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hey guys i got my hands on a stolen hp EliteBook 840 G7 from ebay. the bios keeps dumping software and startup shit onto windows. got myself a CH341A bios/eeprom programmer off of amazon to try and reflash the bios. is this even possible? what do.


you can't reflash the bios if you haven't made a 1:1 clean backup using an external programmer beforehand, because all the hardware made after 2006 by intel (or 2012 by AMD) has backdoors known as the Intel Management Engine (IME) and AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP)
i can't confirm anything for AyyMD but i'll just assume that its the same as gintele in terms of restrictions
on intel hardware you aren't allowed to make a bios backup like a sane normal human being, lets say flashrom -p internal -r biosbackup.rom
noo, you can only read a PART of the BIOS, if anything at all. some modern garbage has whats known as an ""opaque flash chip"" which is the maximum kikery you could imagine. you get zero brick protection with this shit.
on top of this comes that UEFI bullshit mounts your EFI vars R/W so rm -rf / will erase your BIOS lol
and no, you cant flash it back without a clean backup made with an external programmer (like ch341a or raspberry pi) because the intel ME fucking PREVENTS you from reading certain parts of the chip, this is for your "security" goyim.
oh and did i mention that bios images are unique for a lot of modern boards?
that means even if you find a dump on the internet or buy the exact same board a second time and copypaste the rom, itll most likely refuse to boot or just power off after 30 minutes due to intels ""anti theft"" nonsense that comes baked in with the IME.
tl;dr you bought defective hardware, become a freetard schizo and only use pre-2008 intel hardware if you have an external flasher because you can remove the IME on those machines (but need a flasher), or pre 2006 hardware if you want to flash internally.
now go compile libreboot/coreboot without blobs, kick the IME out, and it will just work.
unlike proprietary garbage, coreboot will run on anything and not break intentionally because "durr hurr your serials and hecking israel-inside signing keys dont match our hardware backdoors keys"
have you considered trying a functional operating system?
it wouldnt surprise me if this was just another proprietary firmware bug that will make end users suffer because theyre absolutely helpless against them, and it would surprise me even less because you have HP garbage. HP stands for Horrible Products, seriously, dont buy their shit.
consider trying to take the cmos battery out, and cleaning the JewEFI bullshit settings.
some laptops have "security" chips (for shit like TPM), you can erase them by shorting some pins while hitting some keys in the bios to trick it into thinking its inactive/empty so you are able to disable it in the bios and overwrite whatever is on it.
heres a detailed explanation on how to do this (at least on thinkpads), check the chips type and pinout and try to apply/adjust this to your computer, if youre lucky you can figure it out.
tl;dr just buy a thinkpad retard, you got your flasher anyway.
if your machine is coreboot compatible just install that, literally zero downsides.


you can't reflash the bios if you haven't made a 1:1 clean backup using an external programmer beforehand, because all the hardware made after 2006 by intel (or 2012 by AMD) has backdoors known as the Intel Management Engine (IME) and AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP)
i can't confirm anything for AyyMD but i'll just assume that its the same as gintele in terms of restrictions
on intel hardware you aren't allowed to make a bios backup like a sane normal human being, lets say flashrom -p internal -r biosbackup.rom
noo, you can only read a PART of the BIOS, if anything at all. some modern garbage has whats known as an ""opaque flash chip"" which is the maximum kikery you could imagine. you get zero brick protection with this shit.
on top of this comes that UEFI bullshit mounts your EFI vars R/W so rm -rf / will erase your BIOS lol
and no, you cant flash it back without a clean backup made with an external programmer (like ch341a or raspberry pi) because the intel ME fucking PREVENTS you from reading certain parts of the chip, this is for your "security" goyim.
oh and did i mention that bios images are unique for a lot of modern boards?
that means even if you find a dump on the internet or buy the exact same board a second time and copypaste the rom, itll most likely refuse to boot or just power off after 30 minutes due to intels ""anti theft"" nonsense that comes baked in with the IME.
tl;dr you bought defective hardware, become a freetard schizo and only use pre-2008 intel hardware if you have an external flasher because you can remove the IME on those machines (but need a flasher), or pre 2006 hardware if you want to flash internally.
now go compile libreboot/coreboot without blobs, kick the IME out, and it will just work.
unlike proprietary garbage, coreboot will run on anything and not break intentionally because "durr hurr your serials and hecking israel-inside signing keys dont match our hardware backdoors keys"
have you considered trying a functional operating system?
it wouldnt surprise me if this was just another proprietary firmware bug that will make end users suffer because theyre absolutely helpless against them, and it would surprise me even less because you have HP garbage. HP stands for Horrible Products, seriously, dont buy their shit.
consider trying to take the cmos battery out, and cleaning the JewEFI bullshit settings.
some laptops have "security" chips (for shit like TPM), you can erase them by shorting some pins while hitting some keys in the bios to trick it into thinking its inactive/empty so you are able to disable it in the bios and overwrite whatever is on it.
heres a detailed explanation on how to do this (at least on thinkpads), check the chips type and pinout and try to apply/adjust this to your computer, if youre lucky you can figure it out.
tl;dr just buy a thinkpad retard, you got your flasher anyway.
if your machine is coreboot compatible just install that, literally zero downsides.


