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/tech/ - Technology

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==Kill arch troons. Behead arch troons. Roundhouse kick a arch troon into the concrete. Slam dunk a arch troon baby into the trashcan. Blast arch troons with Civil War cannons. Crucify filthy arch troons. Whip arch troons into obedience. Slingshot a arch troon into orbit. Rocket arch troons into the sun. Defecate in a arch troons food. Stir-fry arch troons in a wok. Bite a arch troon and drink their blood. Toss arch troons into active volcanoes. Urinate into a arch troon's gas tank. Judo throw arch troons into the wood chipper. Unscrew a arch troon's head off. Report arch troons to the IRS. Karate chop arch troons in half. Bake arch troons into arch troon-pizza. Arrest arch troons for no reason. Electrocute arch troons. Curb stomp pregnant arch troons. Beat a arch troon up. Trap arch troons in quicksand. Crush arch troons in the trash compactor. Liquefy arch troons in a vat of acid. Eat arch troons. Dissect arch troons. Exterminate arch troons in the gas chamber. Slice a arch troon up and wear their skin. Set arch troons on fire. Spin arch troons around until they puke. Tie arch troons to a train track. Karate kick a arch troon in the testicles. Stomp arch troon skulls with steel-toed boots. Broil arch troons into a broth. Cremate arch troons in the oven. Lobotomize arch troons. Deep fry arch troons. Grind arch troon fetuses in the garbage disposal. Fourth-trimester abortions for arch troons. Blend arch troons in a blender. Drown arch troons in fried chicken grease. Vaporize arch troons with a ray gun. Snap a arch troon's neck. Kick old arch troons down the stairs. Feed arch troons to alligators. Slice arch troons with a katana. Put a bomb in a arch troon's mouth. Throw knives at arch troons. Inflate arch troons until they pop. Send arch troons into a blackhole. Castrate arch troons. Feed arch troons poisoned food. Force arch troons to walk the plank. Push arch troons into a pit. Kneel on a arch troon's neck. Curse arch troons with a spell. Stuff arch troon babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten arch troons with a tank. Pop a arch troon's car tire. Strike arch troon children with a ruler. Make arch troons swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a arch troon's limbs. Airdrop arch troons into Antarctica. Throw arch troons off the boat. Pressurize arch troons into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a arch troon's ass. Falcon-punch a arch troon in the face. Make arch troons into fiction. Blow arch troons heads off with grenade launchers. Blow arch troons brains open with a sniper rifle.
Lock arch troons in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail arch troons to a cross and stab them. Run over arch troons with a tank feet-first. Throw arch troons off buildings. Crush arch troons with a press. Attack arch troons with acid. Boil arch troons in a pan. Lock arch troons inside a brazen bull. Burn arch troons alive. Drag arch troons across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on arch troons. Quarter arch troons.
Impale arch troons on a pike. Send aliens to abduct arch troons. Force arch troons to ride the euthanasia coaster. Crush arch troons with anvils. Throw arch troons off of rooftops. Incinerate arch troons. Starve arch troons. Blow arch troons up with dynamite. Gulp arch troons. Feast on arch troon eyeballs. Cave in a arch troon's skull. Kiss a arch troon to death. Peel a arch troon like a banana. Wipe out arch troon tribes. Deny arch troons into Heaven. Freeze arch troons in the vaccum of space. Hard boil a arch troon. Lock on to arch troons with a harpoon. Cryodesiccate a arch troon. Ferment arch troons into stew. Ensnare arch troons. Nark on arch troons to the army. Cause a total arch troon purge. Jam a arch troon into a geyser. Axe murder a arch troon. Unleash Smelvin upon arch troons. Put arch troons on ships going to Africa and blow up the ships after they set sail. Total arch troon death.==


archboreans won


remove gayland, then you will win


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What do anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, 9/11 truthers, and anti-Wayland activism all have in common? All of them are characterized by a blithe rejection of facts to embrace a narrative of victimization by a vague authority. In the case of Wayland, the “vague authority” are a bunch of volunteers who have devoted tens of thousands of hours of their free time towards making free shit for you. “Wayland sucks!” is a conspiracy theory with no basis in truth, and its supporters have spent years harassing Wayland maintainers, contributors, and users. And it’s time for it to fucking stop.

