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/tech/ - Technology

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what is the best internet browser for MACs? (Freetards and poorfag losers stay out of this thread)


Safari and Chrome


try smashing your toddler computer apart and getting a thinkpad instead.


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Be Brave




they still didn't fix the thumbnails. it can't generate them automatically. only when you look at the image first in another program then gnome generates the thumb. still needs more work.


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>troonix still has no thumbnails


buy microsoft edge plus pro ultra max


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quickmedia had this before guhnome did LOL
toolkit toddlers eternally BTFO


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buy the 1000$ monitor stand


its 2023 and my gnome still has no thumbnails


Thunar, you fucking niggers


>le thumbnail meme
they fixed it in GNOME 44 you autistic NPC.


it does, you're just running an old version of it.


ungoogled chromiumm


gnome is shit and everyone knows it


gnome is shit and everyone knows it


whatever helps you sleep at night schizo

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