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/tech/ - Technology

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why should I care what OS i'm using when i just use my PC to browse image boards and play vidya for like 1-2 hours a day


>why should I care about something I use daily
normaloid bros.. why are we so retarded


>why would i care if my game runs at 20fps instead of 160 and crashes every 2 hours or something, why would i care about 2 minutes boot time instead of 5 seconds?


all of my games run well over 300 FPS, even newer ones and my games never crash unless i download six gorillion mods


once some vulnerability gets discovered and you need hecking ucode fixes and "mitigations" to updoot your backoors your performance will be halved
and don't even get me started on hecking OEM key leaks, everyone shits his pants when they happen because now not just ASUS can backdoor you, but every script kiddo who knows how to torrent leaked keys.
your games could run at 600fps and 4K, why not?!


Why would you have an issue with OEM key leaks?


leaked oem keys dont matter unless youre downloading bios updates from some shady website


exactly. why does gnuschizo care? Aren't leaked OEM keys how people are able to port coreboot to new machines?


leaked OEM keys are why proprietards with automatic updates shit their fucking pants


linux is shit for gaming though and i have a 60hz monitor


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i don't use lunix doe, what you're taking about is called GNU
>shit for gaeming
then how do i get 60-160fps in my games on a 15 year old potato computer?
i can emulate dreamcast games at full speed without any problems
cucked, imagine being locked to only one refresh rate LOL
what will you do if you have a game that is locked to something like 70hz, or 35?
what about 50?
>inb4 name one game
doom is locked to 35 (dos runs at 70 so its halved), runescape is locked to 50
besides, who wants 60fps for fast paced FPS games anyway, are you a noob or something?
i guess LCD tards really can't see the different because of all the motion blur and latency lol
i have zero motion blur and nearly zero latency, you will never be able to compete, flatscreen cuck.


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>i don't use lunix doe, what you're taking about is called GNU




>then how do i get 60-160fps in my games on a 15
what do you play, pac-man?


You shouldnt. You should use linux if you have to use linux and windows if you have to use windows.
Pretending you need to use bleeding edge shit to shitpost and play warzone is retarded.


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Microsoft Windows is the operating system of the anti Christ. Literally anything else by comparison is therefore there off automatically superior. Just use Linux Mint or Manjaro if you've got a semi ancient processor or however the packman terminal is configured.

And don't fall for the 'de-blaoted' Win OS, that's a glownigger psy-op, trust me, I barely know WTF I'm talking about but I'm pretty certain non the less.


>I barely know WTF I'm talking about
we could tell


He's right tho


GNU is the operating system of Communism.


I dumped Windows long ago because it was unusable.

>they bother you with update shit you don't care about

>if you say no enough times, they will FORCE you to do it
>they will even shut down your PC remotely even if you're doing something important (rendering, compiling, etc.) to force you to update

That alone was enough to make me switch to Linux Mint.
Then there are the other concerns about privacy and so on that I never really cared about.
There's also that it comes with a bunch of pre-installed shit I don't want and they don't let me remove.
Plus a lot of advertising. In a product they FORCED ME TO PAY FOR.
And also the fact that it isn't really safe.

Using Windows feels like having Bill Gates spit in your face every time you boot your computer.
If you know how to install Linux Mint (and it's really easy) you eventually ragequit using it.


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vid rel KEK
enjoy your sodomy flags in your task bar lmao, 50% CPU usage and 75% RAM usage in idle for the hecking faggot flags and telemetry, and you gotta pay for this garbage


[chud@4threich ~] ~> uptime
07:40:07 up 63 days, 7:26, 1 user, load average: 0.04, 0.11, 0.09
wintoddlers are jealous.


>enjoy your sodomy flags in your task bar lmao, 50% CPU usage and 75% RAM usage in idle for the hecking faggot flags and telemetry, and you gotta pay for this garbage
even tho i never saw the sodomoy flag and i have less than 1% CPU usage and less than 5% RAM usage while idiling


even doe i removed the bloatware and permanently disabled updates


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>implying you can "remove bloatware"
nigger you can't even recompile your kernel kek
>permanently disabled updates
do wintoddlers really?