Maybe Wayland doesn’t work for your precious use-case. More likely, it does work, and you swallowed some propaganda based on an assumption which might have been correct 7 years ago. Regardless, I simply don’t give a shit about you anymore. I’ve tried appealing to reason and rationally debunking each lie that some Wayland detractor flavor-of-the-week is touting to tow the party line, but it didn’t work. So my new approach is “fuck you”. None of the Wayland detractors have a clue. They don’t understand Wayland, they don’t understand X11, they don’t understand Linux graphics or OpenGL or Vulkan or anything else in the stack. They don’t even understand what it’s like to use Wayland, because at most they might have spent 5 minutes installing it, realized that something was — gasp — different than X11, and then uninstalled it and wrote their angry Reddit comment.

It has a real cost, you know, being a dick to maintainers. It’s not good for our mental health. We’re out here trying to make things better. Wayland fixes unfixable problems with X11, and might have invented some new, fixable problems in the process — most of which have been fucking fixed already, and years ago! We’ve sacrificed our spare time to build this for you for free. If you turn around and harass us based on some utterly nonsensical conspiracy theories, then you’re a fucking asshole.

If you really want to live in your propagandized world of Wayland lies, then fine. You’re gonna maintain Xorg yourself, because we’re not going to volunteer our time, sacrifice our weekends and evenings staying up late for your sake, just to maintain that broken pile of shit. You know what, if you fork it and prove that you know what you’re doing for a while, we’d probably just give you the keys to upstream so you can maintain it yourself. If you do know what you’re doing, though, you’ll soon realize you want nothing to do with that shitty codebase.

Wayland works for almost everyone, and works for more people than is even possible with X11. Most of the lies you’ve heard about ways that it’s broken are just that: lies. And if you insist on living in that fantasy, then keep it to yourself, asshole.


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the sharty is literally the joos, why the hell did the meme arrow not work...


arrow FAIL therefore you look like that and say that


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meme arrow fail therefore I win


>meme arrow fail therefore I win


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you look like this


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==troons== have taken over arch, what will we do?


>open sores
*free software
and arch is basically half proprietary





if using only "free" software and a librebooted thinkpad from 2008-9 was actually viable and the FSF was not obnoxiously hypocritical

ill stick to my pinephone and mnt reform for now


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its perfectly viable, until recently i was using a T60 and the only reason i switched to an X200 is 8 gigs of ram for a ton of background daemon shit, and being able to play dreamcast games at full speed.
okay thats true
proprietary garbage, who the fuck actually buys such overpriced useless bullshit?


go to sleep retard methhead


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no, i have to wash my particle accelerators so i can build more xray machines to kill feds who dare to enter my home


bro you live in the basement of your mom, its's not "your" home


its my home, i kicked my mom out of my home when she got too annoying and let her back in next morning


junge du bist absolut ehrenlos falls das wahr ist


ich hab null respekt vor frauen, es spielt keine rolle wer es ist.



enjoy your autism from heavy metals
not even niggers in africa want crts anymore


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niggers are retarded and want hecking flatscreen 'smart' TVs instead


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german methfag you should try DXM once i think you would enjoy it


does it make me retarded?
or does it give me superpowers like meth and make me invincible, able to push my body beyond its physical limits?


idk it's just fun, dissociatives in general are fun, they say real pcp is like ketamine but with speed


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>its perfectly viable
if all you do is browse the sharty and jerk off to lisp and emacs im sure it works fantastic

>proprietary garbage

the main proprietary aspect of the pinephone is the RTL8723CS chip that provides bluetooth and wifi and im sure theres a couple other drivers laying around that are non-free. however it is the best choice available right now as the main alternative which unfortunately has the wonderful "respects your freedom" certification is the purism librem 5 which is passed of as entirely free but it most certainly isnt. this is the case thanks to the secondary processor exception loophole.

there is also various problems within RYF criteria and libreboot itself, which are actually acknowledged and have been talked about on libreboot.org. Most if not all of it has to do with binary blobs and there is a long list but the most important are the problem with firmware in the atheros wifi cards, FSF's ignorance towards proprietary EC firmware in thinkpads, FSF endorsing a few thinkpads pre-configured by minifree which had a plethora of problems, such as keeping the ATI video card and not actually removing/disabling the intel ME. and finally FSF's handling of microcode, which while proprietary is very dangerous to not handle properly.

>overpriced useless bullshit

one could argue buying anything related to "free software" and open source in general is useless but its clearly not.

