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what programming languages should I learn


Depends on your goals


python, JS, rust


holy c


you just named all the programming languages you should NOT learn
this, if you know C you know HC.
for quickly skidding some shit together on your computer, not optimizing speed or making it work on other computers, bash
for making actual programs, C
if youre schizophrenic, HC and assembly are the right thing for you


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>you just named all the programming languages you should NOT learn
there are two types of languages, those that people complain about and those that no one use


>for making actual programs, C
Why would someone use a programming language without lists or memory safety in 2023?


If you can't manage your memory correctly, then you probably shouldn't be programming.


depends on your skill level
in any case, not C. Cniles are pathetic LARPers who have never coded anything more complex than hello worlds. if you're a noob it's important that you realize this and don't get groomed into their literal cult.


>If you can't manage your memory correctly, then you probably shouldn't be programming.
This is a retarded take, no one can manage memory perfectly no matter how skilled they are. There's always going to be bugs that will slip through. Memory corruption etc are the most common kind of CVE issues and can lead to RCE and other disastrous shit.


I can manage memory perfectly, I'm not the mentally ill GNU schizo thoughbeit.


java and c# if you plan on actually making something instead of larping on discord


based C#/Java chad


They're... okay, for soy-dev megacorp "let's just earn a paycheck and forget about it" stuff. But C++ is the true patrician language.


c# and java programs are much easier to maintain and are often safer than c++


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>easier to maintain
look at the clusterfucked abominations that are android and minecraft, literally the only 2 java pieces of shit people actually use
unironically causes brain damage
python is unusable and a pain in the ass, it breaks every single fucking update
C is very much used, theres a good reason why everything that actually matters is written in C
GNU, linux, all your core programs, everything that actually works people don't complain about is written in C.
people complain about languages if theyre garbage and too many people write garbage with them, this happened to rust, js, python, java, C#, etc...
this, rust is troonware for soydevs who have no idea what the fuck theyre doing, such people shouldnt be programming.
i installed a single rust program on my computer and it froze it completely, i couldnt even switch to another tty to unfuck it and kill X
>muh cniles hello world
C is very simple, but you have a point
C can be a boilerplate if youre trying to make GUI shit, if you ever tried to make C interact with X11 you know what im talking about
consider zig then.
i can
im not mentally ill, i dont code in r*st
>java and C#
samefag, all of you
funny how pisscord is made using a silly toy language (js) that fits into the same category as C#, python, rust, haskell, java, etc...


im convinced this nigger is a nocoder now


im convinced he's the one with brain damage


You WILL start with C++. You WILL read Programming: Principles and Practice using C++. You WILL write perfect C++ code with no bugs that never needs updates because it adheres to the UNIX philosophy, and you WILL be happy.

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