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/tech/ - Technology

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File: 1687862343150-0.png (29.37 KB, 342x500, logo.png)ImgOps

File: 1687862343150-1.webm (417.64 KB, 1100x704, Screen recording 2023-06-….webm)ImgOps



Since the archive is closed, I have made a script that allows you to search the booru for an image while on sharty (similar to the one on 4chan). It helps with quickly uploading soyjaks to the booru, as currently image search is not possible there.





this is definitely malware, 'teens stay clear of this


i just emailed mental outlaw and he confirmed that this is 100% malware


all the code is there


meds it just checks md5


What's up guys, mental outlaw here, I confirm that this is a malware spyware honeypot made by the feds to track you




Best thing ever invented by a 'teen.


not malware but still soy

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