>>4293>like winglows before it becamemotif, it doesn't get any simpler than that
it lacks any features (bloat) you could possibly imagine other than just dragging windows around, its ultimately retard proof
if you want something with more functionality, i3
its piss easy to configure but you will have to use the terminal to write a text config file where you put shit like
bindsym $mod+enter exec $term
(which essentially means bind mod (win) and enter to opening your terminal), winbabies might not like that
if you know how to use a computer but have never written a single line of code, you will probably get along fine with it
if you want hecking modern le good (gayland), sway exists as well
if you want something very "minimal" (neckbeard-'minimalism') but know how to code or how to copypaste a few things and add some {{}} around it, try dwm