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what's a decent troonix music player no retarded terminal shit nobody uses


cantata + mpd + nicotine+ + rutracker + i dunno something else


DeaDBeeF (basically, it works like foobar2000)

I had another one with a fancier GUI but I forgot what the name is. DeaDBeeF works fine for me.


cantata has ceased development last year


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firefox on youtube.com playlist is the only thing you'll ever need and if you think you need more you have brain damage


>not retarded
>not shit
strawberry player
>not shit nobody uses
you have braindamage
you DONT use a web browser for anything other than browsing the web, its literally in the name
also, jewtube (or js in general) is fucking garbage, you dont own your music, you dont get lossless audio, you get tracking, its slow, it lags your machine, it crackles and has underruns, it requires internet, etc...
the list is endless, just use mpv and get your FLACs from nicotine+ or any torrent client of your choice like a sane person


strawberry player is qt and i hate qt (and gtk, or any other gui toolkit really), and you need a gui for it, so you cant ssh into your server with a real soundcard and amp to play your music nooo, you gotta have a hecking monitor, keyboard, and mouse to click clock around instead!
the only reason not to use mpv is to organize hecking playlists, but i cope by literally writing my playlists in bash

export MUS=$HOME/data/music/public

mpv --no-video $@ \
"$MUS/КИНО [FLAC, mp3]/1982 - 45/03 - Аллюминиевые огурцы.flac" \
"$MUS/КИНО [FLAC, mp3]/1982 - 45/05 - Бездельник.flac" \
"$MUS/КИНО [FLAC, mp3]/1982 - 45/07 - Электричка.flac" \
"$MUS/КИНО [FLAC, mp3]/1982 - 45/08 - Восьмиклассница.flac" \
"$MUS/КИНО [FLAC, mp3]/1982 - 45/09 - Мои друзья.flac" \
"$MUS/КИНО [FLAC, mp3]/1982 - 45/10 - Ситар играл.flac" \
"$MUS/КИНО [FLAC, mp3]/1982 - 45/12 - Когда-то ты был битником.flac" \
#"$MUS/" \


this is the most retarded shit ever
thanks im gonna try strawberry, the old school interface looks sexy


>also, jewtube (or js in general) is fucking garbage, you dont own your music, you dont get lossless audio, you get tracking, its slow, it lags your machine, it crackles and has underruns, it requires internet, etc...
none of this ever happened


happened to me, i dont have a modern hecking nasa computer, i use fossilized hardware for a good reason.


>gnome file manager
>right click at your 5tb volume
>"create symlink"
>add symlink to ~/Music


>gnome file manager


I'm not a faggot, and I use GNOME. No, hear me out. I'm really not a faggot, ok? I don't suck dick frequently. But every alternative is horseshit for me. I'm here trying to find what's most usable and polished for me that won't give me random headaches and the only shit I can find that usable is GNOME on Wayland. I'm going to take a minute to remind you, because I just mentioned Wayland, that I'm not a faggot. Everything else runs on xorg which gives me more issues in general. One more time, I'm not a faggot.


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If you've tried a lot of software already try running musicbee through wine. It auto imports music if you really want something like that.


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>not a headache


im a fag and i use G4Music cuz it works + eyecandy


I don't understand what is wrong with you mentally ill children. I've never needed to changed my shit outside of what comes by default. Gnome, KDE, Xfce, I really don't give a shit because they all do the same thing at the end of the day with very little difference between them.


>very little difference
GUHNOME is a macOS clone, KDE is a winglows clone, and xfce is a poor winglows clone plus they all suck and all lag the shit out of your system
just use a window manager, or lxqt


No, I think I'll just stick to doing work instead of masturbating over what new thing I need to add to my desktop to... make it look better? There is no need for that, just like there's no need to change the background or anything else you faggots do to post in le heckin epic desktop thread #542623


>doing work
this is what happens when guhnome gayland toddlers try to "do work" LOL


forgot to paste
he really needs to make a linux version though, maybe we should tell him lmao


why dont you do it yourself?


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>no more freetard misery and autism


>misery and autism
>clickedy clock guy
>distorted crackling audio
>90% CPU load


Last time I used gnome it didn't look like this but ok, I don't think it really matters because I have never had issues on any desktop environment I've used. I've never had issues on linux in general.


