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/tech/ - Technology

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 3295[Last 50 Posts]

Fast man is at it again


what is fastman exactly? and why do they always have guix?
Is it people who don't live in a house and are always on the move?


it's retards trying to troll people into being homeless so they can own da jooze or something


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What about a faraday bag instead of a tech bag?


so why GUIX?




remove all the small tracking devices, you need ONLY a thinkpad
>trooniggs pubes tails openbsd protonjew simplelogin firefuck startpage tempmail mint mobile veracrypt binance
remove those, glow harder
oh yeah and add libreboot plus a ch341a to unbrick a thinkpad on the go just in case


openbsd doesn't glow albeit


mmm sexy lady


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I remember being a kid seeing stuff like this and thinking "wow, these people are so passionate and knowledgeable about their hobbies, to the point they focus on it over other pursuits like women!"

Now I realize that all these guys are coping. They would trade away all their fun hobbies, knowledge and memories to just live a normal life with a wife and kids.


Idk I'd rather have all that cool stuff I think you just are obsessed with sex and confuse it with maturity (common mistake)


>Having wife and kids
obsessed with sex
>Post on imageboards full of porn about your hobbies and how you're an oldfag
normal and mature


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lol explain this fastman thing to me please


Op, op ,op.
oppa gangnam style.


Using additional 'dumb' devices has the advantage of separate batteries and powersaving through special purpose hardware, unless you always carry enough replacement batteries. I transfer to my MP3 player once a month and battery never went below half as of yet.
>>trooniggs pubes tails openbsd protonjew simplelogin firefuck startpage tempmail mint mobile veracrypt binance
Did you take the dulap pill yet?


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>openBSD linux


homeless cope
back to /g/ please


Does someone have the pic with “replace your e-reader with this”?


that is some excellent bait


explain this shit to me
what is a fastman and how do i become one


Read the fastman scrolls


where are they


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you should replace your ereader with https://dl.xpdfreader.com/old/xpdf-3.04.tar.gz or mupdf


everything you need is contained within the scrolls All you need is to read the scrolls




the scrolls are right in front of you you merely have to open your eyes and study them


I meant physically. Like having a portable device to read PDFs and not use a ZOG tracking device. Good stuff u sent tho


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explain fastman to me


omg he's literally me


>fighting da jooz by becoming hobo hipster



except that I want go to the woods and start my operation there


Read the scrolls


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Every fastman is unemployed




hes a fast man


kek, 10&10


>wifi sniper
ok this is epic


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read the scrolls


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read the scrolls


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Half of these "fast-man" items are ridiculous

Just get a knife for self defense and other things (a swiss one so you dont have to buy thousands of shit) , a wallet with money , a bottle with water , coffee or tea , have a good diet , comfy clothes , a smart phone (using a smarthphone doesnt mean you are a goy zoomer) , basic street knowledge and knowledge about edible plants and you will be fine

Dont larp as some reddit cyberpunk retarded ninja


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now its a fastman. congradulations


whole grain creal is better


oatmeal is better than that. before cereal even existed people ate oatmeal


ok nigga how do you plan on charging said smart phone (all ports are jacked these days you should know that if you have good opsec)? How do you plan on coding on said smart phone? (you need a laptop with linux shitro #9853938439483843494384394839438) What the FUCK are you going to do when your clothes are dirty? Go to the nigger machine vendors? And hang out with NIGGERS?

A lot of this shit is just preparations, albeit a lot of it is autist LARPing, but to a degree it does provide a large portion of self-sustainability. Also, swiss army knives are good and I do think that more of the "fastman" graphs should have them.


>ok nigga how do you plan on charging said smart phone
solar panel
>How do you plan on coding on said smart phone?
>What the FUCK are you going to do when your clothes are dirty?
theres free water all over the place


i hate you kys


homeless cope


oh... so... you DON'T just need a knife, a swiss army knife, a wallet of money, a bottle with water (very situational, you might have dirty negro water. Lord knows I'm not getting any sort of fluoride mind control water), coffee or tea (lmaoywowy), comfy clothes, a smart phone (and laptop as you know mentioned), basic street knowledge and knowledge about edible plants.

I was thinking about that solar panel thingy when I was writing the rip on you. Also stop being european, have a gun.


>how do you plan to charge your phone
with a phone charger

>how do hou plan on coding on the phone

with a remote virtual machine and a bluetooth keyboard

>how to clean clothes

scrubba laundry bag. clearly you have not read the scrolls


explain fastman to me


explain fastman to me


explain fastman to me


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>explain fastman


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Coding is gay


read the scrolls



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just bought my swagman roll. it is both an insulated poncho and a camping tarp. ignore the other thread




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>Canola oil
>Peanut oil
>Sesame oil


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All the striped thigh-high socks programming/linux/gaming stuff makes this IAS


explain fastman to me


explain fastman to me


explain fastman to me


It's some bugout/van life/apocalypse prepper/BAP travel around the world lifestyle thing. A LARP by internet addicts who will never do it (hence all the media and computer crap included in it)


I'm not larping I actually live like this




I agree.
what's with that doe



install aboriginal linux and make sure to watch out for dropbears cunt


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>18.93 MB, 9136x6368


high res picture to look at the cosplay tranny


The original version was much smaller somehow this site edited it


i get it, but what it has to do with trannies doe


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the gayest thread in sharty history


the straightest thread in sharty history


jiren get btw


What’s fastman




>collect all receipts
BPA estrogen, retard. Use a receipt glove or something or dont get any at all fucking CUNT.


fed thread


Back to twitter


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holy meds


this but unrionically


fastman win


no meme arrow


Autistic ketchup


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I would not, in fact i’d rather die a virgin than exchange hobbies, knowledge and hobbies for a wife and kids.


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boyscouts after obtaining one (1) computer sci badge


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Read up on Ray Peat's articles. And the products cooked with them contain a lot of PUFAs (Polyunsaturated fatty acids) that LITTERALY fuck up your body. The only acceptable cooking oils are Coconut oil, EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil, and animal fats as long as it's not feed soy and wheat.


Seed oils and*


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Hololens is cucked.


Holy autism.

You guys should just move to a rural town and put a down payment on a small house or upscale trailer and live off of Starlink internet.


I've been planning on that.


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i use guix because is nixos but much better and simpler, because its made by freetards there is no propietary package but you install nonguix and youre good to go

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