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/tech/ - Technology

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File: 1687125112839.jpg (463.14 KB, 1024x682, ios16-custom-lock-screen_j….jpg)ImgOps


Seriously, using an iPhone feels luxurious, it is very well designed from an aesthetic standpoint, just feels cozy and stylish in the UI. It has limitations and not very useful or smartly executed, but damn the design gap is just soooo huge. Wish others tried harder.


an iphone is like driving a new mercedez-benz
poodroid is like driving a used honda civic
poorfags will cope all day but they will never understand lol



GEG keep seething poorfag


Cope and seethe, Samsung's One UI will always mog iOS


>poorjeet os


>Seriously, using an iPhone feels luxurious
feels frustrating, can't do shit on it.
>it is very well designed from an aesthetic standpoint, just feels cozy and stylish in the UI.
you are retarded


Keep seething iGods cant stop winning


>omg the BBC on my screen is so luxurious


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File: 1687479166284-2.png (1.86 MB, 2000x1000, mad angry brainlet soyjaks….png)ImgOps

File: 1687479166284-3.png (136.26 KB, 720x720, i uninstalled my phone key….png)ImgOps

iToddlers and pajeetdroid fags suck each others cocks while GNU chads rape 12 year olds in their basements


applemaxxed iCels be seething at samsung chads

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