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/tech/ - Technology

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i fucked up a ps4 controller, i had analog drift and broke my analog stick while taking it apart
where do i get new analog sticks and how do i find out which resistance i need in the first place
what are some good sticks?
ideally magnetic and without potentiometer bullshit that starts drifting after a year


Just get one of those Chinese USB controllers retard they last long


this, probably cheaper than fixing the actual controller


go fuck yourself i just ordered 4 new analog sticks for 2$ on aliexpress, now i have to wait a month until they arrive
and chinkshit usb controllers are garbage, also i want it to work wirelessly and have a touchpad i can use as a mouse
oh yeah and i did actually have a chinkshit usb controller, its wired so the wire broke and i havent fixed it yet
also the rubber wore out and sticks, literally falls apart
its disgusting so no thanks


I use a chinkshit xbox controller for pc but it seems you got a good deal. I didn't even know playstation controllers had drift I thought that was an xbox thing.


turns out all of those controllers use the same garbage alps analog sticks after doing a bit of more research, the worst part is that ps4 controllers use like 4 types of analog sticks from multiple brands (mostly alps) and xbox controllers do the same, but theyre more or less the same ones
and half of them arent even interchangeable because some have 2kohm, others have 10kohm so either figure out which ones you have and what resistance they have, use your multimeter, or just buy shit and regret it later after desoldering it for the 289375th time


I stuck a ps4 controller up my anal cavity and not it doesn't work help


pics or it didnt happen


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what the fauci


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how old are you


it.. fits?


if you live in muttmerica you can buy the controller off amazon and send back the broken one in the package

the Ps4 controller says "free returns" which means you can basically just send back your old shit after getting a new one


i dont live in muttmerica and i dont use amazog
also they all have serial numbers, on the shell and the board so i'd have to solder out analog sticks and solder them into my own controller which is a pain in the ass because they have very high thermal mass
not even my heated bed managed to pull those sticks off, so i just had to cut the 4 ground pins of the metal shell to get it off
tl;dr you need to break the analog stick (at least the shell) to get it soldered off without melting the entire PCB even with a heated bed and hot air gun
in the end i'd have 2 broken controllers and need to buy new chinesium analog sticks for both to send one of them back


>analog sticks arrive
>tfw they are new but drift
>harvest some small potentiometers from random garbage tech shit and glue them into the controller, then solder them onto the analog stick potentiometers to adjust for drift
>now i can calibrate in hardware
>tfw tfw it doesnt charge because i somehow killed a capacitor
>trial and error until i find one harvested from old tech trash that works
>it finally works
holy shit i hate jews who refuse to give me schematics



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But tineye is pretty useless though. Hasn't been updated in decades.


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>its real


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