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noooooooooooooooooooooooooo u have to use a terminal ui from the 1970's and make your own playlists as a bash script


should add that I don't play gaymes because they are shit tier so I would probably have issues if I was a gaymer


well guhnome got an ""upgrade"" now, its even more broken and useless than it was before
yes you unironically do, or go find a non-autistic terminal music player
you dont need a GUI for AUDIO you retard.


all cope and projection (from your own experience as troonix doesn't have any decently performing drivers)


mesa performs very well, what are you talking about?


I really don't care because my computer with gnome is able to do everything my computer with kde is able to do


>use windows, everything is normal
>use troonix, battery life is 2 hours, cpu fans at max rpm
yeah i'm sticking to what works well not your broken garbage cope toy




never experienced this, pretty sure you haven't touched linux


I've use it since ubuntu 7.04 it's always been broken trash for people who love coping and making being different their entire personality


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so clicky clock around in a gui?
slow down your fucking fans and install shit like powertop
>works well
>muh toy
lmao youre saying this with literal baby toys made by jews for people who cant use a computer
unlike you i actually CAN notice it because i dont have a garbage OS that doesnt let me change my sampling rate
probably just another jewbuntroon fag who used the most broken shit out there and thought "aha this is lunix and it sucks!"


It's much better for programming than any other operating system which is what I do the most. I've never had any issues, perhaps you're just a retard.


>so clicky cl
ock around in a gui?
You aren't better because you autistically use a terminal for everything. You use the terminal to run commands and compile shit, there's no reason to avoid using a GUI when it makes other tasks easier which is the point of a computer.


>the image is good because it means normal people can't use our OS
you are what is wrong with the linux community.



>jjjjust use powertop bro (even doe doing that'll just overheat your cpu)
>troonix is so great i have to spend my whole life evangelizing it on bald men in glasses site
seriously if you autistic retards spent as much time improving it instead of posting your TERRIBLE misleading advice it you wouldn't have to shill your broken garbage in the first place


>you dont need a GUI for AUDIO
we are talking about music library management you idiot i dont want to just play files i cant use fucking mpv for that
you probably dont know how to use a computer
i dont want shit easier, im not a retard, i want it simpler


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>Troonix users can't even have a basic music player without shit-flinging autism everywhere
no wonder everything is broken and their community is mentally ill troons


i dont autistically use a terminal for everything, i use a terminal for shit that is faster/easier/comfier to do in a terminal
that means using text-only chats, using a music player, editing text, running commands, etc...
>avoiding gui when its easier
its not easy having to use a fucking mouse instead of being able to just press one key, type out part of a file name, and hit tab then enter to play it
>muh lunix community
there is no such thing, meds now
see, youre a nigger and never do anything by yourself because youre too lazy or unable to do it
all you can do is leech off other peoples work
>overheat your cpu
sounds like a you-problem, my CPU is constantly at 40°C even when its at 80% load, and my fan isnt even loud
>terrible misleading advice
what terrible advice?
powertop does NOT overheat your cpu, and if your fan is running too slow because you configured fancontrol incorrectly or some shit, go fix it
in properly engineered hardware OS-level fan control shouldnt even be needed because it will work by default, HAVING to control it manually is mental illness because only schizos who want to avoid audible fan-spinning CIA nigger tracking methods want to manually control fan speed.


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2FPS GUI hands on a NASA computer typed this


>i want it simpler
clicking buttons is easier and simpler for many things.
Compiling with a GUI? Not simpler. File manager with GUI? Simpler. You are just an autist with a superiority complex.


/g/ is shit no matter what site you're discussing technology on


Because only autistic retards (and a very small minority of paid wagies) use Troonix, 99.9% of the world just uses Windows or Mac.


jewtube makes every song sound like shit because it forces audio normalization


>if I repost that picture again it HAS to be true


sorry to pop your little echo chamber bubble but 96.3% of the entire internet runs on GNU
stop using the internet, stop using winglows, and go back to minix or DOS if you hate lunix so much and dont want to use it


>visit college/library/office
>literally not one pc using troonix
>but the autistic freetards on the bald men in glasses website who probably never leave their houses know better than me or something


so basically all the chinkshit embedded devices that get used for ddos botnets?


so basically all the chinkshit embedded devices that get used for ddos botnets?


my university almost exclusively uses linux. sadly they also almost exclusively use ubuntu which fucking sucks but still.


how the fuck does every linux GUI manage to be annoying as fuck? I also heard the GNOME file manager doesn't have thumbnails because of a system destroying bug


but i thought the the gnu expert guy said ubuntu wasn't a real linux? do you think people would really do that, go on the internet and make stuff up to cope?