you can't reflash the bios if you haven't made a 1:1 clean backup using an external programmer beforehand, because all the hardware made after 2006 by intel (or 2012 by AMD) has backdoors known as the Intel Management Engine (IME) and AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP)
i can't confirm anything for AyyMD but i'll just assume that its the same as gintele in terms of restrictions
on intel hardware you aren't allowed to make a bios backup like a sane normal human being, lets say flashrom -p internal -r biosbackup.rom
noo, you can only read a PART of the BIOS, if anything at all. some modern garbage has whats known as an ""opaque flash chip"" which is the maximum kikery you could imagine. you get zero brick protection with this shit.
on top of this comes that UEFI bullshit mounts your EFI vars R/W so rm -rf / will erase your BIOS lol
and no, you cant flash it back without a clean backup made with an external programmer (like ch341a or raspberry pi) because the intel ME fucking PREVENTS you from reading certain parts of the chip, this is for your "security" goyim.
oh and did i mention that bios images are unique for a lot of modern boards?
that means even if you find a dump on the internet or buy the exact same board a second time and copypaste the rom, itll most likely refuse to boot or just power off after 30 minutes due to intels ""anti theft"" nonsense that comes baked in with the IME.
tl;dr you bought defective hardware, become a freetard schizo and only use pre-2008 intel hardware if you have an external flasher because you can remove the IME on those machines (but need a flasher), or pre 2006 hardware if you want to flash internally.


you can't reflash the bios if you haven't made a 1:1 clean backup using an external programmer beforehand, because all the hardware made after 2006 by intel (or 2012 by AMD) has backdoors known as the Intel Management Engine (IME) and AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP)
i can't confirm anything for AyyMD but i'll just assume that its the same as gintele in terms of restrictions
on intel hardware you aren't allowed to make a bios backup like a sane normal human being, lets say flashrom -p internal -r biosbackup.rom
noo, you can only read a PART of the BIOS, if anything at all. some modern garbage has whats known as an ""opaque flash chip"" which is the maximum kikery you could imagine. you get zero brick protection with this shit.
on top of this comes that UEFI bullshit mounts your EFI vars R/W so rm -rf / will erase your BIOS lol
and no, you cant flash it back without a clean backup made with an external programmer (like ch341a or raspberry pi) because the intel ME fucking PREVENTS you from reading certain parts of the chip, this is for your "security" goyim.
oh and did i mention that bios images are unique for a lot of modern boards?
that means even if you find a dump on the internet or buy the exact same board a second time and copypaste the rom, itll most likely refuse to boot or just power off after 30 minutes due to intels ""anti theft"" nonsense that comes baked in with the IME.
tl;dr you bought defective hardware, become a freetard schizo and only use pre-2008 intel hardware if you have an external flasher because you can remove the IME on those machines (but need a flasher), or pre 2006 hardware if you want to flash internally.




