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/tech/ - Technology

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>picrel is the current state of troonix development
now I understand why it's such broken garbage.
You truly have to be deranged and brain-damaged to willingly use and work on such awful software/community. (FOR FREE)


>people complaining about wayland are trannies
LOL huge L for xorg cultists


holy shitflinging


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shut the fuck up waynigger


you're just another case on point GNU schizo with your shitty discord grooming server
same thing, it's discord for LARPers


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wayARYANS won


this except the cord is full of wayland trannies. anyone saying otherwise is a kabbalistic inversion kike


so it's DA JOOOS now?


it's the cord, and the jews, but also the gentiles - since only an unthinking lower than animal beast of burden mulatto apoidic nigger cattle GOY could possibly believe wayland is better than X11. i mean, i guess gentiles like staring at window shadowing and frosted glass effects while they shove their faces full of fast food.


X11 has macOS effects and animations too the fuck you on? there's no reason to use a whole nother proiocol instead of just iterating onto another version of X, X12 perhaps?


also goyim like to use a LOT of bandwidth. that's why they need fractional scaling - so they can use 4k and 8k and 16k and 32k screens, but increase the scaling so its indistinguishable from a 1280x1024 screen from 2001! stupid goyim. they also like to stream their giant fucking displays over VNC and waste hundreds of gigabytes of data, which is why they hate serialized forwarding like X11 has - even though they think we should all go back to timesharing and give up our PCs because owning a physical machine is for terrorists


X11 has fundamental problems (lack of security, bloat etc). if you were to just make an X12 to solve these issues it would be so different from x11 that it may as well just be a new protocol.


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Windows Terminal Services doesn't have any of these problems. I can watch 4K videos and barely tell the difference. And scaling works automatically if one computer has a different dpi. Imagine still using your gay freetard trash.


dumb frogposter. goy, kike, tranny, retard idiot


intelligent soydeleter. jew, goy, cissy, gifted intelligent


>it was slow and buggy, not secure
this is a gayland toddler lie, and all those things ironically only apply to gayland
>insecure, you have to run everything as root to even do for example xdotool-like input simulation
>its slow garbage, forced compositor and forced vsync
>its extremely buggy, nothing works
gayland broke my screensharing in firefuck after i spent an hour figuring out how to get it working in the first place, by setting 20 environment variables and installing+configuring 5 extra packages that need fucking kikewire
oh and did i mention that kikewire broke my audio?
underruns, crackling, randomly dies and unmutes my virtual mic when i dont even tell it to, very nice!
using alsa solved all my problems, and i3 with X has better performance than hecking light gayland (sway) so go fuck yourself, im going back to X.


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this is because gayland doesnt have features, and if you compare a hacked together gayland desktop/wm with a full X installation, gayland will be x2 as big (and broken)
yeah sure running everything as root is ""security"" right?
oh and jokes on you, wshowkeys can keylog gayland, so the "muh keyloggers" cope is just another lie.
scaling could be smaller, there is no reason to use anything bigger, but a couple of reasons to make everything smaller on a low res screen. if i set my monitor to 480p to play some games i dont want a gigantic bar that doesnt even fit all of its elements onto itself (pic rel)


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this is how it normally looks like and how it SHOULD look like.


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penaiple go to sleep


oh and did i mention that dmenu and other X programs are completely fucked when you have a multi monitor setup?
i have no clue why but when i disable my left monitor (VGA-2) and set my main one (VGA-1) to 480p, it just refuses to launch and throws out random errors.
its very annoying having to open up a terminal to type xash3d & exit or some shit.
>inb4 use a gayland equivalent
how do i do launch bash aliases with bemenu while still having my $PATH being taken into account? i want to be able to launch aliases but also shit in /usr/local/bin, bemenu somehow fucked this up and i have no clue why so i switched back to dmenu.
this is my alias script, if you fix it for me i'll forgive you gayland trannies for this one.

shit() {
[ ! -e "$cachedir" ] && mkdir -p "$cachedir"
if stest -dqr -n "$cache" $PATH; then
stest -flx $PATH | sort -u | tee "$cache"
cat "$cache"
bash -i -c "alias | sed -E 's/alias ([^=]+).*$/\1/'"
shit | dmenu "$@" | ${SHELL:-"/bin/sh"} -i &


ignore the
theyre just newlines and doll needs to fix fucking code blocks


>launch xash3d
>"blabla mode not supported blabla"
>have to enable second monitor, launch it, move it to the main monitor, fullscreen it, and disable the second monitor again
the gayland experience.


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So this is supposed to be the power, quality, and reliability of Troonix? So glad I decided to buy a new MacBook Pro.


no, this is the quality and reliability of gayland.
on X11 the only 'issue' i had was Vsync, and it was solved by looking up "how to get vsync on X11", and throwing 2 lines into a config file.
everything works perfectly as intended.


X11 will not be supported soon doe. And all its development is controlled by (((Red Hat))) so even if you propose patches to fix it nobody will merge them. At this point you're just like the Windows 7/8 baby ducks, coping as long as you can on your 10 year old hardware.


supported by who or what, your gay GTK/qt bullshit nobody with a brain uses anyway?
>nobody will merge patches to fix shit
i will be moving to xenocara then


cope penaiple, i will continue using x11 and im not a sheep so i can fix issues with it myself. The difference between windows 7 and xorg is that xorg is free software so I can fix it myself.


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sir i am penaiple, this faggot is a gayland shill.


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>this faggot is a gayland shill.
why do you use gayland?


WinGODS won


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because i havent switched back to X yet, im too busy shitposting on the sharty to do this and rewrite all my configs for X11.
(also xrandr is a pain in the ass, but at least it can do interlacing unlike gayland lol)


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Works on my machine. Seems you have financial issues. Shouldn't be difficult to overcome with your superior intelligence and unix skills. Oh wait nvm I forgot this is the autistic freetard shitflinging board.


what are you talking about and who are you talking to
take your meds please


PLEASE put a bullet into jay irwins head (in minecraft)


i just reported him for credible death threats, kolyma should be forwarding it to the fbi soon.


sir i am talking about minecraft, there is an iToddler mod a soyteen made where you can shoot jay irwin


iToddlers BTFO!




jay irwin will suck big black penguins


im going to kill jay irwin in halo CE sidewinder team oddball 4v4 pistols only with no shields. i'm going to put a bullet in his fucking dome
you're also dead in counter-strike mother bitch


>mother bitch
india moment


sir SIR please do the needful, and install windows 11. thank you very much, please come again. good evening



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