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/raid/ - Raid

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 33355[Last 50 Posts]

Boards to be raided: /a/,/pol/,/stem/,/b/
Vpn posting is allowed, even cheap shit like cloudflare works,the captcha is fucking easy and there is no post limit. We managed to raid /a/ for a bit and removed some old threads before the jannies came.would like to wipe them out today. The jannies would probably be offline from 8:30PM to 10:30PM (GMT)
let's fuck them up


The catalog limit is 100 threads for each board, and there is a 10s cooldown between each action you can perform.


lets fucking goooo


Upload audio instead of images since it doesn't show up on the homepage and is less likely to be detected quickly by jannies


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Here are some things that get the street-shitters really malding there (especially on their /pol/):

There is a lot of hatred for Muslims there.

They vehemently deny the Aryan invasion of India and believe that the Aryans originated in India.

They seethe over anyone who has ever conquered them in the past, such as the British and the Mughals.


>hatred for muslims
whatcha smokin mate? The jannie is a muslim who is hash banning all 'blasphemous' memes and /pol/ is filled with troons sucking muslims off. The oldfags who hated muslims have all left long ago




The raid starts in 90 minutes, ie. 8:30pm GMT or 3:30pm EST. Make sure to do your part


50 more minutes. I'm going to shill the raid on kohlchan too, hopefully we take down all boards on indiachan today


30 more minutes now. Buckle up




Starting the raid now. GOGOGO!!!
Use audio files instead of images


Come on niggers


We stole the 3000 GET


We wiped out their /a/ board. Topkek


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Which board now?


Let's destroy the high quality slow boards. /yoga/ now




It has ancient threads


Raid over, the jannies woke up. Let's do another one at 8:30pm gmt tomorrow


dont stop


Tomorrow's targets: /man/, /yoga/ and /sa/


We need more raiders, I was one of the only 2 raiders today.


bump, tonight at 8:30pm gmt again


Lol, what are you talking about? We don't hate Muslims. The main janny himself is a Muslim. Only schizos deny Indo-Aryan migration theory


t. inbred schizo brown retard


Let's make them pay and steal their GETs.
We'll wipe out the whole board in 15 minutes if a couple of other chuds help out



Okay, what board


nvm im stupid


Okay, let's start spamming /sa/, our goal is to create 100 threads before the jannies wake up.


The jannie woke up, let's wait for 5-10kin and start spamming /man/


got it


Also, spam mp3s instead of images, they make it harder to detect the raid since the jannie usually only checks the homepage


That's lame doe


There are a lot of ancient threads that will generate seethe when wiped out, we can start spamming gore and soyjacks after we eliminate them


Ok, the jannie seems to be offline. Start spamming /man/, and switch to a vpn if you get banned. GOGOGO


/man/ has been wiped out, let's fucking go chuds


Spam gore in /b/



lel, what now?


Kek, we come back tomorrow at the same time and finish off /ent/ and /pol/. The jannies always stay asleep between 8am and 9am gmt


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Think ill just flood /yoga/ while ive got the time


Ok then, I'll help


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That was fun


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holy win


Topkek. G'day mate, cya tomorrow at 8pm gmt again, if you're down to annihilate /pol/ and /ent/


they wrote "porn" on mine


I'll check /raid/ throughout the day


they deleted all of the shit weve made on every board except /man/ lol


That's gone now too, lol


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why are you people like this?
what do you get from destroying imageboards?
how much of a loser do you have to be to participate in raids?
also nice cat man yaara


t. seething brown negroid


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Because brown people are silly and I am bored


We have a couple more raiders today, we'll spam porn and gore and take over the site again. 8pm gmt boys, /pol/ and /ent/ are going to get raped


jammish ham


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Post poojeet soyjaks and memes, too. And post some stuff in this thread that we can use.


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jeets are fucking disgusting holy shit no wonder they move out of their own country the second they have a chance


Reupload the last 3


That explains the smell


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Srinivasa Ramanujan FRS (/ˈsriːnɪvɑːsə rɑːˈmɑːnʊdʒən/;[1] born Srinivasa Ramanujan Aiyangar, (22 December 1887 – 26 April 1920)[ was an Indian mathematician. Though he had almost no formal training in pure mathematics, he made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions, including solutions to mathematical problems then considered unsolvable.