you can't reflash the bios if you haven't made a 1:1 clean backup using an external programmer beforehand, because all the hardware made after 2006 by intel (or 2012 by AMD) has backdoors known as the Intel Management Engine (IME) and AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP)
i can't confirm anything for AyyMD but i'll just assume that its the same as gintele in terms of restrictions
on intel hardware you aren't allowed to make a bios backup like a sane normal human being, lets say flashrom -p internal -r biosbackup.rom
noo, you can only read a PART of the BIOS, if anything at all. some modern garbage has whats known as an ""opaque flash chip"" which is the maximum kikery you could imagine. you get zero brick protection with this shit.
on top of this comes that UEFI bullshit mounts your EFI vars R/W so rm -rf / will erase your BIOS lol
and no, you cant flash it back without a clean backup made with an external programmer (like ch341a or raspberry pi) because the intel ME fucking PREVENTS you from reading certain parts of the chip, this is for your "security" goyim.
oh and did i mention that bios images are unique for a lot of modern boards?
that means even if you find a dump on the internet or buy the exact same board a second time and copypaste the rom, itll most likely refuse to boot or just power off after 30 minutes due to intels ""anti theft"" nonsense that comes baked in with the IME.
tl;dr you bought defective hardware, become a freetard schizo and only use pre-2008 intel hardware if you have an external flasher because you can remove the IME on those machines (but need a flasher), or pre 2006 hardware if you want to flash internally.
now go compile libreboot/coreboot without blobs, kick the IME out, and it will just work.
unlike proprietary garbage, coreboot will run on anything and not break intentionally because "durr hurr your serials and hecking israel-inside signing keys dont match our hardware backdoors keys"
have you considered trying a functional operating system?
it wouldnt surprise me if this was just another proprietary firmware bug that will make end users suffer because theyre absolutely helpless against them, and it would surprise me even less because you have HP garbage. HP stands for Horrible Products, seriously, dont buy their shit.
consider trying to take the cmos battery out, and cleaning the JewEFI bullshit settings.
some laptops have "security" chips (for shit like TPM), you can erase them by shorting some pins while hitting some keys in the bios to trick it into thinking its inactive/empty so you are able to disable it in the bios and overwrite whatever is on it.
heres a detailed explanation on how to do this (at least on thinkpads), check the chips type and pinout and try to apply/adjust this to your computer, if youre lucky you can figure it out.
tl;dr just buy a thinkpad retard, you got your flasher anyway.
if your machine is coreboot compatible just install that, literally zero downsides.


You are a schizophrenic who has no idea what he is talking about. IME (really AMT) functions as a lights-out manager / OOB management. It is not a backdoor but rather a very common feature found on enterprise hardware. Enterprise hardware (e.g. SPARC, HPE, Dell, etc.) have their own implementations of OOB management. For example, if I can use Sun's iLOM to check and reset hardware faults, power on/off the computer, and access a console remotely over SSH. No evidence has ever been presented of an intentional backdoor in the Intel ME except for the ramblings of the tranny infested EFF.


You are a schizophrenic who has no idea what he is talking about. IME (really AMT) functions as a lights-out manager / OOB management. It is not a backdoor but rather a very common feature found on enterprise hardware. Enterprise hardware (e.g. SPARC, HPE, Dell, etc.) have their own implementations of OOB management. For example, if I can use Sun's iLOM to check and reset hardware faults, power on/off the computer, and access a console remotely over SSH. No evidence has ever been presented of an intentional backdoor in the Intel ME except for the ramblings of the tranny infested EFF.


holy shit the lag
>durr hurr a black box operating system that takes up 3/4 of your bios chip and prevents you from making proper bios backups or flashing them back is totally not a backdoor, meds now goyim!!
then why is it found on every single consoomer device?
i see where you actually need to have a remote control backdoor so you can manage servers on a low level without KVM bullshit because proprietoddlers don't know what linuxboot is and can't into ssh
>oy vey no evidence blabla
its proprietary
its impossible to remove on modern hardware
it constantly runs in the background, and the so called "enterprise features" are found on every consoomer device
imagine them spending more money JUST to slap their "enterprise" shit onto every consoomer device lol, you need a bios chip x4 the normal size just to fit the ME because its a whole operating system (which you cant access)
besides, the more unnecessary shit you run, the more attack surface you have.
there is zero benefit for non-server users to have this shit running, other than having your battery drained faster, backdoors, more attack surface, etc... so might as well remove it.


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>then why is it found on every single consoomer device?

