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I hear it glows, but it seems to only be used on business and embedded computers

Who is it of immediate concern to, and for what reasons?


Intel adds a feature present on almost all enterprise architectures (OOB Management: SPARC, POWER, enterprise x86 boards etc.) to all x86 chips. Freetards don't understand computer architecture and flip out claiming its a "backdoor" (this is anti-x86 FUD and has never been demonstrated). The IME manages startup of the CPU, TPM (sometimes), and some power management. There is also the Innovation Engine which allows for vendors to build embedded controller applications in the chipset. x86 has had system management features that freetards would call "backdoors" going back to the 386SL with the implementation of SMM which is a special mode that the CPU goes into when a pin on the CPU is pulled high that allows for system management. Some older laptops allow for on the fly resolution changes and BIOS setup hotkeys with this (you can enter the BIOS setup at any time by pressing a key.) Ignore anti-x86 propaganda.


its literally the boogieman for schizophrenic pedophiles (aka all /g/ tards) so its nothing to be concerned about as its disabled for consumer machines, you may be a bit scared if its like a surplus cooperate/school computer you picked up at an auction or something


IME sounds rather useful. Could it be used for a hypervisor to run 2 OSes at once, or for cluster computing?


Better way to disable it is get Chinese motherboards that let you overclock Xeon CPU off aliexpress, some of these have Russian hacker BIOS with Intel ME disabled (or a BIOS setting)

Maybe I will make a thread on this, as it could be used to make a budget supercomputer (like 128gb RAM PC for $300)


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Generally the idea is to make picrel KVM over IP switches obsolete and allowing for direct KVM using AMT via VNC (picrel) (https://notworkd.com/post/using-intel-vpro-amt-me-as-a-poor-mans-ilo-for-kvm/). Other features include remote media mounting, time-based wake up, and event log viewing.
I am interested. What kind of CPU do these mobos take? And are they using non-shit capacitors?


>only used on business and embedded computers
used by the user you mean, but it's still present (and running in the backgronud 24/7) on all consoomer devices made after 2006, no matter how shitty it is
there are literal fucking netbooks without ethernet ports that have the ME on their chipset, the CPU will refuse to boot or shut down after 30 minutes without it.
just use a kvm or linuxboot like a sane person if you manage enterprise servers.
if you don't need the ME, remove it.
libreboot exists for old boards and you can completely remove it on pre-2008 hardware, and for anything past 2008 you can use me_cleaner to get rid of most shit, leaving a ~70kb stub behind (which is still proprietary)

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