire him he is just joking probably


>gemming it up
jannies will ban you instantly if you do that retard


he's not fucking joking this faggot is supposed to be taking everything seriously since he's the head moderator
he's not joking or fucking with us


If his moderation is all just a big joke then he isn't a good head moderator.


if (You) are giving an admission then then this is why an insecure shitposter shouldnt be manager and head moderator


Allowing tor posting is already disaster since people are spamming cp onion links with it and spam bots using it


but i dont want to use (((vpns)))

Made through Tor


You come here to be a newGod Twitter migrant. /soy/ was always supposed to be IAS only and doll doesn’t have the ability to maintain /soy/ with NAS.



Do a poll, then follow through with the results. If people want him fired, then do it


I will be taking back the position of manager for the moderation team until a new manager is found.


Glad to hear it, DOLL.



Made through Tor


holy science he actually did it
also doll please just mass unban all tor exits it would be nice

Made through Tor




>I put a faggot in charge of the jannies and now I'm getting rid of him! fucking worship me!
Nobody is falling for your Sejanus-and-Tiberius bullshit



interesting move dolly doo, just make sure it doesn't cause you any more stress than you currently have


Unban TND


you're a squid now?????

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