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/tech/ - Technology

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>you WILL use x86
>you WILL like the IME
>you WILL suck at PPW
>you WILL be inefficient
>you WILL be built for Big Windows Cock
>and you WILL be happy


RISC shill.


im trans


>I LOVE RISC (Reduced In girth Small Cock) computing and RISC cpus!


>x86 sucks at ppw
source? what makes x86 bad at ppw?


bunch of bullshit non instructions through microcode and shitty uarches made by intard


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>requires kilobytes of ucode to do fucking anything



>microcode… le bad!
>thousands of logic gates making cpu vuln updates impossible… good!


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>compiler made by someone with a brain... le bad!
>slow instructions for bullshit nobody does anyways... le goodie!!!


>talking about control unit
anon r u retarded
also microcoded instructions aren't slow, microcode roms aren't particularly slow and we've got microop caches for when they are.


cisctards when RISChads don't need microcode cause they compile programs correctly


if the compiler does a good job then why not VLIW... oh because the compiler doesn't do a good job.


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what does compiling have to do with how cpus decode instructions anon


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>you WILL use x86 bla bla
>you WILL like the IME bla bla
>you WILL suck at PPW bla bla


The idea of RISC is that the compiler will be able to use a small amount of instructions more effectively than a large set of instructions. VLIW took it further where the compiler handles instruction scheduling instead of letting the CPU do it via a superscalar design. VLIW led to Itanium which sucked.


lunar lake seems promising albeit


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because it isnt meds now


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>raptor lake


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