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Give me 1(one) reason why I should leave Windows 7


BWC porn runs faster on TailsOS


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its malware, its proprietary, its useless, its EOL and unsupported by many programs, and more are dropping support every day, its spyware, its slow, its winglows, its not UNIX, etc...
the same reason why people left winshit XP and winshit 98/95, and the same reason why they will leave winshit 8/10
when it was new, winshit 8 and 10 were "LE BAD!"
now that winshit 11 is out and 12 is following some time soon, 8 and 10 that DIDNT CHANGE AT ALL (oh they did, they added more malware, telemetry, made it slower, added more ads, etc), is suddenly LE GOOD because winshit 11 is even MORE garbage
SOMEHOW microsoft always manages to make their products worse with every single "update"


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gentoo is for niggers and masochists, just use ubuntu (the white mans OS)


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DAILY REMINDER that tails is PROPRIETARY MALWARE made by the CIA to backdoor "hurr durr privacy and hecking opsec" retards who dont know what theyre doing
the same can be said for 99% of all the "privacy" oriented programs/operating systems/etc, theyre all usually pumped full of proprietary backdoors.


You sound like a nigger. When will you learn that open sourced software is unironically worse unless if they're very simple programs?


While I agree that Qubes having proprietary blobs is a negative, Qubes is still more resistant to malware and exploits than any linux distro. The blobs are required because of companies forcing you to install their black box software. I'll also remind you that xen is developed by linux aligned programmers.

It's less likely you get exploited from an expensive backdoor vs zeroday/malware so Qubes is still a better option even though it has blobs.

Create demand for them to open source their black box and Qubes will run open source. Until then, there is no serious reason for anyone to not use Qubes. If it's good enough for people committing crimes to evade the CIA it's good enough to store my legal documents and do occasional browsing over Tor.

The truth is that if you are scared of the proprietary blobs in Qubes, you should be scared of the proprietary firmware in your CPU. Both are unlikely to be exploited which is why you see criminals get caught by 0day exploits or other specialized malware.
ubuntu is windows reskinned and has telemetry. not good.


>open sores
open soros is another word for proprietary
>worse if its not simple
non-simple software in general is garbage, free software tends to be simple and proprietary software tends to be a bloated clusterfuck nobody can understand
also proprietary software is usually one-man software, or led by a small dev team
free software is made in collaboration by multiple people, often hundreds
that means that everyone writing free software would easily get confused by the crappy hackarounds and poorly written garbage code that is so common in proprietary software, which is also why free software tends to be simple.
>oy vey its the most resistant to malware
>lunix distro
>blobs are hecking REQUIRED ok??
>your machine will run just fine without ucode updates or proprietary wifi drivers (you wont have wifi), B-BUT you NEED 73MiB blobs in a 105MiB kernel, just because you NEED them for "security" ok???
<reddit spacing>
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>ackchyualley its totally soycure, muh 0days, muh blobs LE GOOD
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>oy vey, there is no reason for you not to run proprietary black boxes on a """security""" oriented operating system goyim!
>oy gevalt, its totally good enough, look at those hecking criminals using it and not getting caught ok??
just believe that its real because we said so right?
>we totally dont just let one or 2 of them get away with it to "prove" that qubes is totally cia-proof, and we totally dont claim that qubes users we catch are using winglows or phones
>oy vey be scared of proprietary firmware in your cpu
thank god i got rid of it
>very unlikely to get exploited
x86 is backdoored, anything you run on ring 3 WILL get to ring 0 if it really wants to. its just a matter of time.
there is no ""sandboxing"", all the "security" bullshit you do is merely a cope
and in fact, most of it HARMS your opsec because you rely on shitty sandboxes that allow proprietary shitware to read and write your entire $HOME
just echo some keylogger shit into your bashrc and alias it to sudo, next time someone uses sudo you got his password
now have fun playing around in ring 0
yeah, this is literally "sandboxing" like flatpak.
its "unlikely" to get exploited by random script kiddos or feds if you didnt do anything serious maybe, but if the cia is really dedicated to catching you because youre LE BAD and a threat to the government, they WILL go out of their way to fuck around with hardware level backdoors
they also rarely use the intel ME because they want to minimize the evidence of it being a backdoor, its one of many "just in case" backdoors they implant on devices, in case some schizo actually removes some other backdoors


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you're not wrong


it's le unsafe or something idunno


unhinged rant. meds.


its true tho, if you were intelligent enough to actually read it
or does it not fit onto 'your' proprietary phone screen?


Didn't read a single word (and I never will)


>lunix distro
>blobs are hecking REQUIRED ok??
Qubes is not a linux distro. You are clueless.

People have used "reddit spacing" before reddit was even a thing. Makes your text legible (you should try it since your posts are a mess that nobody cares to read).

>x86 is backdoored, anything you run on ring 3 WILL get to ring 0 if it really wants to. its just a matter of time.

>there is no ""sandboxing"", all the "security" bullshit you do is merely a cope
you're so retarded it's not even funny. must be bait (or you're a child).


zero reason as long as you're on the newest updates and have "remote desktop" disabled in all your computer settings.

also use a password, it'll help to stop you from getting a ransomware.


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>i-its not a lunix distro despite having a lunix kernel or something


dafuq, story behind this video?


just another x86 ""vulnerability"" that is being ignored by pretty much everyone under the sun
meanwhile ""security experts"" claim that "sandboxing" such as flatpak magically makes your shit secure
...while installing PROPRIETARY software, and giving PROPRIETARY software full R/W access to your $HOME
>b-but you can just disable this by reading this, making that config, installing these packages, and editing this shit, then enabling that daemon at boot
normal people will not do this, and even if you do this it will still find a way out of your little toddler toybox ""sandbox"" if it really wants to
tl;dr dont run proprietary software, and you can run with mitigations=off and dont have to worry about security holes anymore
just disable ssh and dont let people do RCE on your machine as non-root, you will get fucked over if you use mitigations but ESPECIALLY if you dont use mitigations because that makes it 20 times easier for script kiddies to do.


>i-its not a lunix distro despite having a lunix kernel or something
Qubes is based on Xen, not linux. You are a retard. The Dom0 Qube is based on linux. All the AppVM Qubes are based on linux. Qubes itself is not based on linux. Qubes is based on Xen. It uses Xen as a hypervisor.


>ackchyualley its a hypervisor and not an OS, "app" and vm is based on lunix BUT qubes ITSELF is totally not lunix, its based on xen i swear, it might include lunix but its not lunix!
GNU isnt lunix either, it just runs along with lunix in most cases


Your logic is retarded. If I run linux inside of a VM on windows is windows now linux? No. So fuck off and go LARP as a schizo elsewhere, clearly you don't actually have any technical knowledge


no, winglows is not gnu/windows.
if you run a winshit kernel with GNU its gnu.
if you run a winshit VM under gnu/linux its gnu.
if you design it to run GNU and ship it with gnu, it also contains gnu.
thats even more true for lunix because its just a kernel and including it with gnu makes it gnu/linux.


Basically, what we can take away from this is that GNU is an annoying tumor.


Ok, but Qubes is based on Xen, not linux. Linux runs inside of Qubes, but that doesn't make Qubes linux, just like linux running in windows doesn't make it linux, understand now?


no, but you'd certainly expect that sentiment from a non technical user.


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