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>i need to recompile my kernel because uhhh... i just do even doe i dont even know what it does i just do it to feel cool and my computing experience would be fine if i never did it


no, i need to recompile my kernel to throw out unneeded drivers because lunix is a monolithic kernel that is meant to be compiled by the user, drivers aren't completely fucked and bluescreen your system if a single thing breaks like on winglows
i also need to recompile if there are any new patches i actually want, for security and all that shit


this tbh


>unneeded drivers
do you know that unneeded drivers don't run?
>i also need to recompile if there are any new patches i actually want, for security and all that shit
thats the job of your distro maintainer


>i need to recompile my kernel to throw out unneeded drivers because lunix is a monolithic kernel
Modules have nothing to do with monolithic vs microkernel. Linux is a modular kernel. Just don't load the modules you don't need.
>bluescreen your system if a single thing breaks
Linux will kernel panic if an exception occurs in kernel mode. NT will attempt to reload the driver or disable the device. If an exception occurs anywhere in the Linux kernel, the kernel panics.

15 year old skids like gnupedo will pretend that "recompiling the kernel" is some grand feat and make fun of people who don't waste hours doing it, even though all they are doing is running `make'. They have never actually written any substantial amount of kernel mode code, let alone a driver.


yes they dont run, so why the fuck would i keep them in my kernel to take up space and take longer to load?
i dont have any modules and threw all drivers directly into my kernel and throw out what i dont need, for superior speed and binary size.
gentoo maintainers say otherwise, and if youre not a nigger you are able to run git clone, copy some shit, make menuconfig, save .config, and recompile
distro maintainers try to make everything as compatible for everyone as possible, they dont care about schizos who use 15 year old computers and dont need 90% of all drivers, they will still be kept in because everyone else might need them
yes, microkernels or hybrids are better in that regard, assuming youre a nigger and dont know how to recompile a kernel, or dont want to wait 10 minutes for it to compile
thats how NT happened, enjoy your bluescreens.


Sorry, my mouse movement is off in linux, i dual boot ghost spectre and linux mint btw


stop fucking up your xorg.conf somehow, your mouse will work perfectly fine if you don't mess around with it
all i need is
xinput set-prop 10 "libinput Accel Speed" -0.55 &


Tried that and still is off compared to windows, also every game is different in linux for some reason, not going full Shitux.


>its different somehow but i cant describe how
>something is off but i dont know what is off
take your meds, you probably just use a meme DE and enabled acceleration instead of just having a dumb mouse that moves the cursor exactly as fast as you move the mouse


CS GO is alright
Tf2 has double the mouse speed
Quake Live as 0.76whatever mouse speed
i use Lxqt btw


>has double the mouse speed
adjust your fucking input
again, adjust your mouse speed
meme, just use i3
you customize your mouse speed for your cursor and specific games anyway, dont act like you do everything on default dpi


I used i3 because i liked it, but everytime i boot brave or steam it screams at me that a file is missing.


>you customize your mouse speed for your cursor and specific games anyway, dont act like you do everything on default dpi
They are all IdTech adjacent, and by that logic they should all have the same sensitivity, which they do on windows but not on linux, i dont know some virtualization bullshit.


i have no clue what you are talking about because i dont use proprietary broken malware, but these things happen if you try to run malware that is designed to break
and your window manager has absolutely nothing to do with any files missing, take your meds
>same sensitivity
no clue why they dont but i configure my speed to be very fast
...are you really running a fucking vm to run games?


The engine, Quake Live is idtech3 i think and the source engine is from goldsource which is a copy of idtech2, they all handle the mouse the same way so you put a number in the terminal for sensitivity and its the same for all games.
>>same sensitivity
no clue why they dont but i configure >my speed to be very fast
They do have the same input on windows because its the same engine.
>...are you really running a fucking vm to run games?
no, but for some reason they have different inputs, i just threw shit at the wall saying its virtualization because i dont see a reason why it shouldnt be the same.


>ackchyualley the engine is the same
>they totally use the same binaries and arent recompiled or modified or anything
>they also totally have the same default configs and all
meds, and welcome to compatibility layer wintoddler garbage


They do have the same input on windows though.


literal 60iq


After troubleshooting the command you posted is wrong, you're setting the accel exponent to -0.55 so you're decreasing your sensitivity on movement actually, so you first need to find your mouse id or name through $ xinput --list and turn off the acceleration with
xinput --set-prop device-id 'libinput Accel Profile Enabled' 0, 1
and then you set your Accel Speed to 0
Which is not permanent, i followed the arch linux manual while on Linux Mint and it asked me to create a file on /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-mouse-acceleration.conf with some syntax, to which i did and still didnt work, so i need to setup a crontab to initiate those commands for me, i tried to put @reboot ~/init.sh at first and it didnt work so now i put the full path for the script and i hope it works next time i bootup.


its enabled by default and my mouse ID is always the same for a trackpoint on basically all thinkpads, at least GM45 ones


just do
xset m 3 1
and stop being autistic


i have multiple mice input devices doe

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