>>5403"virus" (aka malware) is just a wintoddler term for "software that does things the user doesnt want it to do", that includes any and all proprietary software but wintoddler mindsets need to do mental gymnastics, apparently they LIKE to be digitally assraped by big tech companies because they have a cuckold fetish or something
but when some script kiddo fucks around with "their" computers, they cry about it.
windows is a virus, macOS is a virus, the blobs in your lunix kernel are viruses, and so are all the proprietary garbage programs you install and run carelessly.
something scanning all your files and reporting their contents to someone you dont know or trust seems VERY malicious to me
>disguises itself as harmless operating system>invisible to the user>prevents the user from removing it>breaks everything else when the user tries to remove it anywaythose are all aspects of malware, and windows fits them PERFECTLY.