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/tech/ - Technology

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Linuxtroons cannot handle the fact that the Macintosh had the best LISP IDE of all time and it ran in a few hundred K on a 8 MHz 68000.


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Mactroons cannot handle the fact that Linux has the best Python IDE of all time and it runs in a few dozen M on a 1 GHz AMD64.


>Runs on every OS
Few hundred K includes OS btw.


that's fucking trash is your post supposed to be bait?


>sir please do the needful and use vscode


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>Linuxtroons cannot handle the fact that the Macintosh had the best bla bla


i never suggested that spyware garbage nigger keep coping


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emacs is still the best IDE, iToddlers don't even have fucking arrow keys KEK


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>smartest freetard


hi linuxtroon


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i dunno but i don't see any arrowkeys here
and can your shitty emacs copycat read/write emails, be your web browser, rss client, act as your window manager and shell, as well as your terminal while playing tetris?


I am using a model with ADB keyboard. Emacs is extremely bloated. Eight Megabytes and Constantly Swapping = EMACS. This computer has 1 MB of RAM (expandable to 4 MB). Having your text editor inefficiently do a bunch of tasks is retarded.


emacs is an operating system and not just a text editor doe
>poorfag cant afford a real computer that can run a real operating system


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It's literally doing nothing and using 60MB of core.

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