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/tech/ - Technology

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Why do they always get so mad whenever they see someone use Arch Linux or hear a mention of it?


meds no one hearts ibm


fedora is garbage albeit
but unlike arch, it actually works and isnt riddled with proprietary malware


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meds now


i use debian and hate all of that shit equally


>but unlike arch, it actually works and isnt riddled with proprietary malware
Fedora does have a clear policy about what can be included in the distribution, and it seems to be followed carefully. The policy requires that most software and all fonts be available under a free license, but makes an exception for certain kinds of nonfree firmware. Unfortunately, the decision to allow that firmware in the policy keeps Fedora from meeting the free system distribution guidelines.


still more free than arch garbage, arch is literally half proprietary at this point while fedora is like 10% proprietary in terms of the kernel


Nobody cares about your hobo philosophy! Haha! Nobody cares, loser.


as an ubuntu chad i kinda dont care


i use windows and laugh at freetards and their useless garbage


enjoy your trans flag lol


enjoy your half baked software faggot


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>enjoy your half baked software faggot


enjoy believing to retarded stereotypes that havent been true for more than a decade
linux has been more stable than shitdows for a long time. i never looked back after switching, even if you dont care about muh freedumbs the user experience is millions of times better


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>linux has been more stable than shitdows for a long time.
on loonix, my sound card, sleep mode, tty console, CJK fonts, and camera are all broken out of the box. on windows it just works


forgot to mention WiFi as well


does plug and play work on pedOS? or do you have to type out a mount command every time you plug in a usb drive


it's almost like the hardware manufacturers spent millions of dollars to design and test their hardware on a certain os


>muh tranny flag cope
i have literally never seen this on any of my machines
windows could probably get away with forcing a pride desktop background and people would still use it over your broken garbage


works on my machine. and most other machines. you just got unlucky.
>blah blah blah i love sucking dicks blah blah microdick please fill my computer with gay porn
average windows user


>works on my machine.
>you just got unlucky.
the jokes write themselves


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>haha im superior to you for wanting to use broken trash


>expecting a logical sane argument from deranged commie freetards


>muh broken
if you only knew how good things are on the other side


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troon is when you're not forced to have a trans flag on your computer or something


>be winchad/macfag, use your computer as a mere tool and get on with your life
>be lintroon, spend your whole life obsessing over winfags and trannies and configuring/customizing/updating your broken cope os


you're on the tech board so you clearly arent the average normie who doesnt care about computing
one more rason why you should grow up and use linux already


>grow up and use linux already
Sorry, im not a pedophile.


one day you'll realize i was right
i was like you once


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>one day you'll realize i was right
>i was like you once


i've used troonix on more servers than i can remember
why do you keep assuming people must be stuck on only one os
has to be the most illogical freetard tribalism cope, but that's no surprise since troonix users make their os their whole identity like trannies do with their sexuality


another anti linux win

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