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I've been thinking of distro hopping from arch to gentoo because I'm autistic masochist elitist, what should I do?


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if you want muh init freedom and no binary tranny blobs in your kernel or proprietary bullshit in the repos, try parabola
otherwise try guix, its gentoo but better and GNUUUUU~!
gentoo is a pain in the ass
(and no im not gonna pretend guix isnt, it is also a pain in the ass, especially if you want to install proprietary software for whatever reason (dont do that please))


hardpass i think ill stick to musl libc and toybox thanks


mvther vf bazed


Gentoo stopped being lightweight years ago and has poor support for non-standard configurations. Your best bet would be gales or a kisslinux derivative. Pkgsrc runs nearly everywhere.
If your pc is behind a firewall, you don't need newer software or use a chroot and just want your base system to work, install dulap (a gentoo from circa 2018).


just use slackware


Irrational GNUphobia, kys


>kiss linux
locks you into wayland which is literal trannyware, and gentoo was never supposed to be "lightweight" but it's still lighter than your kiss linus running GNOME, you flaming faggot


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>kiss locks you into wayland
are you too retarded to change your repos? you fucking nigger lazy faggot
terry was right, computers stopped being good when they made them for niggers like you
getting Xorg is two commands away from your install
you can't even use su in gentoo without enabling PAM
do you know what you are even talking about?
honestly it doesn't matter if I am talking to an AI or a real human, either way you are a retarded lazy nigger


>locks you into gayland
this is not very KISS...
>change repos
do you get gayland but not X pre installed and dont install your system yourself or some shit?
whats this mental illness?
>are you an AI?
the only way to prove that youre a human is to say 'nigger' nowdays


gentoo is more of a meta distro it's useful if you need specific config/hardware and want to make some embedded weird shit but completely retarded for desktop use

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