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/tech/ - Technology

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File: 1686921460968.png (399.75 KB, 640x480, wholesome soyjak blushing ….png)ImgOps


>hey soylita do you want to see my CRT collection?
<uhh... why is there a coinslot 'cado burnt into your phosphorus?
<how do i use this terminal, what does [root@penis] ~> mean??
>oh, ignore that...
>i'll show you how to use a USB line now
>you type 'lsblk' to list your drives and since it's sdb1, you type 'mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt' to mount it
<why are there images of naked children on your desktop?
<wait is this ME naked on your desktop?
>you see, the government puts backdoors into all modern tech, this is why i only used ancient 50 year old thinkpads and CRTs from the dumpster.
>i used the backdoor in your webcam to take those pictures, i hope you're not mad at me


what a fucking gemstone


File: 1686990125480.gif (85.19 KB, 518x380, 1666250905636.gif)ImgOps


hidden /tech/ gem




this is why /tech/ should never be deleted.


Great thread. Congratulations.

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