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/tech/ - Technology

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>small memory footprint and quick boot, you could run this on ancient computers from a flash drive just fine
>no useless bloat indexing files and phoning home in the background without your consent
>no retarded or ugly user interfaces
>no wayland/pipewire
>no flatpaks/snaps
>systemd hadn't completely taken over everything yet
>worst thing you had to deal with was networkmanager and resolvconf which could be easily disabled
>still had wine32
>somewhat popular, normie friendly, and supported by large corporation
picrel was the actual peak of linux desktop
everything got bloated and completely taken over by tranny nutjobs and incompetent hypersensitive soydevs after this




also i'm trans


userbase 00.1%


ops i missquoted, i'm OP in reality and im a proud trans woman


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fake and gay doe


flatpaks are good for gaming though


xfeces is literally almost as heavy as KDE
if you get rid of balloo and the other nonsense KDE has slapped on top, you're left with a bit more functionality than xfeces, and better performance
the only point it still sucks at is size, KDE is much bigger than xfeces.
if you want something lightweight, try mate, or literally i3/dwm.


even before CSD, something about xfce never sat right with me. i don't know what it is - i can't quite articulate it. maybe it's thunar? anyway trinity and mate are better


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>GNOME won


back then it was light doe
i rememeber using it on vps with like 256 mb ram


OP here im trans and love tbp

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