>>9146why yes, i DO bathe my entire PCBs in flux
>how do you not know thisbecause i have never seen a crapple product other than cups with my own eyes in real life
some hacked together proprietary lunix-based firmware?
winglows 98?
>>9147looks like an overpriced proprietary modern oscilloscope to me, but judging by the floppy drive it probably runs winglows 9X if not some proprietary hacked together firmware with ancient lunix
and no, i wont look it up.
>>9157theres a reason people collect CRTs and are obsessed with them you know
the only downsides are weight, the tubes dying after 20-30+ years (still lasts longer than CCFL, OLED, or most other flatscreen garbage, and looks better), and me constantly having to calibrate the fucking geometry, CRT newfags aren't told about this and then cry about it afterwards, so just that you know, you will spend some time calibrating your monitors to make everything nicely aligned with the edges of the phosphorus surface, while still keeping the geometry look right.
>>9158theyre probably waiting for the 50$ CRTs on ebay to completely disappear so they can bash hundreds of shekels out of gaymers who buy those CRTs