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/tech/ - Technology

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Hello. I am a schizo who has a job. I do not want NSA backdoors on my computer anymore. Debian or Gentoo?


if you want to be ultra privacy you need to install SELinux because it was made by the smartest people of all time to protect ur computer from malevolent forces


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no arrow


DR-DOS is the only way that you can be sure that you are secure. Version 7.02 specifically.


Selinux is overengineered dust


>Debian or Gentoo?
Debian is only usable on servers, its shit as a desktop.
Also soystemd, wayland and elogind are NSA backdoors.
So use gentoo,
some use flags to disable:
-non-free -proprietary-codecs -bluetooth -qt -pulseaudio -pipewire -coreaudio -ios -cups -ppp -elogind -dbus -wayland -systemd -gnome -kde -ipv6
And also use linux-libre, linux is nonfree


you hate printers for some reason???


>no Bluetooth
>no QT
>no audio
>no printing
>no ipv6
do freetards really


>no blueooth
unsecure garbage
>no QT
gtk exists
>no audio
>no printing
dont need it
>no ipv6
solved all my networking problems


gtk is niggerdust.


you're being way too kind


its gem though because its name actually means Gay Tranny Kike


>no pulse
system literally unusable.


never used alsa before


if you really want to be secure and privacy you need a processor with "Intel ME" enabled because it protects your computer with a highly secure version of MINIX unix


she's right


why coreaudio


If you want to do any audio development, interacting straight with alsa API is fucked as shit


there are NSA, CIA, mossad, FSB, and fucking grey alien backdoors embedded in every integrated circuit in your computer. just use debian. what are you, a NEET? use debian mothafucka


The grey alien backdoors are in your brain though


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>has a job
>dont want backdoors anymore
freedom is incompatible with tech related jobs, no coping will help you there.
SELinux is literally an NSA backdoor
proprietary backdoor
this, linux-libre is just a set of patches to make the vanilla linux kernel free
on gentoo you can just deblob it yourself, or copypaste those patches
linux-libre is meant for binary distros.
made by crapple, and printers are tracking devices
this, bluejooz is literally useless and just a security threat, imagine the latency...
what do you even use it for?
garbage too, dont use toolkits
>durr no audio
kek do wintoddlers really think that removing kikewire and pulse leaves you with no audio?
>ipv6 solved all my networking problems
the only people who use ipv6 are pajeets and amerimutts
crybaby, pulse and kikewire break your audio, enjoy your underruns and crackled shit
pulse is just more garbage thrown on top of alsa, and kikewire is more shit thrown on top of pulse
absolutely, make sure to forward all your ports and enable the phoning home to intel, also DONT remove it or anything, keep giving it full control over your entire hardware because intel will keep you secured!
only if youre a brainlet who cant into kernel development
gaybian is for faggots doe, and its unusable on a desktop
you need at least 3 package managers to make it usable, or enjoy git cloning and make install kek


>has a job



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DR-DOS and OpenDOS are the same thing. Caldera released the source for the OpenDOS (that is DR-DOS) IBMBIO.COM, IBMDOS.COM, and COMMAND.COM. Not like you would need the source as you can just patch the IVT.


You would have to use a computer from the 90s, backdoors have been a thing for most of computing


just get a thinkpad or some old desktop/server board and install libreboot on it
the only important thing is that it runs blob free without IME/PSP and without any other shit like memory initialization blobs, so get some XX00 thinkpad or anything with GM45.



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