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*old school indian bodybuilder slaps your girl*
wat do?


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A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men. The study found that more than half of the men measured had penises that were shorter than international standards for condoms. Read the full article here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/6161691.stm

Indians have smallest brains in the world, reveals IIIT-Hyderabad study after creating brain atlas

>Using data from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), autopsy, endocranial measurements, and other techniques, we show that (1) brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI


India has an average IQ of 82.

Undeniable proof Indians are genetic trash

Indian Villagers Worshiping Newly Built Toilets Instead of Using Them

Delhi: He offered to pay if they used public toilet, they beat him to death

Indians celebrate the Hindu god Beereshwara Swamy with a cow dung fight

Villagers Throw Cow Dung For Good Health

Woman perfects cow-dung trick: watch viral video

Doctor Eats Cow Dung On Camera & Claims It Purifies Our Body, Mind & Soul,

Indian People Are Taking Cow Poop Baths To Cure Coronavirus

Indian Dipping his head onto Cow manure as a ritual, and went into a trance like state...

Massive cow dung fight marks end of Diwali festival in Indian village

Children put on a pile of cow dung in a ritual in Central India for blessings of Gau mata

India Wants To Use Flesh Eating Turtles To Rid The Ganges Of Decomposing Bodies (HBO)

We Drink Cow Piss

Haryana Doctor Recommends Eating Cow Dung To Pregnant Women | NewsMo

Tests on Delhi eateries show high level of faecal matter in street food


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Poojeets are a race of short, ugly, low-IQ street-shitting rape baby muttoid abominations. You're the product of countless invasions of different peoples coming into your shit-infested shithole of a subcontinent and then raping your women and killing the men.

A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men. The study found that more than half of the men measured had penises that were shorter than international standards for condoms. Read the full article here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/6161691.stm

Indians have smallest brains in the world, reveals IIIT-Hyderabad study after creating brain atlas

>Using data from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), autopsy, endocranial measurements, and other techniques, we show that (1) brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI


India has an average IQ of 82.


Starts in half an hour right? /ent/ and /pol/?




what board albeit




>We have a couple more raiders today


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Lel, seething 'jeet got triggered.


its over


oh mein fauci


I was offline back then. I'll start the raid now. Rape /pol/, bernds from krautcha will join us


fuck are these ugly and deformed bodies


Jannies are awake


That's the illusion they give, it's like 2am here and the site has only 1 jannie.if 3-4 chuds start spamming, we'll take a board down before they can react


Fair enough, reset my router and cookies. /pol/ is half wiped already






I think we managed to wipe out more than half the threads, which is a decently impressive feat. The jannie goes offline for 15-20min after banning everyone, we can strike again, this time on /rta/ or /ent/


post when you start


If you have trooncord, join their server and see when "sallubhai" the jannie is online, maybe even ping and ask him when he'll go online and post here.


that site a trooncord?
shit, nowdays every gay board has a trooncord
I wont join for now


Yeah, imagine being an imagevoard with 20 active users that are all on groomcord. Ha ing a raider there can provide crucial info for the timing the raids better, i think we'll keep spamming until the admin implements range bans. We have a lot of time


I'm going to /ent/ and silently bumping up the old, useless threads so that we can take down the active/high quality ones quicker when we raid. Do not start the raid until i say so


would like to wipe at least half of every board until it gets more strict




indian coal


Okay, this is the jannie, I'll make a new thread later


how do you know


Soot should post his pajeet ip for derailing my thread


He's banning me for bumping threads on ent, so he obviously started lurking here. And that image he posted resembles his posting style


I see
dont worry, I will do something tomorrow you will see


You got xmpp/matrix? Let's make a private pajeet raid group there.
Kek all the decent threads and boards have been wiped out from your shitty site, kill yourself muzzrat nigger


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>cant even say niggers
you are stupid


Teri ma ki choot sallu


>pajeet raid group
im not indian


I know, I meant a group to raid pajeets.


depends, do you have a vpn


Based as FUCK Salmanchad


Shut up nigger, you're staying awake at 3am for a reddit clone whose admin doesn't even care to pay you minimum wage for this manual labor
Yep, and matrix/xmpp are decentralized platforms, they're censorship resistant and will serve our purpose



ok, lets do xmpp, because I have no idea what that is


Alright, download an xmpp client first(gajim on pc and blabber.im on android), and set up an account on xmpp.gg or rogue.im or creep.la, and we'll go from there


