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/tech/ - Technology

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Windows 10 has been so fucking annoying for me recently. Start menu doesn't work, file explorer just gives up randomly, and other shit happens.
I want to switch to something else, linux or not, but I have no idea what distro.
I just want one that isn't complicated, very supported, and isn't annoying as shit.
What should I do?




Unironically windows 11 if you like updating. Other than that consider debloating a windows iso yourself or use ghostspectre if you want to support russiaGODS


>filtered by windows
lol just buy a mac dumb nigger


if you don't play vidya, then install ubuntu
otherwise go to windows 11




I might actually just dualboot Ubuntu and Windows.
Probably just going to use Ubuntu mainly, but use Windows for stuff that wouldn't really work on Linux (since some programs can block Wine from working I've heard)


who cares, you dont need Wine probably. when i made the switch i just found the linux alternatives for all the stuff i was using and realized they were consistently of higher quality than the shit i was using on shitglows.


https://atlasos.net/downloads I use that with windows 10


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>what distro
depends on what you want, if you want something that gives you enough control and just werks, arch.
>b-but its so hard to install!
archinstall, and no its not hard. figure out partitioning (use BIOS boot, GPT if you have a 3TB+ boot drive or want more than 4 partitions on it, otherwise MBR, fuck UEFI)
read the wiki, copypaste commands, know what your root partition is, format root as ext4 (mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdSOMETHING), and your boot partition if you have one as FAT32 (mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sdSOMETHING) install all your shit and just copypaste the wiki, then install grub.
if you want to encrypt your drive, make a LUKS partition first, open it, and format it as ext4 afterwards, then figure out how to add luks/cryptlvm hooks to your /etc/mkinitcpio.conf (HOOKS=(... block encrypt filesystem fsck), and adjust your /etc/default/grub accordingly, followed by re-running mkinitcpio and grub-mkconfig.
if you just want a normal setup without encryption its way simpler than that and you can ignore all this, but i know schizos will sperg out when i tell people to not encrypt their hard drives
not possible
jewbuntroon is the #1 reason why wintoddlers who "try lunix" hate it and go back to winglows, dont listen to the debian/jewbuntroon samefag.
proprietary backdoored CIA nigger malware
oh speaking of it, if you prefer freedom over convenience you should install parabola or trisquel.
parabola is just arch for freetards, and trisquel is the de-kiked jewbuntu equivalent.
proprietary malware
very bad idea, winglows hates GNU and WILL fuck your partitions, enjoy reinstalling your shit once in a while.
dual booting is a terrible idea, and ubuntu is even worse than that.
you dont need winshit, 90% of all the winkike garbage runs with wine anyway, and you won't need any of that except for "muh gaymes" because there are superior free equivalents (like gimp/krita for photoshit, firefuck for internet explorer, etc)
enjoy your non-removable ads and sodomy flags LMAO
wintoddlers cant even remove a single UI element, let alone do something like change your bar and its content entirely...
oh and enjoy your ads that slow down your fancy new NASA computer kek, my 15 year old thinkpad potato is faster than "your" octa core nasa gaeming computer with winkike on it.


install gentoo


There's a PowerShell command you can run that fixes this issue. Forgot what it was but just look up PowerShell start menu fix and you will find it.





samefag shills trying to bait a wintoddler into installing a garbage OS that makes him go back to winglows
name one program that blocks wine
and would you seriously want to run a fucking rootkit that tells you what you can and cant do on your computer?


cope, i use windows 7 on a dell laptop.


should I do this



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>windows 10


just use GNU/Linux like a sane human being, literally the only reason retards use winkike is because ""theyre used to it"", and because they think lunix is "hard".
by the time you installed winkike, cope with outdated bullshit or modern slow spyware and ""debloating"" it with 20 scripts made by pajeets, breaking the whole thing, and reinstalling it and leaving out 2 debloat scripts this time, you have installed lunix and learned how to get along with it twice.


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