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what phone should I buy an apple or an android?


an iphone is better and will last way longer
i have an ancient 6s that still gets security updates
ignore the freetarded schizos if you want privacy dont use cell phones




>will last longer
3 years until it breaks, becomes slow, and gets cucked by crapple because its ""EOL"" and ""outdated"" isnt long...
5 years isnt long either for a crappy pajeetdroid
just get a thinkpad, i intentionally buy thinkpads that are older than 15 years because everything modern is backdoored defective garbage and overpriced for less quality
>b-but muh performance
dont run garbage software


a nokia dumbphone


get an iph-
nvm do this


>>b-but muh performance
>dont run garbage software
neet take

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