==anyway== i think i have autism


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no, i actually do important work on my computer, but i also play videogames and shitpost on the sharty
ironically, shitposting on the sharty is the heaviest task i do, because it requires a fucking web browser.
>durr hurr tranny cope and made up bullshit
this burned in "firmware" is really just a bunch of opcodes telling the chip what to do, its less than a kb
the proprietary drivers/firmwares that are uploaded to intel cards are multiple kbs, and sometimes even a meg or so in size, who knows what theyre doing, also you get updated backdoors rather than ancient less advanced ones that were burned into chips at a chink factory 20 years ago.
>purism is free
its not, i dont even think the librem 5 is ryf certified
pureOS is, but the librem piece of garbage merely shoved proprietary blobs from the kernel onto other flash chips, and its R/W, just RO to the user because only (((OEMs))) should flash firmware, right?
>FSFs ignorance towards proprietary ec firmware
where did they ignore it?
its not nearly as problematic as proprietary hard drive firmware or wifi card firmware/drivers
>pre configured thinkpads
brainlet retards are good money printers, im telling hundreds of people on the internet to buy old thinkpads and libreboot them by themselves so the prices skyrocket and i can finally sell my 200 hoarded thinkpads for maximized profit
>keeping the ati video card
you cant just remove it kek, but i highly doubt libreboot actually kept proprietary ati blobs in there if they werent absolutely required for boot
the old policy was simply not supporting any proprietary shit, if it doesnt boot without a single blob its not supported. francis got tired of this and created osboot, but eventually merged it into libreboot and made libreboot proprietary.
now we have proprietary libreboot roms, and even the ones for XX00/T60/X60 contain ucode updates by default.
2 days ago he announced no-ucode roms, which is a good thing
im surprised that he is making good decisions and doesn't tell people what to do and not to do, its very non-tranny behavior.
>not actually removing the ME
i know that osboot and the new libreboot only "disables" the ME on intel chipsets for i-anything CPUs (anything past core 2 aka GM45/cantiga and earlier), but those were never and will never be RYF certified
>proprietary ucode is very dangerous to not handle properly
you handle it properly by getting rid of it, imagine wanting updated "mitigations" and new backdoors that make your cpu 20% slower and only makes it more inconvenient for script kiddies to gain root access
x86 is backdoored anyway, if you run something on ring 3 you have to assume that it finds its way to ring 0 if it really wants to.
you can literally echo shit into your .bashrc and alias it to sudo/doas/su/whatever to grab your password and install a rootkit.
if you run proprietary software you get backdoored either way, no "sandboxing" or ""mitigations"" will fix that. all they do is waste performance and cause problems.
>one could argue buying anything related to "free software" and open source in general is useless but its clearly not.
open sores is useless, and 90% of all those "freedom respecting" memes are half assed broken overpriced hacks to meet the RYF criteria
thanks but i'll rather buy 20$ thinkpads from ebay, than buying 2000$ "freedompads" from some freetard website ran by a tranny who merely installed libreboot and slapped his own sticker over the IBM/Lenovo one to 'rebrand' it
the same goes for wifi cards, there are 40$ wifi cards sold by freetards, while you can pick the exact same thing up for 2-5$ on ebay.


>important work on my computer


recompiling his kernel and trying to fix his graphics drivers


this is what GNUtards consider work.


one day he's gonna download some backdoored source code and have a nervous breakdown


making money, trading crypto at the speed of light, administrating multiple servers, fixing bugs in garbage software, making trannies on the internet commit suicide, and much more
no, my drivers work flawlessly (unlike proprietary wintoddler NOVIDEO garbage kek)
i recompile my kernel and hack around with it as a hobby to make it smaller
i read all of it before compiling and executing doe, you can't hide shit from me


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>i manually go through millions of lines of c every time there's a new update


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>he hasn't heard of patches/diff
to be expected from a frognigger


>making money, trading crypto at the speed of light
(He has lost $500 on hitlerredditdogeeloninucoin already)
Not real work and is done inside a web browser.


i think almost all the exchanges use cloudflare too kek
and force you to dox yourself and take kyc selfies
they are like the ultimate glowie websites


i shovel around thousands of shekels per day and sell them to people without KYC bullshit, they pay 2% extra but get their money without being datamined by jews.
>web browser
kek no, i don't run proprietary js
thats nothing, i make that in 2 days

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