Because, like most LOMs, it is what boots the CPU and provides power management functionality. Intel would have to redesign the entire chipset around not having a ME.

>i see where you actually need to have a remote control backdoor so you can manage servers on a low level without KVM bullshit because proprietoddlers don't know what linuxboot is and can't into ssh

Really? How do you access ssh without having a monitor and keyboard attached to the computer to install the operating system in the first place? My UltraSPARC for example does not have a video or keyboard port. Only a serial port for connecting to iLOM. It's not like Windows users don't have SSH equivalents, they have RDP.


Sure, install a buggy compilation of the Linux kernel directly into your computer's firmware. Can't see anything going wrong there. And you will not be able to access that linux firmware after your computer boots.

>you need a bios chip x4 the normal size just to fit the ME because its a whole operating system

Linuxboot takes up a lot more space than the ME MINIX 3 installation. And SPI Flash chips come in powers of two. The ME takes up around 5MB on a 16MB BIOS.

>its proprietary

Pretending that proprietary software is impossible to do forensics on.

>there is zero benefit for non-server users

Enterprise users use it. For theft protection and device monitoring. ThinkPads and Latitudes are enterprise laptops and have AMT available.

>which you cant access

You can access it via AMT. You can't screw around with it and install a backdoor. If you are able to access the ME OS directly then anyone else with access to your Host OS is able to access it.


>then why is it found on every single consoomer device?

Because, like most LOMs, it is what boots the CPU and provides power management functionality. Intel would have to redesign the entire chipset around not having a ME.

>i see where you actually need to have a remote control backdoor so you can manage servers on a low level without KVM bullshit because proprietoddlers don't know what linuxboot is and can't into ssh

Really? How do you access ssh without having a monitor and keyboard attached to the computer to install the operating system in the first place? My UltraSPARC for example does not have a video or keyboard port. Only a serial port for connecting to iLOM. It's not like Windows users don't have SSH equivalents, they have RDP.


Sure, install a buggy compilation of the Linux kernel directly into your computer's firmware. Can't see anything going wrong there. And you will not be able to access that linux firmware after your computer boots.

>you need a bios chip x4 the normal size just to fit the ME because its a whole operating system

Linuxboot takes up a lot more space than the ME MINIX 3 installation. And SPI Flash chips come in powers of two. The ME takes up around 5MB on a 16MB BIOS.

>its proprietary

Pretending that proprietary software is impossible to do forensics on.

>there is zero benefit for non-server users

Enterprise users use it. For theft protection and device monitoring. ThinkPads and Latitudes are enterprise laptops and have AMT available.

>which you cant access

You can access it via AMT. You can't screw around with it and install a backdoor. If you are able to access the ME OS directly then anyone else with access to your Host OS is able to access it.


just booted into mint cinnamon and have never used linux in my life. I've already tried clearing cmos. it has a TPM so idk what else to do besides what i've already done. also, i've heard of lirebooting and when i looked around for a good .bin to flash i just couldn't find one for the 840 g7. (my flasher, according to the site, would fry the shit outta it anyway. i guess one of the lines is 5v when it should be 3.3v)


just booted into mint cinnamon and have never used linux in my life. I've already tried clearing cmos. it has a TPM so idk what else to do besides what i've already done. also, i've heard of lirebooting and when i looked around for a good .bin to flash i just couldn't find one for the 840 g7. (my flasher, according to the site, would fry the shit outta it anyway. i guess one of the lines is 5v when it should be 3.3v)


