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So this is supposed to be the freedom and power of open sores trannyfox? Yeah I think I'm gonna stick to chrome.




inb4 the troons tell me to use librewolf, that shit is even more broken


chromeboreans can't stop WINNING


you're actually right about that kek, whenever i download an image through librewolf it straight up breaks. like the image is just a bunch of scanlines. same goes for when i upload images. maybe ungoogled chromium is good? fuck brave btw


ungoogled chromium is the patrician's choice
firefox is trannyware garbage


>like the image is just a bunch of scanlines
that happened to me all the time when i was using "hardened" firefox. and i suppose librewolf is just a glorified hardened firefox so makes sense.
yeah switch to ungoogled chromium and you'll never look back.
be sure to install the chromium web store otherwise you cant install extensions from google's store
after you've done this its as comfy as it gets


try iceweasel, nobody ever said that firefuck was free software.
same shit as chromium or "libre"wolf, it poorly tries to make something free that is impossible to audit or fuck around with.
>sure goy just install pre compiled shit from the jewgle web store
this is your mindset, chromeosexual
and no, you aren't any better, zogzilla faggot.


you mean GNU IceCat. IceWeasel was Debian Firefox.

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