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What are you honest, most sincerest thoughts of private trackers 'teens?


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I have better means to find potential bvlls when I feel the need to suck some dick.




theyre absolute soy
just pay 5$ for proxies or leech off someone elses
in reality private trackers will only have downsides plus the upside that you might find something rare there... which will get shared in public trackers a week later anyway
the rest is only downsides
hard to get into them, need to constantly sneed to not get kicked out so you always need to have your computer running, datamining because you cant just go there without any account and a random proxy and seed as you like, or not seed at all
its just a pain in the ass and i let faggots circlejerk but i wont tolerate them keeping good shit to themselves without allowing someone to share the content of the torrents (not the private torrents themselves because muh hecking ip leaks and copyright report trolls)
thats the same thing as copyright kiking but worse


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Don't like em


i thought they were a gay dick measuring elitist contest 10 years ago
i can only imagine how bad it is nowadays

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