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>Your internet still has to tell the VPN what to access
>ISP Somehow can't see this

>Tor On

>Your router has to connect through the first node to tell it what to access
>ISP Somehow can't see this



ill spoonfeed this for you:
No vpn/tor: your isp knows what ip/domain you are connecting to, if the traffic is encrypted in transit (tls, https) they cannot know what data you are sending/receiving, just where it's going
http: example.com - , if you visit a certain page or file your isp will know what that page was
https: soyjak.party, your isp will only see you are connecting to the website, not what page you are on

VPNs basically shift the trust from your isp to the vpn host. all connections from your computer to the vpn are encrypted in transit, so your isp will know you are connecting to a vpn, but nothing else. the vpn on the other hand can see as much as the ISP can.

tor is a vpn with extra steps, you plan a route with 4-6 nodes (i forgot how many) and you "layer" encryption of your data several times so the intermediary nodes only know where it's coming from and where it's going. If you are visiting a clearweb (non .onion) the last node (exit node) will know what clearnet site you are visiting, but they don't know WHO is visiting it. your isp will see you are connected to the tor entry node (all tor node IPs are publicly listed) unless you use a bridge (not publicly listed entry node)
if you are visiting a hidden service (.onion), not even the person running the hidden service knows where connections are coming from since there are no "exit" nodes

tldr: your isp knows what vpn you are connected to but not what you are doing with it (unless the vpn host snitches and tells them on request)
they can see if you are connected to tor but not where you are going and it's difficult by design to correlate tor traffic to an individual, unless you are retarded and have poor operation/info security

tldrtldr: look it up or ask your local ai overlord


I understand the jist of how all that works (except for the bits about https encryption)

I guess it's just weird to think about. Don't I still have to use my ISP to tell the vpn what site to access? It has to go from the link I clicked to the vpn server somehow.


With vpn you are basically sending a message "hey connect to xxx.com and send me the data" to your vpn provider. You never actually connect to said website.
And, considering this message is encrypted, your isp just sees the fact that you sent and received encrypted data from vpn.


okay that makes sense

thanks chuddy :-)




simple guide, dont care about wolftranny


wolfchad albeit


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>the (relatively conservative) Linux community
lol lmao even


They can see what VPN/TOR router you're connecting through but no the content because that's encrypted.


>They can see what VPN/TOR router you're connecting through but no the content because that's encrypted.
>set up ur own VPN
If your self-hosted VPN's IP address is caught connecting to illegal websites or torrents, and lawyers/LEOs find out you are literally the only user of that IP address, won't they assume you're guilty? I thought the whole point of VPN is plausible deniability that it could have been some other VPN customer that broke the law, not you, because the same IP addresses get rotated between different customers.


>I thought the whole point of VPN
Disregarding corporate and home server use cases


>If your self-hosted VPN's IP address is caught connecting to illegal websites or torrents, and lawyers/LEOs find out you are literally the only user of that IP address, won't they assume you're guilty?
Technically you are right.
That's why pedos and drug dealers use Tor instead of VPNs.
However if you are just downloading a movie, it would just not be worth it to try to sue you, since your server will probably be located in a different country, which would involve an international investigation and stuff.


DNS requests are encrypted albeit


kek what a fag. There will be a reckoning.




>If your self-hosted VPN's IP address is caught connecting to illegal websites or torrents, and lawyers/LEOs find out you are literally the only user of that IP address, won't they assume you're guilty? I thought the whole point of VPN is plausible deniability that it could have been some other VPN customer that broke the law, not you, because the same IP addresses get rotated between different customers.

Use Tor for that(also not secure lel). Use VPN for region blocked content


rent free is when i spend time doing something, filming it, uploading it, and then damage controll it


ISP can see that you're using Tor and connecting to the first node but nothing else.
first node knows your IP and the IP of the second node, but doesnt know the real destination
second node knows the IP of first node and of the third
third node knows the destination IP, but not yours.


domains you're visiting are visible even over a VPN via SNI unless you're using DoH or DoT. I'm surprised (not really) that NO CUNT in the WHOLE FUCKING THREAD is knowledgeable enough to know this. kill yourselves.


a vpn is just a proxy, your ISP only sees that you connect to the VPN/proxy, and the server you connect to only sees the public VPN IP
expect of course the VPN is ran or backdoored by feds, in which case they will snitch on you if you do anything illegal, so always use proxies/vpns in combination if you download the 200tb of soylita love collection in soycraft.
the same goes for tor but you have multiple relays, most of which are ran by feds, and all of them are slow as fuck.
they cant see what youre trying to access because its all encrypted.
and as chud pointed out, please use DNS over HTTPS, or you are fucked and your domain queries aren't encrypted, just the content youre sending back and forth itself is.
if you connect to "soylitalovecollectionr348y2873ta0dsy72112.onion.cum" and have 20tb of download traffic from there, feds can guess what you were doing.

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