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/tech/ - Technology

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hecking gem


>dead thread
this is a freetard troonix board, nobody has ever debugged a single line of asm


we dont need to debug proprietary garbage and asm manually because our software is free and actually works


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>coping this hard


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>>coping this hard


nobody looks like the youtube website while displaying a paused tranny video.
kek is this what you watch while hate-cooming to microsoft and apple or something?


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>nobody looks like the youtube website while displaying a paused tranny video.
>kek is this what you watch while hate-cooming to microsoft and apple or something?


(DOS com executable)
bytes: 68 BA 9F 07 B0 13 CD 10 D6 BA C9 03 93 91 EE E2 F8 C7 04 46 BD F6 C1 7F 74 3D B8 CD CC F7 E7 88 F0 2C 68 28 F8 F6 E9 92 80 3C C0 72 07 F6 DB 80 E3 0F 00 D8 F6 E9 80 C4 06 80 E4 15 2B 04 80 C6 05 80 E6 15 80 C6 09 30 F4 88 C8 2B 04 20 E0 A8 70 E1 C2 89 C8 D1 E8 AA 83 C7 16 75 1E FF 04 B1 0A 0F BE C7 29 44 0E 0F BE 44 0F 01 C3 E2 F2 BA 30 03 B0 96 EE F6 2C EE 2A 04 EE B1 FF EB 96 90


00: push 0x9fba
03: pop es
04: mov al, 0x13;320x200 video mode
06: int 0x10;dos set video mode interrupt vector
08: salc;SET the Carry flag in AL
09: mov dx, 0x3c9;Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) display control
0c: xchg ax, bx
0d: xchg ax, cx
0e: out dx, al;manually (re) set video mode?
0f: loop 9
11: mov word [si], 0xbd46
15: test cl, 0x7f
18: je 0x57
1a: mov ax, 0xcccd
1d: mul di
1f: mov al, dh
21: sub al, 0x68
23: sub al, bh
25: imul cl
27: xchg ax, dx
28: cmp byte [si], 0xc0
2b: jb 0x34
2d: neg bl
2f: and bl, 0xf
32: add al, bl
34: imul cl
36: add ah, 6
39: and ah, 0x15
3c: sub ax, word [si]
3e: add dh, 5
41: and dh, 0x15
44: add dh, 9
47: xor ah, dh
49: mov al, cl
4b: sub ax, word [si]
4d: and al, ah
4f: test al, 0x70
51: loope 0x15
53: mov ax, cx
55: shr ax, 1;divide AX by 2
57: stosb byte es:[di], al;frame buffer output?
58: add di, 0x16
5b: jne 0x7b
5d: inc word [si]
5f: mov cl, 0xa
61: movsx ax, bh
64: sub word [si + 0xe], ax
67: movsx ax, byte [si + 0xf]
6b: add bx, ax
6d: loop 0x61
6f: mov dx, 0x330 ;MPU-401 MIDI processing unit on most sound cards
72: mov al, 0x96
74: out dx, al
75: imul byte [si]
77: out dx, al:
78: sub al, byte [si]
7a: out dx, al
7b: mov cl, 0xff
7d: jmp 0x15
7f: nop


maybe explain where this code came from because I don't know what program could be modifying VGA registers and then talking to the MIDI interface a few instructions later.


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This is now an ollydbg appreciation thread.


looks like ancient 16 bit dos shit


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