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/tech/ - Technology

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File: 1687361587005.png (30.92 KB, 427x400, kikeflare.png)ImgOps


I hate sharty for using cloudflare. How am I supposed to make a client application for sharty when the kike is in the line and only allows (((browsers)))?


doll said he'll probably get rid of cuckflare soon because it doesn't prevent spam at all and only cucks legitimate soyteens who just want to shitpost
if you want to make a native client for the sharty, consider writing a plugin for https://git.dec05eba.com/QuickMedia
currently its C++, openGL, and X11, but a rewrite in zig with xrender is WIP because openGL and C++ are boilerplate clusterfucks. it eats 100 megs of ram, but would only need 1-5 megs if it wasnt for all the openGL bullshit.
i recommend waiting a few weeks until the zig rewrite with a proper plugin system is done, and all major changes and fixes have been applied to the sharty by doll.


It's me penaiple, also quickmedia usually only uses around 10-20mb private memory


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>I hate cloudflare because I can't spam 'p and also I'm a selfish little fuck


I just hate bloated browsers. I dont care if there is a captcha.


You just need valid cookies and cloudflare can still work even without js. Cloudflare filters poorfags, freetards, and schizos. They should keep it up for that reason alone.


meme language, also meme program.
just use C++ and QML


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>oy vey we should keep cuckflare because datamining and 4 gigs of ram being used to open a web browser is le good or something
>js is le good
>tracking is le good
>cookies are le good
>you VILL enable js
>you VILL enable cookies
>you VILL use ze modern backdoored hardware
C++ is boilerplate mental illness, its very ugly and broken.
yes its a meme program, and single-handedly BTFOs every other matrix client, 4cuck client, peertube client, jewtube client, etc... all at once




test failed, try again


won't we have the same exact problem even if we use a cloudflare replacement? like on kiwifarms they use some crypto mining bullshit to verify the page instead


no, if it doesnt require any proprietary JS (or even better, no JS at all) it would be perfectly fine.


It keeps out the poorest poorfags who can't even hit ten hashes/second


also cloudflare spy on you

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