i asked however




the ch341a blasts 5v onto your data lines, this isnt good for your chip but isnt gonna kill it if you aren't flashing it 200 times or more. putting 5V onto your VCC would be problematic.
>cant find a good .bin
compile your own, and i doubt libreboot supports it, but if coreboot supports it go port it, theres a relatively retard proof guide on how to port a machine to libreboot if its already supported by coreboot, all you need to do is copypaste shit, compile, and verify it works.
>one of the lines
2 actually, MISO and MOSI. there are green and blue ch341a flashers by the way, theyre just a little harder to find, but they dont blast 5V onto your data lines if you actually worry about that.
i have flashed hundreds of thinkpads and other computers/chips with a ch341a and have never fried a chip, or seen anyone who fried his chip.
its wrong sure, but its autistic "b-but thats wroooong!1!", because its a hack and not how it should actually be done, but it does work.
and does lunix werk or not?
>blabla they would have to redesign the entire chipset to not need IME
absolute bullshit, you can remove the IME on pre-2008 hardware entirely, and on post-2008 hardware you can shrink a 6MiB image down to around 70KiB. they would ONLY have to get rid of "anti-theft" bullshit so the computer doesnt shut down after 30 minutes when you remove the IME.
>durr how hurr do you durr hurr access ssh without a monitor and keyboard
client machine, how do use and manage another computer without any keyboard or monitor on a client machine, just thin air and magic? or do you use a tty typewriter with a serial cable like me?
>not attached
linuxboot is basically just linux as your bios, you flash it and tell it to run your ssh daemon so you can access it over ethernet or whatever you connected your server to.
>durr how do you install the OS
since linuxboot is literally just busybox in your firmware, you can use this to unpack a tarball, write a disk image, do network boot, ssh into the booted OS, etc...
>muh RDP
whats that?
i havent seen any problems with it yet, it works flawlessly on my servers.
>durr you wont be able to access it
also false, retard
flashrom -p internal -w linuxboot.rom
there you go, how do wintoddler flash bioses?
OH WAIT- they CANT even access the whole chip LOL!
they have to do poorfag partial writes like fucking retards who cant be trusted to hack around with their computers
>linuxboot takes up a lot more space
linux isnt minix, it has a LOT more code and a LOT more features than minix.
>5MiB on a 16M bios
well all the proprietary israel inside shit i worked with in the past had either 8M or 16M flash chips, while older thinkpads have 2M and 4M ones. all the 8M ones i worked with had 6M ME images, while the 2 16M ones had 8M of ME bullshit.
>pretending that proprietary software is impossible to do forensics on
its not, but its a pain in the ass. the ME has pretty much been reverse engineered, and has been proven to be a rootkit. how do you think did they figure out how to remove the ME on pre-2008 hardware or shrink it to 70KiB on post-2008 hardware?
reverse engineering and years of hard tedious work of course.
its still proprietary and nobody needs or wants it, and my other points still stand. hell, at least give users the ability to remove it if they dont want it, or just dont include it by default and let users install it afterwards if they really want it for some reason, you will see that 99.9999% of all people who don't have servers will not do this because most of them dont even know what it is or does.
>muh enterprise
>theft protection and device surveillance
>thinkpads and SMELL latitude are enterprise laptops and have IME/AMT
exactly, its for restricting your freedom. its for spying on you in a business environment to make sure youre not stealing "your" laptop or doing anything "bad" with it, why the fuck would a normal home user want such a thing on his computer?
>you can access it via AMT
i mean directly access, root access, full control, a terminal you can fuck around in.
>you cant screw around with it and install a backdoor
>implying the IME isnt a backdoor by itself
and yes, you cant access it and fuck around with it, thats exactly what i meant.
>oy vey you shouldnt access the OS directly because muh backdoors
then how do you update the IME? muh hecking signed keys by intel that have been leaked recently so any script kiddo can flash his own ROM?
LOL, so much to security.


>absolute bullshit, you can remove the IME on pre-2008 hardware entirely
It's 2023. Not 2008. You can't remove the IME, it's in silicon. Intel would have to do another mask for no reason.

> they would ONLY have to get rid of "anti-theft" bullshit so the computer doesnt shut down after 30 minutes when you remove the IME.

And why would they do this? Your entire argument for removing the ME rests upon it being a backdoor, which has never been demonstrated. They would have to ship two ME firmwares out: one for vPro systems and one for non-vPro systems with no visible benefit. And new Intel CPUs contain an Imagination Engine anyways which is like the Management Engine but for 3rd parties to write their own code. Also, every x86 CPU since the 386SL has SMM. There is no way to disable SMM without breaking APM, ACPI, etc. which will make it impossible to use your computer.

> linuxboot is basically just linux as your bios

This is the most retarded idea ever.

> they have to do poorfag partial writes like fucking retards who cant be trusted to hack around with their computers

A malicious open-source APT package getting updated can reflash your BIOS. Amazing.

> exactly, its for restricting your freedom.

