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/tech/ - Technology

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>freetards actually expect me to believe the second one is better and more powerful than the first one
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK how much further can their coping go?


people obsessed with using terminals to code are delusional LARPers but Visual Studio is a bloated mess
take the JetBrains pill


visual studio is bloated because it actually has features. jetbrains is nice but kind of a pain in the ass to pirate nowadays.


>visual studio is bloated because it actually has features
i don't mean bloated in that way
the UI is a mess and because of that it's unpleasant to work with, unlike JetBrains IDEs which are nice and tidy, especially with the new VSCode-ish UI
but yeah i guess i agree that Visual Studio is still way ahead the glorified terminal notepads some niggers force themselves to use


you can close the toolbars or move them around nigger


There's nothing wrong with using a text editor or IDE to create code, but GCC compilation is above the rest. Not having GCC on windows is just one of many reasons to never touch that shitty spyware bloat operating system


They're the exact same thing, THOUGH. One just has buttons for things you'd type in the other.


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>cope + samefagging
do you really think that's not obvious to the 10 people on this dead board?


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>comparing jewbuntroon and a terminal to a literal fucking web browser
nice (((ClipboardImage))), wintoddler
you dont have any power to begin with lol


>pirating useless malware
>muh features
>i need a whole web browser to compile a 10gb hello world or something


i'd expect it to come with decent defaults when the developer is a multibillionaire corporation nigga
VS is written in C++ and C# you mong, it isn't VSCode
i own a license


you dont own jackshit.
>ackchyualley VS and VScope are 2 different things
>one is C++ and C# braindamage the other is chrome and braindamage


holy cancer
VSCode won


emacs won
yep, average vscope web browser C# cancer IDE garbage user.


it's okay to admit you were wrong once in a while you know
>you dont own jackshit.
i do though. JetBrains licenses are lifelong.


it's the same thing



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