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/tech/ - Technology

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XER is so true


you gotta turn it around entirely and fix up some minor things
God Tier: C, assembly, C++
Amazing: LaTeX, bash, HTML, PHP
Would Code In: CSS, Fortran, Lua, Matlab
Meh: go, Ruby, Kotlin, Java, TS, R
Trash: JS, VB, MySQL, haskell
python: python, C#, Swift, Rust


also forgot zig, that wasnt on the list
throw it into the amazing tier


>zig is amazing
>go is meh
way to know you never touched them


>java... LE BAD (not going to explain why tho)
>PHP... LE BAD (because i've read on some shitty blog written 10 years ago that it's le bad, i was too busy dying my hair pink to actually learn it)
>Visual Basic? of course i would code in that shitty abomination of a language, so much heckin' better than PHP!
holy mother of nigger


He probably makes more money than you


Java is le bad because it makes everything OOP and is slow.
PHP is not le bad
Javascript is le bad because it is used to deanonymize you
Typeshit is just javascript but types so also le bad


i agree
still not a point
>Java is le bad because it makes everything OOP and is slow.
which is good for business applications
>PHP is not le bad
i agree, it's literally just a meme perpetuated by trannies who have never coded in it or coded in it for the last time a decade ago


PHP used to be keyed because it triggered literally everyone, then they cucked out with COCs and shit.


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zig is C without the boilerplate
go is utter fucking garbage
>make terminal client for matrix
>write it in go
>constantly crashes, hangs up, lags, randomly dies
>dies when resizing your terminal randomly, not even consistent
>randomly freezes
>broken notifications/pings
>crashes every 2 minutes
>very slow
yeah you get the idea, and note that its a TERMINAL program, not even a heavy GUI or anything
>write matrix client in C++
>native X11 and openGL, blazing fucking fast
>could always be faster, be better
>could eat 2M of ram instead of 100 because 90 of them are just openGL boilerplate shit
>could be lighter than C++
>rewrite in zig with xrender
>absolute gigachad client single-handedly BTFOing every other matrix client, jewtube clien, 4cuck client, peertube client, etc... while not even being specifically made only for <insert thing>


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>not explaining why
VM garbage, only useful for wintoddlers and nobody cares about them, just make your shit POOSEX compliant and itll compile on any operating system that actually matters, plus that other thing that doesnt matter but is also somewhat POOSEX compliant (fagOS)
he gets paid for taking nigger genitals up his ass
also JS is even slower than java, have you actually tried to run something made in JS on a non-NASA-computer and compared it to the same thing written in java?
you can even somewhat get games to work with java, i mean advanced 3d games like meinkraft
in js... a 20 line script will lag your entire web browser and your computer, enjoy your 90% CPU load faggot LOL
oh yeah and enjoy getting tracked because JS is literal fucking remote code execution, if you enable JS you WILL be tracked and theres absolutely nothing you can do about it, other than to just disable JS
>slow is le good for business "apps"
your "business" runs on DOS/win-xp and VB/fortran/kotlin anyway you faggot


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>runtime error: slice bounds out of range
>the language must be bad and not my program


Where is Z80 assembly?


>VM garbage, only useful for wintoddlers and nobody cares about them
i know why some people dislike Java, but this nigger codes in JS, he's not a Cnile like the average Java hater.


he looks like an nigger fag


>which is good for business applications
having OOP is good for business applications, FORCING EVERYTHING TO BE A CLASS is not. also retarded language is slow and uses garbage collection.


>zig is C without the boilerplate
>go is utter fucking garbage
If I wanted to write in le memory safe language I would just use rust, but why would I when I can write code in C/C++?

also nobody will ever use zig so there is no point in me learning it. would be more efficient to optimize C code using ASM snippets instead of writing it all in zig where nobody in the world would ever contribute to it.


a lot of classes in Java and C# end up being "modules" essentially. once you realize that the choice to make everything a class is sound.
>garbage collected
doesnt matter for their use cases


Nigger tier webshit opinions. and immediately brim for putting ruby in 'meh' tier.


Brimstone for ruby being anything other than fluoridated brimstone tier, lowest of the low trash, down there with rust


She has such a beautiful voice






What's the biggest video we can upload on sharty?

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