how do you do anything
>>33355/b/ has been wiped again
Imagine being owned so hard despite knowing full well that raids are going to come while also knowing where the raid is coming from. Muzzrats are truly braindead
half of the boards wiped or almost wiped
I think we did a good job
>>33355https://indiachan.io/dhan/catalog.htmltheir last remaining board, let's destroy it too
let's raid /dhan/ today
>>33704>>33731don't think that is a good idea. /dhan/ is seriously one of (if not only) boards that still retains old indiachan culture. They do nothing wrong, don't deserve such malicious fate to be dragged into the chaos of soyjak spam. Spamming such boards only makes other anons brand us as underage assholes.
>>33733suck my cock, faggot
/pigskin/ general
https://indiachan.io/pol/res/40630.htmlFrom the poochan link above:
"Post as many anti-pigskin memes as you have. Please stay on topic, this isn't a general "memes about people you hate" thread.
Always remember that pink "people" are the only race that literally has to put chemicals on their skin to go outside without their skin burning and peeling. Being allergic to the divine light of Surya is the ultimate sign that they are daemonic, ontologically evil entities, not people.
Every pigskin man needs to be slaughtered and every pigskinn woman needs to be sold into sex slavery."
>>33355the mods are inactive, start raiding /pol/ and /dhan/ whenever you get time
>>33355hey op, just found this
https://crystal.cafe/faq.html site
I'm a new faggot so I wont make a thread on this, but holy shit does it show potential. It is an entire chan dedicated for women. Seeing of how much a success this thread was I think raiding that gay shit hole could be epic.
please? №33858
>>33855They're not just females intruding on male chan cultures (they call each other "nona"). They're also a bunch of man-hating femcels (there are plenty of "tfw no BF" threads there) and terfs (their hatred of trannies is the only good thing about them, even if their reasons aren't the best) who refer to men as "moids" and will ban you for being a male. Raiding them will be more difficult because there may not be a time when all the janny scum is asleep because they could be from anywhere in the world. It will require a lot of organisation before we do anything.
Post what makes moids visually repulsive to you
https://crystal.cafe/b/res/149770.htmlTerfposting #30
https://crystal.cafe/b/res/220182.htmlMisandry General
https://crystal.cafe/b/res/2944.html №33859
>>33858>this will require planningagreed.
https://crystal.cafe/meta/res/3271.html this thread seems to be dedicated for defense against raids. analyzing how they do things, and how others succeeded might help a bit.
>>33859>>33858anyways, don't want to get your thread off topic. If a more experienced chud could make a new thread that would be great.
>>33855OP here, you should make a thread on it, but only if you gather enuff people on an Instant messaging platform like xmpp/matrix/trannycord. It would just be a failed raid otherwise, and it seems like the mods there are pretty active and check other imageboards for raid threads
>>33855also a newfag, seconded i hate women so much its unreal
>>33865I won't make a new thread. Not sure I could manage all of that yet. if noone else makes a thread then I guess that's the end of it.
>>33865do NOT make a cord op
>>33872yeah, trannycord is trash but xmpp/matrix/sessions can suffice, doubt if anyone will join though
>>33355https://web.archive.org/web/20230217155436/https://indiachan.io/ent/catalog.html/ent/ has been gemmed up. The next target is /dhan/, which will be attacked within a couple of days. Stay tuned and help
>>33355which one of you lads is raiding /ent/ right now? kek, keep at it, the jannies are asleep
>>33355Its a pretty fun site tbh. Most of them are 4cuck pajeets from /int/ and /pol/, you even see some of the same namefags.
>>33474It’s called passing time
>>33355we did it 'teens
the website is down and their pisscord is derezzed too
naacho bc
bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
>bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
>bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
>bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
>bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
let's do it today
>>41123fuck that paki in the ass
i got rangebanned but I'll switch to proxies tomorrow