I'm not your trannycord namefag, chamar
Hat bsdk, teri ma ka rape kar dunga asifa ki tarah


>this much organising just to catty wipe the poo in loo imageboard once in a while


Just wait nigger, inch will be annihilated within a week. Stop us if you can


this is nuts
whats JID


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wait nvm


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this takes a while



Tell me your JID once you're done, I'll message you and my name will start with "she"


is this the JID? >>33558


Yeah, hang on ,let me message ya, delete it so that you don't get unsolicited messages from the jannies


schizo nobody cares


Add me back, and enable OMEMO


how can I add back and whats OMEMO


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how do you do anything




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do I do it on the default chat?




/b/ has been wiped again
Imagine being owned so hard despite knowing full well that raids are going to come while also knowing where the raid is coming from. Muzzrats are truly braindead


half of the boards wiped or almost wiped
I think we did a good job


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this board the only thing the janny left is the fucking pinned thread





their last remaining board, let's destroy it too


get in


help me please


let's raid /dhan/ today


don't think that is a good idea. /dhan/ is seriously one of (if not only) boards that still retains old indiachan culture. They do nothing wrong, don't deserve such malicious fate to be dragged into the chaos of soyjak spam. Spamming such boards only makes other anons brand us as underage assholes.


suck my cock, faggot


/pigskin/ general

From the poochan link above:
"Post as many anti-pigskin memes as you have. Please stay on topic, this isn't a general "memes about people you hate" thread.
Always remember that pink "people" are the only race that literally has to put chemicals on their skin to go outside without their skin burning and peeling. Being allergic to the divine light of Surya is the ultimate sign that they are daemonic, ontologically evil entities, not people.
Every pigskin man needs to be slaughtered and every pigskinn woman needs to be sold into sex slavery."


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gimme curry, yummy curry, holy curry, mu-ha


cry harder kek


the mods are inactive, start raiding /pol/ and /dhan/ whenever you get time


hey op, just found this https://crystal.cafe/faq.html site

I'm a new faggot so I wont make a thread on this, but holy shit does it show potential. It is an entire chan dedicated for women. Seeing of how much a success this thread was I think raiding that gay shit hole could be epic.



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They're not just females intruding on male chan cultures (they call each other "nona"). They're also a bunch of man-hating femcels (there are plenty of "tfw no BF" threads there) and terfs (their hatred of trannies is the only good thing about them, even if their reasons aren't the best) who refer to men as "moids" and will ban you for being a male. Raiding them will be more difficult because there may not be a time when all the janny scum is asleep because they could be from anywhere in the world. It will require a lot of organisation before we do anything.

Post what makes moids visually repulsive to you

Terfposting #30

Misandry General


>this will require planning
https://crystal.cafe/meta/res/3271.html this thread seems to be dedicated for defense against raids. analyzing how they do things, and how others succeeded might help a bit.


anyways, don't want to get your thread off topic. If a more experienced chud could make a new thread that would be great.


OP here, you should make a thread on it, but only if you gather enuff people on an Instant messaging platform like xmpp/matrix/trannycord. It would just be a failed raid otherwise, and it seems like the mods there are pretty active and check other imageboards for raid threads


also a newfag, seconded i hate women so much its unreal


I won't make a new thread. Not sure I could manage all of that yet. if noone else makes a thread then I guess that's the end of it.


do NOT make a cord op


yeah, trannycord is trash but xmpp/matrix/sessions can suffice, doubt if anyone will join though


/ent/ has been gemmed up. The next target is /dhan/, which will be attacked within a couple of days. Stay tuned and help



which one of you lads is raiding /ent/ right now? kek, keep at it, the jannies are asleep


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Its a pretty fun site tbh. Most of them are 4cuck pajeets from /int/ and /pol/, you even see some of the same namefags.


>t. chamaravid


It’s called passing time


have sex chud


we did it 'teens
the website is down and their pisscord is derezzed too
naacho bc


certified gem


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Brahmin aryan saar



bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
>bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
>bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
>bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins
>bigger aryan indian dicks dominate sissy yamnaya mongol cumskins


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let's do it today




fuck that paki in the ass
i got rangebanned but I'll switch to proxies tomorrow


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