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Perhaps you would prefer if they added advertising to make you feel more at home?


he's not wrong in that ubuntu is basically just linux windows edition, but it's still a linux distro I just hate that my school uses it.


Post more windows screenshots, that'll fix all the glaring issues with GNOME and Troonix


i dont want to press random buttons in terribly designed UIs until what i believe they do happens
are you retarded?? microsoft has been funding them since forever of course your going to only find windows there
nobody ever said that, ubuntu sucks for other reasons


My school has macs THOUGH


how many dicks did your mom suck to get you in there retard


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The freetard ignored this one because it completely destroys their "security" argument


I've never had an issue with using my computer on linux. I have had issues coding on windows though because it is just inferior for that task and the terminal doesn't even come with a compiler and trying to install one is a terrible experience.


>i dont want to press random buttons in terribly designed UIs until what i believe they do happens
Well they do what they say they do. Works on my machine(s).


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>coding using the "terminal" like some boomer from the 1970's
no wonder you losers are unemployed


It was ignored because it's irrelevant and not true. He's referring to servers running linux. This is also just not how security works.


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They've been awfully quiet about it, I usually expect a wall of text.


Most businesses use Windows Server THOUGH.


You don't need to code in a terminal on linux. There are plenty of applications for coding just as there are on windows, but the difference is testing, benchmarking, and compiling is all easier on linux. Things just make sense for coding on linux because it is important to the community to make coding easy whereas for windows it is not very important because 99% of windows users only use windows as a bootloader for google chrome and muh gaymes.


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>none of the computers using lunix
because all the retarded boomers who use random computers in libraries and do NOTHING other than browsing the internet are used to winglows
thats because winglows setups are all the same, and boomers wont be able to figure out how to use GUHNOME
plus, you need to actually maintain a GNU system if its not debian shit, since there are no automatic updates
oh well there are, but theyre even more prone to breaking shit than winglows garbage.
the stability of winglows shows...
since your university does actual serious work and cant afford to have "durrrr rebooting for hecking updaterino" screens, crashes, bluescreens, programs that refuse to start up at random, etc... in the middle of a presentation
its lunix garbage and broken if you do anything other than open up a web browser
because GUIs are garbage, and because most people making a GUI are mentally retarded and use toolkits like qt or gtk, they all suck.
now look at a GOOD gui and tell me if you hate it or love it
also yes, guhnome really didnt have file picker thumbnails, but i dont think it was because of a bug
from what i know they just refused to add it because "WONTFIX, usecase unclear, YOU DONT NEED THIS, ISSUE CLOSED."
GUHNOME is developed by iToddler trannies who dont even daily drive GUHNOME, what the hell did you expect?
its like microsoft not using winglows to develop winglows because its unable to compile itself since its a toy operating system made for babies
and no, i was busy actually doing work because i have a life, unlike you wintoddler frogposters
all the embedded devices dont even count, i was talking about all the big servers millions of people use every day, theres a good reason why theyre not running wincuck or fagOS
>20gb compiler
>help why is my hello world 2GiB in size and why does it take 20 seconds to run???
>hurr durr you need to drag and drop hecking pre-made code blocks in a clickedy clocky GUI like a baby
>hurr durr muh employment muh job niguh
>durr hurr get a job nigguh, go pay taxes and work 48 hours per day so you can barely afford hecking rent in a 2m^2 apartment and a single frozen goyslop 'pizza' per day because hurr durr muh job hurr durr freetards totally btfo
amerimutt detected, average wintoddler frogposter
new levels of mental retardation


No. That would be irresponsible.


i use ubuntu my distro already has advertising built in AND gnome at the same time


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come home white man


quod libet

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