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/tech/ - Technology

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Face it, WINTODDLER. You're shitting on Linux out of jealousy and envy because you cannot use it!


have some compassion
you'd be frustrated too if you had to use that toy OS


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i say this and i look like this


why would I care that much about my OS when I just use my PC to play vidya


because some people have serious important work to do, and don't just use computers as toys to play video games like a child.


>serious important work
like using the open mouth bald man website?


Defending Aryan territory in the InfoWar is pretty serious business IMO


no, like administrating web servers, developing high quality software (i mean C and x86 asm, not soydev JS soyftware bullshit), making money with crypto and in ways, doing highly illegal shit online without getting caught, etc...
also this


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im not the one who has to use 200 hacks and scripts to "fix" my operating system and make it even remotely usable after spending 2 hours installing it and "activating" (""cracking"") it, i spend 10 minutes configuring X11 and keybinds, make some bash aliases (in reality i just copypaste my defaults, which takes one minute) and thats it.


Explain the difference between RPL, CPL, and DPL are and how to sum a register, a register shifted by a constant, and an immediate, stored into 3rd register, in a single instruction.


Explain the difference between RPL, CPL, and DPL are and how to sum a register, a register shifted by a constant, and an immediate, stored into 3rd register, in a single instruction.


CPL is the current privilege level, DPL is the privilege level of a segment, and RPL is shit nobody needs (requested privilege level)
>how to sum a register
>..., blabla teach me assembly pls
ADD eax, ebx
ADD eax, ecx, 2
ADD eax, 42
happy now?


>nobody cares about RPL
Not caring about RPL good way to get a GPF in ring 3 because you didn't setup the segment registers in the TSS (or other structure) properly.
>doesn't know about LEA
lea eax, [ebx+ecx*2+27]
>ADD eax, ecx, 2
This is an invalid instruction. The only x86 instruction that supports three operands is IMUL.

High quality software you are developing I am sure.

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