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/tech/ - Technology

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OpenIndiana is quite promising, in my opinion.


>2 gb ram usage with just the terminal open
into the freetard trash can it goes


Let's see Windows 11 get such relatively low RAM usage.

Additionally, OpenIndiana is using the OpenZFS file system.


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>into the freetard trash can it goes

Don't you mean… /bin/trash ?


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freetards are awfully quiet after this one


>the microshill is also the frogposter

Colour me surprised.


so where is that pride flag that windows allegedly has you keep sperging on about


>Solaris distribution
>Doesn't run properly on SPARC (I have tested, the only OS that will run on SPARC anymore is Debian sid [stable doesn't boot])
Literally what is the point?


Solaris = Java host OS. Built for BJC.


I'll bet Minecraft runs quite well on Illumos



Even breitbart covers it, you wanker.

Why don't you ask Bill Gates why he named his company after his tallywhacker?


Have you seen Amazon?


literally kike controlled opposition


>what is swapping
so true technologically illiterate wintoddler bro


>Paged pool: 87.8 MB


>2 gigs of ram used
>ayymd PSP inside
>he has to use ram compression and cripple performance because hes poor
geg, do wintoddlers really compress all of their ram??
>whats swap?
hes a 12 year old squeaking 150cm tall soyboy
>he has to hide them


>available: 15.3M
KEK poorfag detected
now allocate more RAM to it, lets say 16 gigs
and show us how much it takes up now.


memory should be filled up to maximum capacity with things cached from disk.


its a vm you retard, no one has 300m of ram nowadays. the point is that it will run on that hardware


>>he has to use ram compression and cripple performance because hes poor
>geg, do wintoddlers really compress all of their ram??
RAM compression only applies to the disk cache, not applications working memory. and my performance is unaffected by it because I don't use a core 2 duo


>compressed ram
zram, formerly called compcache, is a Linux kernel module for creating a compressed block device in RAM, i.e. a RAM disk with on-the-fly disk compression. The block device created with zram can then be used for swap or as general-purpose RAM disk. The two most common uses for zram are for the storage of temporary files (/tmp) and as a swap device. Initially, zram had only the latter function, hence the original name "compcache" ("compressed cache").

After four years in the Linux kernel's driver staging area, zram was introduced into the mainline Linux kernel in version 3.14, released on March 30, 2014.[1] From Linux kernel version 3.15 onwards (released on June 8, 2014), zram supports multiple compression streams and multiple compression algorithms. Compression algorithms include DEFLATE (DEFLATE), LZ4 (LZ4, and LZ4HC "high compression"), LZO (LZO-RLE "run-length encoding"),[2] Zstandard (ZSTD), 842 (842). From kernel 5.1, the default is LZO-RLE,[2] which has a balance of speed and compression ratio. Like most other system parameters, the compression algorithm can be selected via sysfs.[3]

When used as a compressed swap space, zram is similar to zswap, which is not a general-purpose RAM disk, but rather an in-kernel compressed cache for swap pages. Until the introduction of CONFIG_ZRAM_WRITEBACK in kernel version 4.14, unlike zswap, zram was unable to use a storage device as a backing store, so it was unable to move less-frequently used pages to disk. However, zswap always requires a backing store, which is not the case for zram.

When used for swap, zram (like zswap) allows Linux to make more efficient use of RAM, since the operating system can then hold more pages of memory in the compressed swap than if the same amount of RAM had been used as application memory or disk cache. This is particularly effective on machines that do not have much memory.[4][5] In 2012, Ubuntu briefly considered enabling zram by default on computers with small amounts of installed RAM.[6] For this same reason, Fedora enabled zram by default starting with release 33.[7]

Using compressed swap space with zram or zswap also offers advantages for low-end hardware devices such as embedded devices and netbooks. Such devices usually use flash-based storage, which has limited lifespan due to write amplification, and may also use it to provide swap space. Using zram or zswap reduces the swap usage, which effectively reduces the amount of wear placed on flash-based storage and makes it last longer. Using zram also results in significantly reduced I/O for Linux systems that require swapping.[8][9]


and MATE, and caching services for speed. I wish more Unices besides just macOS had a memory pressure indicator, cause these kernels tend to have 400 megs of actual program and the rest is things it's doing to speed your computer up that it can throw as needed


ur ascii logo look like a hanging tranny tough


just realized that KEK


Because OpenIndiana hangs all the shitty troon operating systems high.


>>ayymd PSP inside
What, do you expect me to use, Intel with the IME? SPARC which is impossible for the average joe to get a hold of?

I'm using a Ryzen because that's what I chose to use when I built my PC back in 2020. It works.


SPARC has iLOM which performs the same function as PSP and IME but freetards don't understand computer organization and view everything through the lenses of their copyright cult.


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>durrrr hurrrr IME
yes, get an old thinkpad and get rid of the IME retard
>muh scheißen, i "built" ""muh"" pc, it just w-ACK!
until your propritary shitware drivers ACK and ucode "mitigations" fuck your performance


So far, my machine is functioning just fine. You're the troon, here.


you don't do anything other than opening a web browser and running proprietary AAA games with anticheat rootkits.


Incorrect. I run Shotcut, LMMS, GNU Image Manipulator, Blender, and LibreOffice on my machine, and they work without fail.


Nothing has happened though

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