It's not the employee's laptop. It's the businesses. Are you retarded?

> and has been proven to be a rootkit

False. It has never been demonstrated that there is an intentional backdoor in the ME.


>durr hurrrrrrrr its 2023
i still use 2000-2008 hardware without any issues, where's your point?
malware, i don't need to play proprietary nigger simulators because i'm a white man and have better things to do.
computers that have less power than a 0.50$ calculator today have put a man on the moon, and all you can do is open a web browser and play nigger simulators?
>why would they get rid of anti-theft
because normal people who don't work in businesses don't need "anti theft".
besides, you can "disable" the IME and shrink it down to 70KiB with me_cleaner to trick it into thinking that its still present, in most cases this works
if this doesnt work, you can set a bit and tell the IME to kill itself and not do anything at all, this is what the NSA requested intel to do for them and it works in all cases, but you can't actually rely on it really disabling the IME, since it's not removed but merely disabled.
why doesn't intel give normal consoomers the ability to disable it this way, hm?
>h-has never been demonstrated!1!
so youre telling me a fucking rootkit meant for remote control, surveillance, and restricting peoples access to their computers isnt a backdoor?
take your fucking meds.
>ship 2 ME firmwares
no, they would have to flip a single bit.
>imagination engine
never heard of that, redpill me on this backdoor please
>no way to disable SMM without breaking APM ACPI etc...
why would i do this?
>durr hurr being able to ssh into your bios and getting rid of the need for an external KVM is retarded hurr durr
how so?
>open sores malicious
wintoddlers can reflash bioses with proprietary shitty bugfest flashers and still brick it by only partially flashing
freedom chads dont have malicious proprietary packages in their repos, and i WILL be able to reflash my ENTIRE bios with flashrom -p internal -w file.rom, without retarded bullshit malware guishit that does it for me. i compile my own firmware because im not a nigger like you.
oh by the way, you need to pass iomem=relaxed as kernel parameter to flash your firmware in the first place, so if you don't do this, you can't flash shit.
>durrrrr its not the users laptop hurrr its the businesses
yeah, not my problem because im not a wagecuck, i refuse to use computers i don't own and control by 100%.
and home users are NOT businesses, why can't they disable the IME?
all it does for home users is literally just run in the background, be a potential security issue, a backdoor, a pain in the ass if youre trying to make a bios backup or unbrick a computer, and suck your battery dry because it constantly runs in the background.
it IS an intentional backdoor
it HAS full control over ring 0 and has complete control over your whole hardware, including networking, input, main CPU, etc...
AND its meant to be used to control these things externally.
are you telling me that this isnt a rootkit?


i just bought 3 more CRTs to flex my superior monitors on you modern cucks with high latency, motion blur, unnecessary input latency and polling, digital video DRM shit, low refresh rates, no custom modes and resolutions, fixed resolutions, burnin, shitty quality, etc...



>why would i do this?

Because the SMM has full access to your memory and was the old "rootkit backdoor nsa" fud before the ME.

> white man and have better things to do.

Like what?


>being able to ssh into your bios and getting rid of the need for an external KVM is retarded hurr durr
Are you retarded? After you boot you will no longer have access to linuxboot. The BIOS transfers control to the OS. You cannot reset the computer remotely if it crashes or disable faulted components like RAM. I can SSH into iLOM and disable a memory controller and a CPU core while the computer is running.

It's far more likely that you have a rootkit backdoor secret nsa scary in your WiFi card, NIC, or hard drive controller.


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you clearly have never used linuxboot.
>wifi card
100% free
>NIC/HDD controller
NIC would be problematic, and HDD controllers dont matter aside from killing your drive randomly on purpose because "hey fuck you buy a new drive goy", since youll use FDE anyway.


>100% free
how do you know that there isnt a secret microcontroller logging all of your data and sending it to the nsa?



> you clearly have never used linuxboot

Can you access linuxboot and use the OS at the same time? E.g. if I am using OpenBSD. Can I reset the computer if there is a kernel panic?


because unlike you i actually file down my chips and compare them to the schematics.
>can i access lunixboot from the OS
ACPI, and yes you can
you can keep it running in the background, or configure your OS to force reboot if it crashes if you dont want that.

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